My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 355 Cat Raising Manual (three in one chapter)

One of the main reasons why Lei Gong agreed to accompany him.

Perhaps it was because he had never taken out the Poké Ball in an attempt to conquer it.

The Ho-Oh Guards have always been pursued by many trainers, and they often accept provocations from trainers and use actual combat power to crush their delusions.

They were left with another ethereal figure that disappeared.

In general.

Just don’t be greedy.

Kashiwagi looked at Raikou, who kept a certain distance from him at all times and walked slowly through the misty mountains and forests, and felt that the opponent always exuded an aura of "Don't dig out the ball, friends don't have to do it".

I believe this is not his illusion. When he took out the Poké Ball to take back the Happy Egg, Raikou kept staring at it. Unknown to him, he thought it also wanted to score a goal.

"I didn't notice before, but you are so big?"

Kashiwagi couldn't help but talk to Lei Gong, but the latter didn't answer and glanced at him extremely coldly.

This guy's shoulder height plus head is 1.9 meters tall, like a powerful horse, but his limbs and body are several times thicker than a horse's. The streamlined muscles and mottled tiger skin make it quite intimidating.

When he lay down, he was like a hill, but when he stood up, he became even more majestic.

"Be careful when you go. Don't get the bandage too wet. If it gets dirty or falls apart, you will have to bandage it again." He spoke again.

Lei Gong still didn't answer, and even opened his mouth to yawn, looking extremely cold.

It's very similar to the white-sleeved tabby cat that Kashiwagi had at home in his previous life. Don't even think about it coming within one meter of you until meal time. Usually, you don't even look at it when you pass by.

It seems that he does not understand his status as a pet, and that the person who provides food every day is the owner and not some taken advantage of.

Kashiwagi has recently been used to enjoying Pokémon that are either enthusiastic or duplicitous, especially the two-headed tyrannosaurus that is like a dog and wants to cling to people 24 hours a day. It's a bit unaccustomed to suddenly encounter such a cold one——

And it feels exciting.

I can't help it, people are so mean sometimes.

All the way to the ranger hut.

The iron cages placed near the hut are all empty. A strange ranger and a Lotte Kappa are cleaning and dismantling them. Four floating balls are hanging under the eaves, with their eyes closed as if they are enjoying the moist fresh water vapor after the rain.

As a wild Pokémon that usually only appears in the wet season, the period after rain and clear skies may be their favorite time.


A floating ball looked towards the woods and saw the cypress trees and polygon beasts that were covered in dew, "Fu~!"

As soon as it made a sound, other floating balls opened their eyes and flew forward happily.


"Why are you still here? Are you waiting for me?"

Kashiwagi looked at the Piaoliu Balls with some surprise, squeezed their loving little hands, and then looked at the new ranger who looked over not far away, "Uncle, are they also Pokémon that live here? "

Ms. Junsha handles wild Pokémon caught by Pokémon hunters. Usually, those that can be released on the spot are released. Those that cannot be released on the spot find a way to find a way to release them to their place of origin. If they cannot be released, they find someone willing to adopt them. Trainer.

If you can't find it...

It can only be placed in a planned Pokémon sanctuary.


The ranger who was rescued earlier walked out of the hut, carrying his luggage and saying with a smile: "They must say goodbye to you before they are willing to leave."

"Eh? Do they fly back by themselves?"

"That's not the case. I made an agreement with Miss Junsha that I will take them back to Sinnoh." The ranger pointed at himself and said proudly: "Regardless of my age, there is no area I haven't visited when I was young. Passed? I just went to Jiayuan City to recuperate."


The new ranger almost stopped laughing, "Come on! You only know how to brag!"

"Laba!" Lotte Kappa laughed.

The former's face turned red, "Why are you bragging?"

"You know whether it's bragging or not."

The two started to quarrel and looked very familiar.

Kashiwagi withdrew his gaze and touched the heads of several fluttering balls. Although the time they got together was extremely short, and they got into a fight because of premeditated evil, they eventually formed a friendship over a meal.

