My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 342 The Smiling Demon (three chapters in one!)

"Just choose a head to release."

Kashiwagi said.

This is basically not something that requires too much consideration, but when he saw that the two-headed tyrannosaurus did not respond to him immediately, he understood that this guy might have a bold idea.


He held down the head of the two-headed tyrannosaurus and told it very seriously, "Those things can be considered after you learn them. Now, let's put away the thoughts that have nowhere to go."

"Hey woo!" "Hey woo!"

After hearing the trainer's instructions, the two-headed tyrannosaurus had no choice but to dispel the immature thoughts in his head.

Thanks to having only one core consciousness, the two-headed tyrannosaurus did not waste time on which head to release the meteor swarm, and it was released by one head, and the other head also helped control the stability of the meteor swarm.


Everything must be completed first.

Kashiwagi still disassembled the meteor swarm into three steps - concentrate on accumulating energy, accumulating energy to complete the release, and releasing the energy to guide it to explode and fall to the designated location.

With the talent of the two-headed tyrannosaurus, he might be able to complete one step in a day.

When Manchong on the side learned about his method of learning moves, he fell into deep thought.

Although he has been relying on momentum to learn moves for a long time, it does not mean that he will resist this seemingly more "scientific" technique of learning moves.

Just like Kashiwagi would want to learn Michiru's idealistic skills, Michiru also wants to learn Kashiwagi's technique of dismantling his moves.

Both sides can make progress together by sharing their strengths and weaknesses.

In addition, teaching Kashiwagi’s Pokémon moves will also help deepen his Pokémon’s understanding of the moves. When the two-headed Tyrannosaurus finally completed the first step of accumulating energy, Biting Land Shark’s ability to control the meteor swarms also improved. So it went up.

"Hey woo!"

The two-headed tyrannosaurus felt the orange energy light group that it had finally accumulated, and couldn't help but guide it to the left head, and then watched it release into the sky from the right head!


The ball of light flies high.

In the expectant eyes of the two-headed tyrannosaurus and Kashiwagi's expected eyes, it did not explode, but fell straight down, making a small crater in the ground like a howitzer.


"Hey woo!" "Hey woo!"

The two-headed tyrannosaurus couldn't hide the disappointment on its face. It claimed to be a genius at learning and recruiting, but it couldn't complete the entire task in one day. Did it impress its trainer?

"It's enough to get to this point. We'll work harder on the areas where we're not good." Kashiwagi rubbed its two heads.

Manchong also nodded and said: "Yes, learning the moves requires a lot of patience."


The fierce biting land shark roared.

Three mouths versus two mouths, of course it’s whatever you say.

The two-headed tyrannosaurus didn't retort, but just put its head into the trainer's arms and kept pushing it back and forth like a baby.

Kashiwagi rubbed its fur while talking to Mitsuru.

And in the far distance that neither of them noticed, in a house with a park view from the roof, someone put down the telescope in his hand.

"The fierce biting land shark and the two-headed tyrannosaurus that can shoot swarms... Huh! You can't find anything even if you break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get there! Let's see who can compete with me for the title of number one in the world of thieves!"

"Boss! We found the residence of these two people! It's in the B\u0026B not far away!"

An excited voice rang in my ears, "Shall we do it tonight?"

"Not urgent!"

The man shook his head and said, "Just wait and see, wait until the two-headed tyrannosaurus learns how to make meteors cluster. Besides, caution is the most important thing. What do we rely on to survive in the world?"

"Uh... you only pick out fools?"

"Idiot! It's caution!" The man patted his companion on the head, "I think you are the fool!"

The companion shrank his head, not daring to argue.

The big fat sheep they just caught today made their self-confidence surge. Not only did they not leave Luyin Town immediately, but they prepared to take advantage of the darkness under the lights to do something big again!

As for whether the darkness under this lamp is really dark, it depends on whether Junsha can successfully catch them.


The next day.

I still haven’t received a text message about the game this morning.

It was not until noon that I finally received the competition notification.

During this period, Kashiwagi searched the battle tent on the blog and found that this thing actually has an "official account" and often posts exciting videos of the games.

It's a pity that there is not much attention.

The battle tent is like a village competition, which is only popular in Green Town. It is quite interesting to have such a competition in the slow-paced life.

However, trainers who are accustomed to the fast pace of the outside world may not have the heart to watch two Pokémon battle without any "technical content". They see that the Pokémon uses moves with unsatisfactory results because they are not familiar with the opponent. You may find it funny, but you may develop high blood pressure and be extremely angry.

Due to a combination of reasons, this competition is not well-known to the outside world.

And this low-key is exactly what Kashiwagi needs.

"You should be able to finish two battles in one afternoon, right?"

He thought about attracting the big steel snake again.

To be on the safe side, we must prepare for the worst for the next game, for example, which one of the three originally scheduled will be unable to continue fighting.

