My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 360 The evil dragon is just right

"This is the Fire Emblem you deserve."

Asha handed over the badge that was like a blazing flame, "Congratulations! Excellent trainer!"


Kashiwagi took it with both hands and nodded in greeting.

As a young trainer from Hoenn, Asha is still very good. However, because she has been the gym leader for so long, most of the Pokémon information has been leaked online.

In addition, gym battles are mainly about teaching, and Pokémon cannot be exchanged freely, resulting in the inability to fully display their combat effectiveness.

When the Pokémon World Championship starts, or when one of the kings retires or takes the initiative, Asha will know what her true strength is when she participates.


Mulla looked at Kashiwagi, the admiration in his eyes could not be concealed.

He rarely meets young trainers who he likes so well. Unfortunately, he is already too old and has too much ambition and strength. In addition, in recent years, he has been addicted to Pokémon Kawaryanagi and has been unable to extricate himself. In all aspects, he is not as good as when he was the gym leader. Otherwise, He had to be accepted as a student.

It may not be a good thing to say, but Mulla feels that this child's future achievements may be much higher than those of his granddaughter.

Especially when he knew that Kashiwagi had only started breeding Pokémon for half a year.

"There are many powerful fire-type Pokémon on Chimney Mountain. If you are interested in fire-type Pokémon, you can go for a stroll, or go to the Flame Trail, which is also very good."

Mura couldn't help but love the fire Pokémon.

"Ok, thank you."

Kashiwagi put the badge properly, thanked the old man, and asked Asha in a low voice about Team Rocket's base, "Can you please tell me, the reason why Team Rocket came to Hoenn... is simply to add a branch base?"

"I'm really not sure about this."

Asha scratched her head and asked strangely: "Why do you seem to care so much about Team Rocket?"

"Of course I'm worried about meeting them next."

His reason is very good, "The Rockets do all kinds of deceptions and abductions. Knowing the reason, I can be more careful, what if there is something on me that they are targeting?"

Yasha nodded generously, "That makes sense! It's better to do this. I'll accompany you to the police station and ask."

"Okay! Thank you!"


The two said goodbye to Mura, first went to the Pokémon Center to heal the Pokémon's injuries, and then came to the police station.

It just so happened that Miss Junsha also planned to come to Yasha.

"Is there such a thing as a super crystal mine on Chimney Mountain? Does Mr. Mulla know about this?" She held a report in her hand and handed it over when she saw the latter.

How could Yasha know this stuff? She said with a confused expression, "I don't know. I'll go back and ask later. By the way! Miss Junsha, why did Team Rocket set up a secret base in Chimney Mountain?"

"Just for this super crystal mine, it seems to be related to super evolution."

Junsha pointed to the report, "And this secret base does not belong to Team Rocket. They just occupied Team Lava's abandoned base."

"Ah~ that's what it looks like~"

Asha "suddenly realized", then turned to look at Kashiwagi next to her, "Do you understand?"

The latter nodded slightly, "roughly..."

Team Rocket actually came here to super evolve. He really didn't think of this at the first time, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was reasonable and should be taken for granted.

With Sakaki's strategic vision, how could he ignore this huge power.

The reasons for the formation of super stones are quite complex. Some say it is life energy, while others say it is natural energy.

The Hoenn region is one of the origins of super evolution. In the animation, the root is identified as an ancient colorful boulder that contains huge primitive energy.

Combined with game content.

Kashiwagi tentatively believed that this thing was a colorful meteorite that fell from the sky thousands of years ago.

At that time, the original Groudon and the original Kyogre were fighting endlessly all day long, just to compete for the huge natural energy in the Hoenn region. However, as the colorful meteorite landed in the Meteor Falls, Rayquaza arrived and ended the battle between the two.

It's probably this one.

In the animation, it was later taken away by Vladali and copied into a fake Zygarde, which almost destroyed the Kalos region. When it appeared, it caused a fight among the three gods of sea, land and air.

So does the super crystal mine the Rockets are looking for exist?

Kashiwagi feels hard to say.

What if it is a larger fragment that was broken down by the meteorite as it fell? Most of the super stones scattered throughout the Hoenn region are meteorite fragments.


So far, only he knows about this situation.

The trouble is that he doesn't know where the legendary boulder is. The animation doesn't even go through the search process, and the screen directly switches to a certain ruins.

But judging from the fact that one of the Rockets in Sun and Moon has been able to super evolve Boss Cordora, Team Rocket should have gained something...

Did Raikou come to the Hoenn region to prevent Team Rocket from mastering super evolution?

Unfortunately, the three holy beasts of the Phoenix Guards cannot super evolve.

The reason is roughly figured out.

Kashiwagi asked Huocun on his mobile phone.

"You have a secret base near the concave and convex mountain roads of Chimney Mountain?" 』


There was a reply within two seconds of sending the message.