Wild Pokémon in anime are always very easy to develop a good impression of humans. It may be a meal, a battle, rescue or being rescued, even if it is to help someone pick up glasses that fell into the water and get praised twice. .

This is different from the group of wild Pokémon in "The Legend of Arceus" that run away or fight when they see people.

"Goodbye by fate!"

He patted the heads of the Piazzas one by one, took out a few Poké Cubes from his pocket and handed them over.

Fortunately, there is enough food in reserve, and I can pick up some wild vegetables, mushrooms and tree fruits in the wild. Otherwise, even if I keep feeding like this, my pockets will be empty.


The Puffy Balls happily ate the Poké Cubes.

Lean less.

The ranger took the floaters on an inflatable kayak and left along the creek. Cypress stood among the trees and watched the kayak disappear from sight.

“Travel is always accompanied by encounters and partings, over and over again.”

He couldn't help but feel a little emotional, and looked at the Porygon Beast and the Thunder God who was dormant in the woods, "Are you right?"



Lei Gong, who had been silent until now, actually responded.

Obviously, during its long journey across many regions, it also encountered one or two farewell figures, which left a deep impression on its heart.

At this moment, seeing the Piaoliuqiu who had been waiting for a long time to say goodbye to Kashiwagi, after refreshing their understanding of this human being, they inevitably had some thoughts.

I don’t know what is happening to those people now…

Lei Gong slowly stood up and walked towards the lush mountain forest, recognizing Kashiwagi in his heart a little more. Originally, it was just a helpless move due to some special reasons and the hope that the injury would recover soon.

Now I feel that agreeing was the right choice.

Although this guy is strange and a little bit annoying, his food is delicious and he is kind to any Pokémon he treats.

Well, the food is delicious.

Lei Gong believed that this was the fate and practice given to it by the tower owner, Phoenix King, to walk in the world as Phoenix King's envoy, punishing rape and eradicating evil while keeping a distance from human beings, but not completely breaking away from the intersection with humans.

This is the way the Phoenix Guards conduct themselves.

It kicked off its hind legs and jumped onto a moss-covered rock like a nimble big cat.

Unexpectedly, Kashiwagi's voice suddenly sounded.

"What, the cauldron is on your back, it's the wrong way. And be careful of your bandage, it's about to fall off..."

Lei Gong's movements suddenly froze.


It turned around, pretended that nothing happened, and jumped onto a big tree, as if it was going in that direction just to borrow strength.


The branches of the big tree groaned, as if protesting the unbearable weight of this life.

A teasing smile appeared on Bai Mu's face. Just as he was about to say a few words, he saw a pair of extremely unkind eyes faintly revealed above the treetops.

The wide, bright red vertical pupils are somewhat scary.

He shut up decisively.



Kashiwagi camped on the tidal flat closer to the river.

Lei Gong was still pretending to be reserved. He picked a piece of grass about ten meters away and lay down, keeping a perfect distance at all times, telling the other party that he was not his Pokémon and not to have any expectations.

But soon, it was forced to a closer position by Happy Egg, who was always caring about the wounded.



Happy Egg looked at it very seriously. He could usually give in to a lot of things, but he would never give in when it came to his health!

Lei Gong had no choice but to lie down on a blanket that Happy Egg had laid out for him before the guy grabbed his teeth - it was a little more comfortable than grass.

"Hey woo!" "Hey woo!"

The two-headed tyrannosaurus approached the Thunder Lord and sniffed its scent. A look of shock appeared on its face, which was only half covered by hair.


It relies on the aura on the enemy's body to determine its strength. It has always been invincible. Who would have thought that it would malfunction today.

I actually can't tell whether the smell of this big guy is strong or weak.

How about... take a bite and try it?

If the smell is not good, the taste may be okay.


Just as the two-headed tyrannosaurus was about to open its mouth, it saw the bandage on Lei Gong's body, and immediately turned its head to Happy Egg, who was chopping vegetables not far away. The latter had a kind smile on his face, holding up the kitchen knife in his hand and cutting it quickly.


