My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 341 Two-Headed Meteor

"That's it."

Kashiwagi stopped the explosive running of the two-headed tyrannosaurus.

"Hey woo!" "Hey woo!"

The latter screamed that he could still hold on, then lowered his head slightly and gasped.

"Too much is not enough. Daily training must be perfectly combined with actual combat in order to grow faster and more efficiently." He patted the two heads of the two-headed tyrannosaurus. Even if he didn't understand the other person's thoughts, he could tell from this attitude. Show this guy's desire to become stronger.

It's just that although he knows the thoughts of the two-headed tyrannosaurus, his golden finger cannot satisfy this guy's needs in the short term.

You have to proceed step by step at your own pace.

Pokémon can be anxious.

Trainers must stay calm during training and consider the future of the Pokémon.

"Hey woo..." "Hey woo..."

Seeing that the trainer refused to let him run, the two-headed tyrannosaurus immediately relaxed his four legs, which were already a little trembling, and lay down on the ground to breathe.

Frequent bursts of speed and short sprints undoubtedly accumulated a lot of fatigue points.

"He's really trying to be brave."

Kashiwagi touched the furry neck of the two-headed tyrannosaurus.

As the Pokémon gradually became stronger and he came into contact with more trainer experiences on the Internet, all kinds of things accumulated, and he developed a new understanding of Pokémon in the context of animation.

Whether it's personality, habits or growth.

A more intuitive point - short-distance sprinting is undoubtedly one of the best ways to exercise speed. Combining it with long-distance running is believed to make the speed of the two-headed tyrannosaurus less embarrassing.

It is inevitable that real-life training cannot be as precise as the effort value in the game.

For example, when you use running to exercise your speed, your endurance will increase unconsciously. It is impossible to increase your speed without increasing your endurance.

But from a practical point of view, each Pokémon has a different focus, and reaching a certain ability value will not affect the progress of other aspects.

In other words, it is not "effort value", but "struggle level". The difference between the two is that if you want to develop to the extreme in the former, you can only choose two abilities at most, but in the latter you can practice every ability such as double attack and double defense. Extreme level.

There is the possibility of common development in many aspects.

Therefore, animated animal attackers also engage in special attacks. On the one hand, it is a legacy of the previous generation's settings. On the other hand, it is also related to the comprehensive development of "moral, intellectual, physical, artistic, and labor".


This does not overturn Kashiwagi's previous conjecture that the damage caused was that "the move is more powerful than Pokémon's Double Attack", but it just proves that there is not only one reason for the destruction of light everywhere in the animation, but it is the result of many factors.

The impact of this discovery is that he needs to work harder to cultivate Pokémon and strive to improve each of their abilities to the ultimate level.


He looked not far away and smiled.

"Go back to the elf ball and rest. The person we have been waiting for is here."

"Hey woo?" "Hey woo?"

The two-headed tyrannosaurus raised its head and saw a green figure approaching slowly before returning to the ball to rest.

Going to fight again?

It became somewhat agitated, thinking that it must avenge its shame.

However, as a trainer, Kashiwagi had the same idea as it, but he couldn't act so eagerly.

"woke up?"

"Hmm..." He nodded shyly. His hair was messy because he hadn't taken care of it carefully. When he got closer, he held the aromatherapy spray in his hands and said, "I'm so sorry for causing you trouble! I'll give this back to you!"

"Take it, you have insomnia because of what I said, and you will definitely use it in the future. Besides, it's not a particularly precious thing."

Kashiwagi waved his hand and said with a smile: "Have a good rest and recharge your batteries. I look forward to continuing to fight with you in the future."

Manchong opened his mouth and looked down at the aromatherapy spray, knowing that he might really need to use it next.

"T-then...thank you very much!"

He bowed sharply.

But strictly speaking, his sleep quality has never been very good. It’s not just a matter of one or two days. It’s been difficult to fall asleep every night since he couldn’t find his target. He had to slowly recuperate his body through previous travels. No collapse.

The insomnia last night was just the result of the fatigue accumulated over a long period of time burst out in an instant.

Fortunately, through the sleeping effect of the spray, he had recovered a lot of energy after sleeping for several hours.

Manchi clenched his fists and said proactively: "If you don't mind, I can fight now! My Pokémon are also in a state of full energy - ah, I'm sorry, you just finished practicing..."