He successfully squeezed through the crowd watching the battle outside the battle tent.

Kashiwagi was led by the staff to the trainer's waiting room, which was more than twice as big as before.

Perhaps it was the exclusive benefit of the top four. The facilities in the room were much better. Even the viewing screen was larger than before and had not become blurry. It was even clearer.

"If you have any other needs, please inform me as soon as possible."

The staff member bowed and retreated.

The process is the same as the audition.

Kashiwagi leaned on the sofa and waited silently. When the word "game preparation" appeared on the screen, he put the three elf balls into the teleportation device.

In the starting lineup, there is no doubt that he is still a big-mouthed kid.

Its mobility can cope with various situations, and it can also pass on its enhanced abilities to its teammates. There is no Pokémon more suitable for taking the lead in the battle.

The type of battle field appears on the screen——

Sand venue.

Seeing the familiar gravel and rocks, Kashiwagi couldn't tell whether luck was on his side.

Maybe the opponent is also a pile of rock or ground-type Pokémon?

Bang bang!

The machine shoots out Poke Balls.

When he saw the Pokémon sent out from the other side, he realized that his guess was correct.

In the arena.

The moment Big Mouth Baby landed, he used electromagnetic levitation to fly up.

According to the information it received from Boss Cordora, no matter whether you are the first player or the relay after the opening, it is best to move quickly to avoid being locked when you enter the field.

Fortunately, when it was waiting for it to fly, the guy on the opposite side had just entered the scene.


Big Mouth Baby made a judgment about the opponent's situation, and remembered the Pokémon knowledge he had learned yesterday. Although he couldn't remember the name of this strange Pokémon covered with orange-red crystal stones, he knew that the opponent should be of a single rock attribute.

very good.

In terms of attributes, my side has the upper hand!

Just as its thoughts came to mind, it saw the Pangyan Monster in the distance suddenly roar, and countless fine gravels flew up from the ground, followed by a strong wind that quickly spread towards it.

The speed was so fast that the big-mouthed kid had no time to react. He subconsciously moved back, raised his hand and narrowed his eyes.

When it came back to its senses, it was shocked to see that the surrounding area was already covered in dark yellow, and the entire site was enveloped by a swirling storm of gravel, as if there was an invisible force imprisoning the quicksand.


Or quicksand hell?

Big Mouth Baby does not dare to hesitate too much, knowing very well that without the guidance of a trainer, it has only one advantage - fast!

Be faster than others!

Big Mouth Boy suddenly stepped on a rock behind him, adding a bit of speed to his forward motion, and his entire body suddenly turned into an afterimage as fast as lightning.

In an instant.

The Pangyan Monster, who was launching an attack in the distance, felt his eyes blurred, and a scream in the air from far to near suddenly sounded in his ears!


It roared in horror, the orange-red crystals like sharp horns all over its body lit up with dark silver light, and a terrifying energy bomb quickly gathered into shape and was suddenly launched forward!

【Power Gem】!


The huge reaction force caused its body to tremble violently, causing dust and smoke to fly.

But it was obvious that before the opponent's location was clearly seen, such an attack, no matter how powerful it was, would not be able to bring effective damage. The energy bomb fell into the air without any accident, and exploded with a roar into a dazzling light wave that shot into the sky.

The billowing dust and smoke quickly spread over and enveloped its figure.

Failed! ?

Pangyan Monster's gaze quickly shifted.

Little did they know that this layer of light waves and smoke provided cover for Big Mouth Baby's actions. It didn't even realize that when the energy bomb it launched exploded, the former had already flown past its front and stomped behind it. on the rocks.


The sound of the rock breaking finally attracted the attention of the Pang Yan Monster, but before it could turn its head, Big Mouth Baby, whose forward speed had been replenished a second time, had already crashed into its back!


The big-mouthed baby shrouded in a silver energy halo was like a speeding bullet. The terrifying impact with the muffled sound of a bell was as heavy as a rock monster, and it couldn't help but be pushed back four to five meters away, rubbing against the sand. There were two traces as deep as ravines.

The severe pain made Pangyan Monster dizzy, and he almost fainted. His mind was in chaos, and his consciousness was still confused as to why Big Mouth Baby could attack from behind.

Even if the sandstorm didn't affect it, the power gem didn't hit it either?

The feeling of weakness that emerged layer by layer made Pangyan Monster understand that it no longer had the ability to continue fighting, and at this point there was only one way left.

Big explosion——

Just as the body surface lit up with a dazzling light, a brown-red fist suddenly hit its head, taking away the last bit of physical strength and dissipating the energy that had just been accumulated in the body.


Big Mouth Boy breathed a sigh of relief.

Was this guy about to explode just now? right? Did you read that right?

Sure enough, it was right to be careful in advance, it didn't want to be bombed again.