The vegetables quickly turn into filaments and flakes.

Looking at those unlucky vegetables, the two-headed tyrannosaurus slowly closed its mouth without turning its head.

Curiosity has to pay a price, and this price... the two-headed tyrannosaurus felt that it might not be able to bear it.

Who doesn't know that he is the one who seems to be the most favored in the team, but the one who is actually favored is Happy Egg.

No matter what the latter wants, the trainer will satisfy it unconditionally. No matter how big the latter becomes, there will always be a happy egg on the bed, and when it is "sick", it will always be the first to find the happy egg.


The two-headed tyrannosaurus retreated silently, annoying the trainer.


Raikou looked at this strange guy and didn't quite understand what this guy was doing, but it had always been very tolerant of Pokémon, so he just pretended not to see it.

Turning its sight, it saw a big guy with shiny silver body and sharp horns getting into the water. It obviously had no fins or webs. It looked like a rock-type Pokémon, but its water properties were so good that even its friends couldn't. Just treading water.

Accompanying it is a strange purple fish.


The cute-looking Pokémon was spinning on one leg, not knowing what it was doing; the extremely large Big Steel Snake was clearly a ground-type Pokémon, but it was flying around in the air;

Um? Is that a stone? How can you fly? Also a Pokémon?

Thunder God withdrew his gaze from the Galar Sun Coral, and finally fell to Porygon. It remembered that this guy turned off the crystal system... but it was also an existence it had never seen before, and its appearance was also strange.

Happy eggs... I really don’t want to mention them more.

Lei Gong crossed his paws, laid his huge head on his paws, closed his eyes and rested.

Sure enough, there should be a group of strange Pokémon companions around the weirdo. It was relieved to see that it wasn't just that guy who was the only weirdo.

Moreover, since it has already boarded the pirate ship, it is too lazy to worry about it anymore.

Not long after.

A haunting aroma surrounded the tip of its nose.

“It’s time to eat!!”

Kashiwagi's shout made its ears hidden under the white down move slightly. Following the sound of countless shouts, it slightly raised one eyelid and found that a bowl of food had been placed in front of it.

"If your portion is not enough, call me. You don't have to limit it."


What do you mean you have no limit?

Lei Gong raised his head and looked around, and found that even the big steel snake that was much bigger than him didn't have as much food as him. Although there were two bowls in front of the two-headed Pokémon, the portions were halved.

"They have to control their food intake and eat small, frequent meals, which will help them grow."

Kashiwagi took the initiative to answer its doubts, "Eat with peace of mind."


Raikou actually didn't understand. He was a little surprised when he saw that all the Pokémon in front of him had obviously eaten their own portion and still had extremely strong appetites, but they didn't have the slightest intention of going to the boiler to snatch the remaining food.

You must know that Pokémon are often very loyal to their own desires, especially appetite.

Being able to make his Pokémon resist his desires is enough to prove that Kashiwagi is actually a particularly good trainer, at least he is excellent in training Pokémon.

That being the case.

Why didn't he express his intention to conquer himself?

It's not that Lei Gong is narcissistic, he just met too many trainers who wanted to conquer him, both strong and weak.

Maybe... he's worried about his injuries?

Raikou looked at Kashiwagi, who was surrounded by Pokémon and was smiling. A little curiosity about this strange human arose in his heart, and it was planted in his heart like a seed.

After meal.

After eating all the remaining food in a large bucket, Thunder King rested on his stomach. He was not polite at all. He ate as much as he could. His belly was like a bottomless pit without being bulging. However, it could eat the two-headed tyrannosaurus and the big steel snake. Envy is bad.

After washing the dishes, Kashiwagi did not rush to start training. Instead, he sat in front of Thunder Lord and wanted to chat with him for a while.

"I said, why don't I see you licking your fur and paws? Don't legendary Pokémon have to lick their fur? Is this why your fur has no smell?"


Lei Gong raised his eyelids slightly and looked at the former with very speechless eyes.