He belatedly noticed the sweat on Kashiwagi's body and the messy scene on the ground.

"It's okay, let's do it now." The latter interrupted Man Chong's apology in advance and said, "I just want to change the mode, one-on-one, okay?"

"my pleasure!"

The green-haired boy nodded vigorously. With his introverted personality, he always maintained the most polite attitude, and now was no exception.


After this battle.

The relationship between Kashiwagi and Mitsuru has taken a step forward.

The constant Pokémon battles also deepened their understanding of each other, making the somewhat introverted person gradually become more enthusiastic.

Although he did not reach the level of being frightened in front of strangers or going crazy in front of familiar people, Manmitsu did undergo a considerable change in his attitude towards Kashiwagi.

The latter often has admiration for the former, even if he wins more times in battles.

Because Manmitsu knew very well that Kashiwagi would grow stronger than him sooner or later. After all, in terms of attitude towards fighting and pursuit of goals, he was far inferior to him.

The current victory only relies on the accumulation of travel between the two regions.

This can be seen from the fact that when he takes out Pokémon of similar levels to fight, he will soon lose. Being unable to defeat an opponent on equal footing is not considered a good trainer.

What impressed him even more was that Kashiwagi always hoped that he could bring out powerful Pokémon to fight, as if he cared more about winning than winning, how much nutrients he could absorb for growth after fighting against the strong.

Sure enough, people with goals are different!

The more Manmitsu got along with Kashiwagi, the more he respected him in his heart, and regretted how great it would have been if he could have fought with him in the Aiyu Tournament.

Even going a little further... becoming rivals competing against each other...

Manchi began to imagine some unrealistic scenarios.

And the other side.

Kashiwagi is in the joy of reality.

The Pokémon pool in Full Charge was much deeper than expected. He originally thought that the kid only had the few used in the game, but he didn't expect that the few in the game were only the main Pokémon, and Full Charge had more. Substitute Pokémon.

The many different types of Pokémon not only increased his knowledge of Boscordora and others, but also brought good news——

Possibility of teaching moves.

It is said that Manchi is extremely talented in cultivating Pokémon. His Pokémon know all kinds of moves, including some that Kashiwagi is particularly concerned about.

The most typical one is the self-destructing magnet monster, which happens to have two moves: [Reflection Stone] and [Awakening Power].

For example, biting a land shark will cause [Meteor Swarm] and [Earthquake].

For example, Mariluli knows [Stand-in] and [Shoot].

Kashiwagi can completely let his own Pokémon learn through the teachings of these Pokémon, just like the results brought by the wild Boss Cordora before.

It's just that it would be more troublesome to do this, but in order to grow as quickly as possible, he still shamelessly asked the former to let the Pokémon teach these moves.

Manchong agreed generously without any hesitation.

The neat appearance made Kashiwagi feel a little ashamed. After all, he had "calculated" a little bit about this young man before.

During the exchange between the two.

Cousin Aman stood in the corridor many times and looked into the distance. Seeing them talking and laughing, she smiled with great relief.

The family member she is most worried about is her cousin.

His health was poor when he was young, and his personality became extremely introverted for a time. Later, he gradually recovered after being exposed to Pokémon and traveling. As a result, he encountered new confusions not long after.

I even want to give up on becoming a trainer after working hard for so long. I am distracted all day long, like a walking zombie.

Now it has finally changed.

Man Chong who can laugh out loud is the familiar Man Chong!

Sure enough, you should communicate more with trainers and play more battles. How can you find a way out if you are bored alone?

She hummed a little tune and left happily, as if she had settled something on her mind.


After eating, Kashiwagi came to the backyard.

Although they agreed to train Pokémon together in the evening, Manchong was unwilling to give up his job at the front desk of the B\u0026B. According to what he said, he couldn't do nothing if he troubled his cousin here for so long.

"Let's take down the will-o'-the-wisp in one go."

He rubbed the gradually smooth shell of the Galar Sun Coral. After a month of hard work, most of the rough spots on this guy were smoothed away. But this is just the beginning, I believe it will become very smooth and shiny later.

It even glows slightly like jade.

The Galar Sun Coral showed its red eyes, and to it, the trainer's hand-to-hand behavior was no different from the child upstairs wearing slippers running around on the wooden floor.

It's just that one can rush to the theory, but the other cannot.