Recalling the scene where he was hit by the super fire-breathing camel's big explosion not long ago, Big Mouth Boy couldn't hide his anger. What was originally a comprehensive victory was suddenly turned into a headwind by the big explosion.

Seeing the Pangyan monster being taken back by the machine in the sky, the big-mouthed boy started spinning non-stop.

Kill the Pangyan Monster with Enhanced Punch, followed by Sword Dance.

The two amplifying moves have already increased its attack ability to a very terrifying level. Dazuiwa clenched his fists and looked at the opponent who was released not far away, knowing that if everything went well, he would directly penetrate three of them in his current state. It is not impossible for the opponent.

Of course, you must first see clearly what kind of Pokémon the other party is.

The light flickers.

A short elephant with a dark gray body, its back and head covered with a layer of black horny skin as thick as a rock, appeared.


I'm familiar with this!

The first time Big Mouth Boy saw Dunjia, he recalled the one he used to fight against frequently in Huangtie Town. He was so familiar that he couldn't be more familiar with it.

And what is needed to capture this Pokémon...


Big Mouth Baby's hands were covered in ice, and two sharp ice blades quickly formed. Thunder and lightning flashed under its feet, and it spun and rushed towards Dun Jia who had just landed!

Swish la la——

The cold air flow mixed with the swirling gravel in the venue, forming a brown-yellow and ice-blue storm, rolling toward the front!


Before Dunjia had time to see clearly what was going on around him, his opponent had already attacked ferociously.

Fortunately, its reaction was very sensitive. It immediately curled up and turned into a spinning black tire and rushed forward. It rolled to the side and narrowly avoided the ice and sand storm that was coming straight at it.


The ice storm instantly shattered the rocks at the edge of the site, mixing them with flying sand.

Dunjia, who had escaped the attack, did not stop there, and even accelerated his rolling speed and galloped all the way.

Wherever it passed, sand and soil flew up like turbulent air waves. It made a huge circle from the edge of the field to adjust its direction. It was wrapped in a dazzling white and purple swirling airflow, and ferociously collided with the big-mouthed baby!

The violent sound of the wind and the terrible throbbing of energy made the sand tremble endlessly!

【Ultimate Impact】!

And the other side.

After the ice storm failed, Dazuiwa suddenly twisted his body with the power of his spin, and rushed towards Dun Jia's position again without hesitation.

All of a sudden.

The ultimate impact and ice storm collided in the center of the venue, setting off a terrifying shock wave like a meteorite hitting the earth. The substantial air wave instantly flooded the entire venue. The explosive flames easily destroyed all the erected rocks and filled the air The machine in the game was impacted to the edge of the arena in the smoke of fire and earth.

A scene like a nuclear explosion came into view.

The screen is blurry.

But Kashiwagi, who was watching the battle, was not too worried. He knew that the winner in this duel would definitely be Big Mouth Baby.


When the smoke slowly dissipated, a semicircular pit suddenly appeared in the center of the site where the sandstorm had stopped.

The big-mouthed baby in the pothole was standing on the side without much pain. There was no sign of pain on its face, it was just panting. Not far away from it was Dunjia, who was collapsed on the ground with black circles around his eyes.

Obviously, in the confrontation with the ultimate impact, Big Mouth Baby, who had increased his power in advance with sword dance and enhanced fist, was more powerful, and finished his opponent with the ice wind blade transformed from the frozen fist.


It waved its fist and declared its victory.

But after shouting, the big-mouthed boy turned his head and shouted twice at the machine in mid-air, "嘁哚~"

" you want to end it..."

Although Kashiwagi couldn't communicate with it, he still understood what it wanted to express.

This guy felt that the game was stable and wanted to save enough physical strength and attribute energy for the next game. The intuitive feeling brought about by the substantial increase in physical attack was that the consumption of attribute energy was intensified.

Inside the venue.

Dazuiwa didn't know whether his meaning was conveyed properly. When he saw the machine on the opposite side retracting his armor, he quickly raised his right fist.

[Take over]!

It turned into a flash of white light and flew back into the machine's Poké Ball, and then the auspicious egg fell into the field.

at the same time.

The machine opposite also released the last Pokémon——

A Temperature Pokémon carrying a huge square rock on its back, with a pair of large pincers and six legs, the Rock Temple Crab.

After seeing the auspicious egg, my mind naturally thought of its attributes and characteristics.

no doubt.

Xiaodan is the most learned of all Pokémon. In order to better heal injuries, it learned a lot of Pokémon knowledge at the Huangtie Town Pokémon Center, and often works with trainers on weekdays. study.

Although it can't read the text, there are basically very few Pokémon it doesn't recognize.


Geely Dan looked at the Crab in the Rock Palace and thought that he should be able to take down the opponent smoothly on his own without having to trouble Boscodora to come forward.