It is difficult for it to explain its problems to the curious baby in front of it, and it doesn't want to explain such boring things to him.

Kashiwagi, who received no response, was not in a hurry and continued: "Can I touch your head?"


Lei Gong grinned, revealing a mouth full of sharp fangs, with an attitude of "I dare you to bite me if you dare to try."

"What about your face? Is this layer of hair on your face not cuticle - ugh!"

Kashiwagi quickly withdrew his hand. This guy really bit it and almost got it. After all, he is also a member of the Phoenix Guards. Why is he so stingy when he usually punishes evil and promotes good?


Lei Gong tilted his head in disdain.

Cypress was inevitably a little sad, so he quietly went around to touch its back.

Lei Gong: "..."

Why is this person so annoying?

It wanted to follow its wild nature and grab it with one paw, but in the end, reason had the upper hand, otherwise it would not have formed the Phoenix Guards with its two other companions to repay the Phoenix King and travel around the world to uphold justice.

Forget it, just touch it.

It's just a human child anyway.

Lei Gong thought this, and suddenly felt much relieved, and then a tingling sensation rushed down his spine to his brain, causing the joints of his palms to open up, his sharp claws exposed, and his fur suddenly tightened and his head raised.


It opened its eyes suddenly, looked at Kashiwagi in disbelief and tried to stand up, but found that its legs and feet were so weak that it had no strength.

"Don't get excited, just use normal methods, I'm a professional."

The latter smiled proudly and continued to press and caress several sensitive points on Lei Gong's back.

If possible, he would like to touch his belly, but he is afraid of being electrocuted by the angry thunder god, so he keeps it locked on the upper part of the spine and dare not touch the lower part.

I just took a quick look at a certain part——

No eggs, not even a bag.

In this case, the upper end of the tail will probably be useless, and the spine will still have to be removed. He slightly increased the strength on his hands. This big cat was harder than expected. It wouldn't be a problem if he grabbed it with a little force. Legendary Pokémon were different after all.


Thunder God stretched out his claws in humiliation and comfort. Fortunately, no one was paying attention, otherwise he would really go crazy.

After hundreds of years, this is the first time I have enjoyed this kind of treatment.

It was a bit embarrassing amidst the novelty.

Not long after.

Kashiwagi, who was satisfied with the touch, withdrew his hand and smelled his fingers... As expected, there was only the earthy smell on the fur without any fishy smell. This guy is really amazing.

"I'm going to train my Pokémon, and I'll be back to serve you later." He patted Raikou's forelimb.

The latter didn't want to speak and shook his tail in annoyance.

The cat was so humiliated that it didn't even frown when it was blown up by human bombs, but it ended up being touched twice and it couldn't stand up.

Lei Gong is somewhat autistic.

Occasionally, he raised his eyelids to pay attention to Kashiwagi who was training Pokémon.

The more it observed, the more certain it became that Kashiwagi was excellent as a human trainer, not only in terms of combat power, but also in his cooperation with his Pokémon partners, which did not require too many words or too many instructions.

Even with just a look or a gesture, those Pokémon could understand what Kashiwagi meant and do what he asked for perfectly.

From these points, we can see their accumulated efforts over time and their performance as if they have a tacit understanding.

Thunder God yawned like a lazy cat.

far away.

Kashiwagi looked over at it frequently, wanting to let Raikou help with training, but considering that this guy was tortured enough during the day, he gave up.

To be honest, considering the healing ability of the mythical beast, its injuries are exaggerated. As long as it can obtain enough energy, it should not take long to recover.

With the hot springs in Fuyan Town, it will probably heal faster.

Sure enough, I have to take advantage of this time to have a good time.

Kashiwagi thought to himself.

Although he didn't have the extravagant hope of conquering Thunder King, he inevitably wanted to get closer to the legendary Pokémon. After all, these guys had a special aura around them.

What Pokémon lover doesn't like mythical beasts and fantasy beasts? At least he likes every one of them.

Exercise is over.

Happy Egg ran to the sleepy Lei Gong without stopping.