I couldn't resist, so I had to endure it silently. I was a little uncomfortable at first, but then I got used to it a lot. I even couldn't sleep well without the vibration.

Pokémon's ability to adapt is truly terrifying.

Galar Sun Coral thought, and believed that it was really necessary for him to successfully learn the will-o'-the-wisp tonight——

Otherwise, he would have to smell that smelly flame again tomorrow, which would be a bit too much for him.

The trainer also said that it was the orthodox will-o'-the-wisp.


Life is not easy.

When Galar Sun Coral sighed silently, he found that his trainer suddenly carried him towards the house and said something to a green-haired human who looked worried.

A Pokémon of different colors was stolen? Is there a thief in town? What is all this?

It felt a little confused.

at the same time.

Kashiwagi frowned as he listened to Mitsuru's story.

When he saw the fat man blatantly showing off Pokémon of different colors, he was thinking that he might be deceived by being so showy, but fortunately, he was not deceived.

They were all stolen, not a single one was left.

"Stealing all the Pokémon and leaving a postcard?"

"Yes, calling yourself a Phantom Thief Masker has tarnished the culture of Masked Messengers!" A rare hint of anger rose up on Manchuria's face.

There is an extremely fanatical Masked Messenger culture in Green Town. Its origin is a very active coordination trainer. He often participated in gorgeous competitions as a Masked Messenger and was welcomed by many people.

This coordination trainer appears in the main animation, and he also passed on his props and costumes to his son.

The watermelon-headed kid from before put watermelon leaves on his face to imitate the Masked Messenger.

It's just rather clumsy.

"I can only hope that Miss Junsha will solve the case soon. They are professionals in this regard."

Kashiwagi said.

After hearing this, Manchong's anger quickly turned into helplessness, and he nodded and said, "Yes, I hope those Pokémon can return to their trainers soon."

After adjusting your mood.

The two began training in the evening.

The first one to break through is undoubtedly the will-o'-the-wisp of Galar Sun Coral, and Mitsuru has a Pokémon in his hand that surprises Kashiwagi——

Fierce Arrow Eagle.


The divine horse's flaming eagle hovered in the air, its wings fluttering and sparks falling down, but it didn't feel very hot when touched.

"I got this child from a breeding house. It is said to be a Pokémon from the Kalos region." Manman looked at the Arrow Eagle with a smile and raised his hand.


The Arrow Eagle flapped its wings and adjusted for a long time before landing in the trainer's hands. Unfortunately, this guy was too big, and the down covered his entire head.

Kashiwagi who was watching: "..."

It is only about 1.6 meters tall when it is full. The height of this Fierce Arrow Eagle is probably not 1.2 meters when it folds its wings. Even if its body structure is forward-bowed, it looks extremely disharmonious.


The Arrow Eagle gave a friendly call to him and the Galarian Sun Coral.

This guy's appearance is undoubtedly to help the latter learn the will-o'-the-wisp. He is full of learning moves and has his own set of experiences and theories.

"As long as the Pokémon feels the same attribute energy, it will naturally understand it! There is no need to delve too deeply into the principles and methods!"

Manchi belongs to the type that relies entirely on momentum to learn moves.

However, his Pokémon learning was relatively smooth.

Kashiwagi couldn't help but begin to wonder if there was something wrong with his method - well, judging from the time it took him to become a trainer, his current learning progress was actually not much slower than Mitsuru.

You have to accumulate experience by yourself. There is no benefit in rushing to learn from others. The best is the one who is suitable.

Move learning begins.

The Fire Arrow Eagle releases flames and guides the Galar Sun Coral to release flames.

Feeling the heat wave so close at hand, the latter was silent for a while, then suddenly got a motivation from nowhere and tried hard to light a fire in front of him.

"It seems that the fire of the Arrow Eagle has been transferred to the heart of the Galar Sun Coral!"

Manchu smiled happily.


Kashiwagi smiled back, but he knew in his heart that this was probably not the case. The guy probably thought the fire breathed by the Fierce Arrow Eagle was too hot, so he was anxious to learn how to escape from the sea of ​​suffering as soon as possible.

After spending so much time with this guy, he almost understands his personality.

Only when encountering things or things that they hate, Galar Sun Coral will choose to fight in order to solve it as soon as possible or stay away from the source of its displeasure.

It is indeed a representative Pokémon that talks less and does more.

