My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 356 Fuyan Hot Spring

As Kashiwagi once saw in the simulator.

Kamayan hot springs are everywhere.

No matter in town or in the wild, as long as you walk in the direction of the strong sulfur smell, you can see hot spring pools of various sizes.

The people of Fuyan Town did not completely monopolize this natural resource, leaving many undeveloped hot springs for wild Pokémon, ranging in size from big to small, deep or shallow.

Kashiwagi was determined to take him to a larger outdoor hot spring that he could fully soak in.

But after walking around outside the town, I found that the large hot springs were occupied by wild Pokémon living in groups. They were either groups of fire-breathing camels and fire-breathing camels, or jumping pigs or monkey monsters all over the mountains and plains.

Pokémon that live alone soak in small hot springs, and Pokémon that live in groups soak in large hot springs.

Thunder King can definitely do it if he wants to, but how can a just big cat allow himself to seize other Pokémon's territory at will? Moreover, it thinks that its injury is almost healed——

Even Happy Egg and Kashiwagi don't think so.

"Then there's nothing you can do. Find a way to follow me into the town. First, go to the Pokémon Center to check on your body's healing status. Then I'll find a hot spring hotel near the wild... There happens to be one that claims to be able to bathe with wild Pokémon. Hot spring."

He put one hand on Lei Gong's back and flipped through his phone with the other.

On the other side is the happy egg looking curiously at the town in the distance.

A few days ago, it would have been difficult for him to get so close to Thunder God unless he was setting up camp to rest.

The big cat is alert.

However, with too many contacts between the two parties, although this guy will still keep a little distance when he goes on the road, as long as he takes the initiative to get closer, there is a high probability that he will not go far.

Except for the head, belly and lower body, which were still untouched, the rest of the body was basically touched.

Yesterday, I took the opportunity to rub the meat ball on its front paw. The sharp claws of this guy are thick and big. The meat ball is located farther back and covered with yellow hair. It is elastic and soft, but it is a pity that it is black in color.

The majestic Thunder Lord should have pink balls.

However, careless touching also caused him to receive a fierce electric shock from Thunder God. Since the electric energy in the body gradually returned to its peak state, it no longer used such low-level methods as scratching with teeth and claws.

Electricity is the best, not causing undue harm but keeping others away.

Lei Ping often encounters trainers who can't explain things clearly. They usually like to use electric shocks to teach them how to behave. Even if they don't attack people, they can still scare others by deliberately blasting a small crater into a rock.

Nothing goes wrong.


When Lei Gong, who was used to being arranged these days, heard Kashiwagi's words, he looked at the happy egg again and did not refuse.

It managed to understand that this brat was more interested in his own body than his combat power. Well... it might sound a bit strange, but it was indeed the case.

God knows why this kid is so excited about touching it, and he always wants to touch his belly and head.


Still weird.

Lei Gong’s evaluation of cypress remains unchanged;

As for Happy thinks this Pokémon is like its nemesis. What Pokémon can be electrocuted and still act like it's fine?

Originally, I just wanted to scare this presumptuous guy, but in the end, it was frightened.

It's a headache.

After going around the outskirts of the town and arriving at the park connected to the outside of the town, Happy Egg and Thunder God were asked to wait in the grass for a while.

Then the latter quickly pushed a large truck from nowhere and said, "Get in!"


Lei Gong slowly climbed onto the big cart, and then his body was covered by the happy protein cloth. The whole sight in front of him was completely white, so he simply lay down.

"Don't worry, you won't be exposed."

Kashiwagi and Happy Egg pushed towards the Pokémon Center.

Pedestrians I met on the road glanced at the cart and thought it was some kind of sculpture and didn't pay any attention to it.

This also made him relieved.

Legendary Pokémon are the focus of attention wherever they are, not to mention Pokémon like Thunder King, which have ancient records in many areas. If you take them casually to the Pokémon Center, you will easily be targeted by people with evil intentions.

A little covering is required.

Soon, he and Happy Egg arrived at the back door of the Pokémon Center. Another Happy Egg nurse was waiting here for a long time. During this period, he was always observing the surroundings to make sure there was no one there.


Nurse Happy Egg waved to Kashiwagi and Happy Egg, asking them to hurry up.

"I'm coming!"

The moment the two pushed Raikou into the Pokémon Center, Nurse Happy Egg quickly closed the door.

Fortunately, there weren't many people at that time, otherwise I would have attracted others' attention by being so secretive.

When Raikou came to the medical room of the Pokémon Center, his sphinx-like movements remained unchanged, but his eyes swept over the internal structure.

When it was attacked by the crystal system for the first time, it also came to the Pokémon Center, but in order to solve the problem of the crystal system, the wall was blown to pieces. It took several visits to get basically familiar with it.

And it found a very strange place.

Although they come to different Pokémon Centers, the person responsible for taking care of it is always the same person.

"Please, Miss Joy."

Kashiwagi handed the thunder bus to Joey, and the pink-haired woman in white took the big cart with a smile.

That's her!

Lei Gong stared at Joey's face, and when he heard the latter's name, he confirmed again that the person in front of him was the one he had met several times before. How come he could meet her every time?

It's really amazing.

Kashiwagi noticed Raikou's gaze, and at first he was curious about what it was looking at and why it was so serious. Immediately, he almost guessed what it was thinking, and couldn't help but reveal a strange smile.

The Junsha and Joey families are one of the great unsolved mysteries in the Pokémon world. Even if you are a Thunder Lord, you can't even think of finding out the secrets inside.

It's normal not to be able to tell them apart. Distinguishing between Miss Junsha and Miss Joy is Xiaogang's exclusive skill.