While his teammates are thriving, it also has to work hard.

Whether it's logistics or combat!

When the Rock Palace Crab saw the auspicious eggs, he raised the crab claws without hesitation and manipulated the energy to gather the scattered sand and stones around him to form luminous giant rocks, which he fired like cannonballs!

[Rock Crit]!

Bang bang bang bang!

Continuous muffled sounds, accompanied by the whistling sound of huge rocks crashing through the air, constantly surround the ears of Gili Egg.

The latter stepped forward, as if he didn't see the rocks hitting him in a parabola. He raised his little hand and approached the Rock Temple Crab.

The huge rock crashed down and shattered into countless small pebbles, but the auspicious egg could not even be touched.

Let Yandianju Xia's eyes widen.

Then a sudden burst of invisible spiritual energy quickly bound all parts of its body, causing it to escape from the ground uncontrollably.


The Crab in the Rock Hall swung its claws and six legs in a panic, trying desperately to break free from the control of the teleportation object.

However, this force is too strong, as if it is nailed to the air, no matter how hard it is, there is no way to escape.

In desperation, its body surface lit up with a terrifying red light, and the huge rock on its back suddenly exploded!

[Break out of the shell]!


The Yandian Crab shouted, and with its powerful energy fluctuations, it successfully affected the spiritual power that locked it, and fell to the ground again with its shell exposed.

Red light enveloped its skin, and an astonishing aura was released.

Determined to fight to the death, the Rock Temple Crab looked at the rapidly running auspicious egg, condensed a terrifying boulder far larger than itself between its pincers, and threw it violently at it.

【Rock Cannon】!


The boulder, also surrounded by a red light, roared and flew towards it, much faster than the previous rock explosion, as if a small mountain was flying from a distance.


When Geely Egg saw this, there was no trace of panic on his face, and he used the shrink without hesitation when the rock cannon was about to hit.

The sudden reduction in size caused it to instantly brush against the rock cannon, which fell behind it and made a terrifying booming sound when it shattered. The scattered stones were like flying bullets.

But these were also dodged by the auspicious eggs.

The Rock Temple Crab looked at this scene in disbelief. It had no idea that the other party's dodge ability was so exaggerated. The insecurity of being burdened with broken rocks surged into its heart. When it tried to escape, it found that it was under the attack of the rock cannon. catalepsy stage.

Unable to move for a while.


It screamed and tried to scare the egg away from itself.

Helpless, the lucky egg finally encountered such a good opportunity and would never give up. After running to the Yandian Crab, he blushed and raised his small fist and punched it into the latter's mouth.


The Yandianju crab's eyes widened, and his throat hurt subconsciously. He felt that he had swallowed something particularly bitter and exciting, "Eww!"

What did you feed me?

etc! How can you play a game like this? Is it okay to feed people whatever they want during the competition?

"Eaaah! Eaaah!"

The panicked Rock Temple Crab tried to spit out what it swallowed, but soon the poison took over and everything it spit out turned into purple bubbles.

The severe pain in his abdomen also made him dizzy.

It tried to escape, and saw the auspicious egg smiling slightly and once again releasing the teleportation object to lock it firmly in the air.

And this time.

Under the opponent's strong control, Yandianju Crab found that his claws and claws could not swing. He could use his attribute energy, but he basically couldn't aim.

After trying several rock blasts but unable to hit the auspicious egg, the Rock Temple Crab could only look at the auspicious egg in despair while smiling and slowly poisoning it.

The second before he fainted, the latter's slightly shy smile was deeply engraved in his mind.


This pink guy is a devil!

How can any Pokémon fight like this? It is clearly torturing itself!

The fragile Yandian Crab almost cried in his sleep.

And from this time on, every time it saw a lucky egg smiling at it in the Pokémon Center, it would tremble three times, and it was so scared that it didn't even dare to scream.

It confuses those auspicious egg nurses so much.

Of course, those are all things for later.

In the venue, Geely Dan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the Yandian Crab fainted from the poison, and the scary smile fixed on his face due to nervousness also disappeared.

As expected, it wouldn't work without any attack moves.

It thought slightly sadly, and naturally used the healing bell on the rock temple dweller crab, curing the latter's extremely poisonous state.

Just as he was about to release another healing wave, the machine in the sky took it back.

Only then did Geely Egg come back to his senses and waved his little hand at the machine behind him.

With the trainer taking him so seriously, it really doesn't make sense to have only poison as an attack method. I have to try to find a new breakthrough.

It thought this as it watched the machine emit red light and put itself into the elf ball.

in the room.

Kashiwagi slowly relaxed.

"There's only one round left to get the Pokémon Egg. I hope he's a cute and interesting guy."

He began to think about the probability of drawing Larulas of different colors...

You can eat whatever you want, but you have to have dreams.

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