Huimura: "How do you know?" Did you find out? It must have all been emptied out! 』

Kashiwagi: "It's a pity that your old base has been occupied by Team Rocket. They are looking for some super crystal mine. It probably has something to do with super evolution. Do you know this stuff?" 』

Huo Cun: "Super crystal mine?" ha! Isn’t this the project we abandoned N years ago? 』

Kashiwagi: "How do you say that?" Can you disclose it? 』

Kamura: "It's okay to tell you. Back then, in order to make Groudon's original return more powerful, we looked for super stones and key stones everywhere. We thought that since this thing is a stone, there must be a whole vein of minerals there, maybe we can give it Provide enough power...and you know, get nothing. 』

Kamura: "Ah!" It's not like I found nothing. I was lucky enough to find a few key stones and super stones. This is how the super stones and key stones of Boss Chi Yansong and Huo Yan came from. 』

Kashiwagi: "I see, thank you very much!" 』

Huimura: "It's okay. I also want to thank you for reminding us that the Hoenn area is not a place where Team Rocket can come casually. We will let them go back to Kanto and Johto." 』

Kashiwagi: "Ugh!" Are you going to start a war? 』

Huimura: "It depends on the situation. I am a legal company now." By the way, you can also inform the Marine team, they don't have a good impression of the Rockets either. 』

Kashiwagi: "...Okay." 』

Although it's unclear why Team Lava and Team Ocean are so hostile to Team Rocket, it's pretty good to find someone to deal with them.

Perhaps it is in line with that sentence, that peers are the ones with naked hatred?

Even though the red and blue teams have stopped taking evil ways now.


Return to hotel.

Kashiwagi originally planned to check with Raikou.

As a result, the other party seemed to have slipped out, leaving only a towel floating in the pool.

"This big cat didn't think he was healed and just left quietly, right?" He looked around suspiciously, thinking that Lei Gong wouldn't be so heartless.

He ran away without saying a word.

If you really run away without saying anything, then be prepared not to talk about martial ethics next time you see Kashiwagi - first subdue him before you meet him, even if you will definitely give Thunder Lord his freedom later, just to scare him.

But it also needs to be made clear how much resentment it has.

The belly and head haven’t even reached it yet!

"never mind."

Kashiwagi shook his head and raised his hand to release his Pokémon.


Three evil dragons appeared and rushed towards the trainer eagerly——

I managed to get away and hit the bed.

This is not because Kashiwagi deliberately dodges, but because the three evil dragons have always had the dual perspective of two heads after gaining vision, and they often adjust their positions when attacking the trainer.

As a result, the dual perspective has been changed to a single perspective. I am not used to it on the spot, and my sense of space needs to be cultivated again.

The three evil dragons are very anxious.


"Okay, okay! You have a broken voice!" Kashiwagi reluctantly put his right hand into its huge mouth.

The three evil dragons closed their mouths and felt that the trainer's hands were much smaller.

But it's still the same familiar taste as before.

The emotions that were very intense just now calmed down quickly.

Compared with the two-headed tyrannosaurus period, the three-headed dragons have grown significantly in size. From the average height of 180 centimeters recorded in the illustrated book to almost 210 centimeters, they have become as big a monster as Boscodora.

It is an extremely severe test even for a double bed.

Fortunately, this guy has levitating characteristics. He can control his whereabouts, and he can also float in mid-air unconsciously. He can sleep without touching the bed at all.

It's just not very friendly to Kashiwagi's heart.

When you wake up in the middle of the night or during the day, the first thing you will see is the big and fierce heads of the three evil dragons.

"You look much more fierce now than before."

Kashiwagi pulled the three evil dragons in front of the floor-length mirror so that he could take a good look at his new appearance and make it easier for him to adapt later.


The three evil dragons looked at the completely unfamiliar guy in the mirror. They were a little panicked at first, and then they realized that their claws had turned into two mouths.

But there is still only one field of view, not three.



The three evil dragons turned their heads, waved their two mouths and asked the trainer why.

"Because these two heads have no brains, unlike your previous two heads. You only have the real head now, and these two are fake heads, so they don't even have eyes. Do you understand?"

Kashiwagi patted its big and small heads in turn.

The three evil dragons don't understand at all.

What is a fake head or a real head? Isn’t a head just a head?

It raised its two heads on the left and right, reached out to the trainer's left and right hands on a whim, and then gently bit them.


It seems like it has a sense of taste?

It raised its head, looked directly at the trainer's puzzled face at close range, opened its big mouth and bit his entire head in one bite.


It turns out that this is how these three heads are used! Done!

I'm so smart!


The three evil dragons bit Kashiwagi's head and chin, and kept licking the latter's face with their tongues, making proud moaning sounds.

The Pokémon around him were stunned, and then they rushed over and tried desperately to open its mouth, trying to rescue someone before he suffocated.

Good luck!

The three evil dragons are going crazy! Start eating trainers!

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