Not long after.

Lei Gong's physical condition was fully checked.

"The wounds are indeed almost healed, and some of the bone fractures have also healed. Fortunately, there are no fractures or large-scale lacerations. The power storage organs in the body are also normal -"

Miss Joy held the report in her hand, her expression suddenly turned serious, "Such serious injuries are rare. Was it done by a Pokémon hunter?"

Under normal circumstances, the only people who would pursue legendary Pokémon and deal such heavy blows are those notorious Pokémon hunters who always use various destructive methods to capture Pokémon. weapons.

Trainers only use Pokémon, and ordinary Pokémon are often no match for legendary Pokémon.

"Not sure."

Kashiwagi shook his head, "I keep asking, but it doesn't want to tell."

Just like he has never been able to touch Raikou's head, he still doesn't know why this guy came to Hoenn and why his injuries were so serious.

"I don't want to say..." Miss Joy was stunned for a moment. She thought Thunder King was already Kashiwagi's Pokémon. After all, the legendary Pokémon never likes to get close to humans and always keeps a distance from humans.

Only when you truly acknowledge someone and become someone's Pokémon will you be able to obey them quietly.

She didn't say anything more and just said: "If you rest for a while, the hot springs in Bubble Cauldron Town will be completely healed. It won't take long."


Kashiwagi nodded and pushed Lei Gong out of the medical preparation room, "Let's go and find a way to soak in the hot springs."


Lei Gong lay on the cart and didn't mind being pushed around. He just felt bored and yawned, thinking about how comfortable it was to soak in the hot springs.


There was no way to collect Raikou into the Poké Ball, which was indeed more troublesome than expected.

But trouble is trouble.

Kashiwagi thought it was better than being electrocuted himself.

If you show your intention to subdue this guy, you will definitely get shocked. Big cats are quite sensitive in this aspect, and can even be said to have a rebellious mentality.

Fortunately, it was easier to find a hot spring hotel closer to the wild than expected.

It took a lot of effort.

Once again, he was booking a room, and then he was scrubbing the Pokémon in the bath to wash away the basic dirt on their bodies.

Lei Gong finally took a dip in the Kaoyan Hot Spring that he had longed for. Most of his body was soaked in the steaming hot spring with white smoke curling up. Only half of his big head was exposed, and his eyes were narrowed into narrow slits in comfort.

Running around with a kid for so many days in vain, living in an environment with plenty of delicious food and extremely comfortable physical and mental comfort all day long was simply a torture to its determined will.

Fortunately, at this moment, it was worth it.

Not in vain.


Raikou blew bubbles silently, not even caring that he was surrounded by other Pokémon.

"Fortunately, I specifically asked for the largest bath, otherwise there wouldn't be enough bathing room."

Kashiwagi looked at the Pokémon that almost filled the entire pool, and reluctantly found a seat next to Boss Cordora, holding down the two heads of the two-headed tyrannosaurus, "You should take a good bath, and if you scream again, you will Throw you out!"

"Hey woo..." "Hey woo..."

The two-headed tyrannosaurus suddenly stopped and sank most of its body into the hot spring, with white towels covering its two heads.

Falling into endless emptiness.

Soaked for a while.

"Are you OK?"

He suddenly turned his head and looked at the heterochromatic ugly fish not far away. He found that the guy's face was a little red and his eyes looked dizzy. He decisively took it out and threw it into the bucket next to it.


Water splashed everywhere.

The Chou Chou Fish's eyes gradually became clear as its body temperature dropped rapidly.

It looked at the steaming hot springs with both regret and fear in its eyes.

Although it is essentially a fish, its tolerance to the sulfur-smelling hot springs is not as good as that of Boscodora, which is weak in water, and it is the fastest one to faint.

There is nothing you can do if your endurance is too low.

"It seems you have to evolve before you can continue to enjoy it." Kashiwagi patted the ugly fish on the head.

He also didn't expect that the Ugly Fish, as a water-type Pokémon, would retreat the fastest.


The latter puffed up a bubble and settled down.


Baimu looked up at the blue sky and white clouds, his body slowly sank, but his foot involuntarily kicked a round thing, "..."

He squatted down and fished out the Galar Sun Coral, "Why did you sink to the bottom?"


Galar Sun Coral didn't answer, but used its water gun on him, spraying hot spring water in his face.

The hot spring was too comfortable and I was too lazy to swim.

"You are cruel."

Kashiwagi gave the Galar Sun Coral a thumbs up in admiration, threw it into the water again, and lay on the polygon that turned into a duck lifebuoy, "How did you come up with the idea of ​​turning into a lifebuoy in the hot spring? Can you tell me? What’s your idea?”


Porygon changes back to its original form.

He felt that he was a bit clumsy as a polygon, and he didn't know if it was an illusion.

Just as he was about to say something more, the sound of a happy egg sounded in his ears.


Kashiwagi turned his head and saw a huge egg pushed in front of him. The top had been opened and a small spoon was placed on it, " spring egg?"


Happy Egg is glad that the trainer understands what he means.

"I can't finish such a big one, let's eat together!"

Kashiwagi waved to the other Pokémon, picked up the spoon and began to scoop out the runny eggs inside, and feed the other Pokémon a bite from time to time.

When it's Thunder Lord's turn.

The two looked at each other.

"Do you want to eat or not?"

"Hoo-woo!" As soon as Lei Gong opened his mouth, he handed over the spoon. When it reacted, the egg was already in its mouth.

It had no choice but to eat the eggs.

got used to.

Used to it.

Lei Gong told himself this, after all, this is not a matter of one or two days.

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