It ignored Lei Gong's doubts and began to remove the dirty and messy bandages on the latter's body. This big cat likes to go off the beaten track, and being so big, it inevitably bumps into branches and rocks. No matter how good the bandage is, it will be useless after a long time. .

And the dressing needs to be changed.

Unable to resist the powerful Happy Egg, Lei Gong had no choice but to let it deal with his wounds.

What kind of evil did he do to meet such a pair? The key is that he was eaten to death by them and couldn't get angry at all.


It suddenly widened its eyes and roared at the happy egg, which was trying to make it fall on all fours.

Showing your belly or anything like that - absolutely not allowed!

This is the dignity of the Phoenix Guards!

It turned its head to look at Kashiwagi who was approaching creptly beside it, and began to bared its teeth, "Ouch..."

"Kick it, hit it, don't get excited."

Kashiwagi said with a smile.

He planned to take advantage of Happy Egg's opportunity to change Lei Gong's medicine and have fun in the name of attacking him, but unfortunately he was discovered by this guy right away.


Lei Gong was determined not to allow him to get closer, at least not today.

"All right……"

Kashiwagi sighed regretfully, and his eyes swept over Lei Gong's chin and forehead. Unfortunately, these two places were not allowed to be touched, otherwise it would definitely make this guy roll around in pleasure.

He is extremely confident in his method of calming Pokémon, which is based on the ranch uncle's breeding techniques.

Speaking of which, I wonder if you can pick up catnip, alpinia, etc. on the road. Applying it on your hands will definitely make Lei Gong let go of his current reserve.

He didn't believe that Thunder God was a rock that even a hammer could not break.

Before falling asleep, Kashiwagi extended an invitation to the big cat, "Would you like to come into the tent? It's more comfortable inside than outside!"

Lei Gong returned the look with indifference.

You'd have to be crazy to go in.


early morning.

Lei Gong woke up very early, got up before dawn, went into the woods and walked around, ran to a high place, roared twice, and stretched his muscles.

It feels like its wounds are healing quickly.

Was it the medicine that Happy Egg applied to himself?

Lei Gong didn't know.

And when it returned to the Cypress Camp, it found that the other party had already woken up and had made breakfast.

"Well, you're back? Come and have breakfast. The conditions are difficult because there aren't many ingredients left. I picked up some on the way today." Kashiwagi waved to it.


Lei Gong paced and observed the lively camp.

I thought that these guys would still be awake when I came back, but I didn't expect that they were all awake and even the food was ready.

"What are you waiting for? Come and eat. We'll be on the road after eating. According to our speed, we still have to walk for several days to get to Fuyan Town!" Kashiwagi saw that Lei Gong was still taking his time, so he called out to ask him to speed up.

Upon hearing this, the latter simply jumped over.

The distance of more than ten meters was crossed casually.

"Oh! Such bouncing power!"

Kashiwagi looked at it in surprise and placed the rice bowl in front of it, "Eat whatever you want. I made a lot today, so I will definitely take care of it."


Lei Gong didn't speak, he just lowered his head and ate silently.

The food is delicious as always.

Kashiwagi's eyes were full of smiles, and he believed that if he continued at this pace, Raikou would gradually become accustomed to him, just like the Galar Sun Coral.

Isn't it just a matter of casualness where you want to go?


Just as he thought.

During the next few days of traveling, Lei Gong resisted his touch from the beginning to gradually becoming less concerned about it, and even enjoyed it a little bit and looked forward to it.

At the same time, I will wait for the meal and order the food on time.

That's right.

This majestic big cat can even choose what he likes to eat.

Kashiwagi looked at Lei Gong, and the corners of his mouth turned up unconsciously.

And finally.

After several days of climbing over mountains and ridges, with bursts of sulfur-scented breeze blowing in their faces, they arrived at the largest volcano in the Hoenn region—

Near Chimney Hill.

Fuyan Town is also close at hand.

ps: The most recent comments and comments about this chapter have been blocked and will be released later.

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