And with this rare persistence, the Galar Sun Coral, which had already made a breakthrough in the will-o'-the-wisp, galloped all the way, and finally lit up the blue flame out of thin air when the Fierce Arrow Eagle spewed out its fourth flame. feat.

The moment he saw the flames igniting, even the Galar Sun Coral couldn't help but get excited.


Finally I can stay away from this guy who is as annoying as the sun!

"Successful!" he shouted excitedly, reaching out his hand to give Kashiwagi a high-five next to him.

He never thought that he was calm and just praised the Galar Sun Coral with words and picked it up. He stood there with empty hands and was a little at a loss.

This person is so calm, but he gets embarrassed when he gets excited about helping.

But just when he was about to say haha ​​and take his hand back, Kashiwagi turned his head and patted him lightly, followed by a sound.

"Thank you very much."

"No matter what, it doesn't help anything. Hey, hey hey hey..."

Manchong pinched the hair in front of his forehead, unable to hide the smile at the corner of his mouth. His originally depressed mood became high again, "Let's continue to learn new moves!"


Kashiwagi took back the Galar Sun Coral, which he was looking forward to, and did not let the latter continue to be with the Arrow Eagle, letting it go.

Originally, I wanted to learn how to defend in one go.

But his "boss" still had a conscience after all and let Galar Sun Coral "get off work" early.

If you don’t work overtime, there are many Pokémon who are willing to work overtime——


Suddenly it became abstract.

Kashiwagi brought on the long-awaited Double-Headed Tyrannosaurus, and Mitsuru also replaced it with his Biting Land Shark.

"Hey woo!" "Hey woo!"

The two-headed tyrannosaurus, which was still full of energy after training for almost a day, screamed at the biting land shark.


Liebite Land Shark responded.

no doubt.

Originally, he wanted the two-headed tyrannosaurus to concentrate on leveling up, and it had this plan of its own, but during the battle with the biting land shark, this guy fell in love with the meteor swarm move at a glance——

Because it was blown up by a meteor swarm.

After learning from Kashiwagi that he could also learn this move, he resolutely expressed his intention to learn Meteor Swarm.


This move has relatively high requirements on the venue during the learning process. If it is not done correctly, it will easily cause damage to the equipment, and it will be much noisier than the normal move. In order not to affect the rest of other tenants in the B\u0026B, Kashiwagi discussed with Manchong Decided to practice in a more open area.

Like the park next door.

There are three battle arenas next to each other. When connected together, it becomes a large arena, which is just suitable for the two-headed tyrannosaurus to perform at will.

"The skill of meteor swarms is to gather energy in one go and then release it into the sky. It's very simple."

Manchong said seriously and waved to Liebite Land Shark, "Meteor Swarm!"


Liebite Land Shark let out a low roar, and a dazzling orange light lit up on its chest and abdomen when it raised its head. After the light was concentrated to the extreme, it rose to its mouth, and then was suddenly launched into the sky.


The orange light group flew high into the sky, and when it reached a critical height, it suddenly exploded!


Countless shining meteors pulled long flaming tails, roaring down like fireworks, and hitting the ground with a violent sound like mortars, exploding into clouds of thick smoke.

"Once you become proficient, you can control the landing point of the meteor swarms." Manchi said seriously.

Kashiwagi turned to look at the two-headed tyrannosaurus, giving it an expectant expression, "Want to give it a try?"

"Hey woo!" "Hey woo!"

The two-headed tyrannosaurus nodded heavily and followed the procedure to accumulate dragon energy in its chest.

The blue light slowly lit up, and then——

It turned into a dragon wave of crimson and indigo and flew towards the sky.

"Woo..." "Woo..."

The two-headed tyrannosaurus turned to look at its trainer.

"As for the meteor cluster... it is indeed not like this." Kashiwagi replied helplessly: "Let's do it again, relax and concentrate."

Manchong cheered for it, "It's okay, it's normal to not succeed at first! It'll be fine if you try again!"


The fierce biting land shark roared in response.

The two-headed tyrannosaurus began experimenting again.

But this time, as soon as it had accumulated energy, a very important question suddenly appeared in its mind.

Liebite Land Shark only has one mouth, so it only brews a ball of light.

What if it has two mouths?

"Hey woo..." "Hey woo..."

The two-headed tyrannosaurus stopped and decisively called for help from its trainer.

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