My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 307 Dance of Cold Smoke

There are not only disadvantages to playing later, but also advantages.

For example, it is very convenient to roughly estimate your score and whether you have a chance of advancement.

In a blink of an eye, the time came to afternoon.

Although most of the contestants' performances look simple and funny, there are also real ones.

The second player after Xiaoguang to score 29.4 points is using the Pokémon that is considered to be the most suitable for the gorgeous competition - Menus. With the three moves of Renewal, Water Ring and Mysterious Guardian, he created an amazing look. Breathtaking scenery.

What makes Kashiwagi more concerned is that not to mention Miss Joy, the first two seem to have never given full marks? The highest is only 9.9.

But judging from their performance, their enthusiastic love for some performances does not seem to be fake. It really makes people curious about the judging criteria of these two people.

What kind of performance is exactly what they want?

Questions lingered in his mind.

As the players who knew they could not advance left one by one, the atmosphere in the gradually empty preparation room became a little solemn. Both Xiaoguang and Pogaman were affected and couldn't help but clench their hands.

"Don't be nervous, this is for you."

Kashiwagi took out a small cloth bag from his pocket and said, "Refresh yourself and dry the sachet. I promised you this before."


Xiaoguang's eyes lit up and he hurriedly took it.

She had known for a long time that Cypress had the ability to make incense, and admired his talents in many crafts. She had been looking forward to hearing that the latter was willing to make sachets for her for a long time.

"It's still this comfortable aroma~" She couldn't put it down holding the sachet, and Pojaman next to her was also attracted by the smell of the sachet.

After all, this smell often comes from Big Mouth Baby.

"It's almost time."

Kashiwagi suddenly adjusted his clothes and said, "I'll take the first step."

Xiaoguang came back to his senses, pumped his fist and said, "Come on!"


Pogaman flapped his wings excitedly.

He nodded with a smile and walked towards the player tunnel.


"Let's invite the next contestant!"

Vivian's voice was quite passionate.

But after watching it for almost an afternoon, the audience was a little unmotivated. Many people even wanted to finish the first review as soon as possible and get into the gorgeous battle as soon as possible.

The judges acted very calmly. They are all extremely professional beings.

Especially the first two, who have to travel back and forth between various cities in the Fengyuan region every day to serve as judges for the gorgeous competition, their willpower has been honed.

Not to mention Ms. Joy, you will never know how she can heal so many trainers' Pokémon efficiently and quickly.

After Gilly Egg came back from training at the Pokémon Center, he used two words to describe them -


In other words, in response to the wise saying, the Joey family are all monsters!

What kind of performance will the next contestant bring?

They still kept smiling.


Kashiwagi walked out of the passage.

Patstein and Yanase's eyes flashed with gold at the same time. After looking at each other, they calmly rubbed their eye points and touched their ears to keep their ears sharp.

Miss Joy: "?"

What happened to these two people?

There were many gorgeous contest fanatics in the audience who saw Kashiwagi and became excited.

"It's him!"

"It's the coordination trainer with the big mouth!"

"Honey, look! He's in Kaina City!"

"I have to inform the little sisters in the support group quickly - ah! Can't enter the venue now? What a pity!"

The arena gradually became noisy.

Countless spectators stared closely at the familiar figure appearing below and couldn't help but make various noises.

Host Vivian wanted to reassure the audience that the Gorgeous Contest was not like the Battle Contest. Most of the time, the audience needed to stay quiet to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

But right now.

Kashiwagi raised his hand with an indifferent expression, facing the eyes of all the audience, and suddenly waved it from right to left and clenched it into a fist!

In an instant.

As if the orchestra conductor had given an order to stop, the people in the audience who were paying close attention to him suddenly fell silent. The silence infected many of the audience who were still talking. They looked at the sudden silence of the entire venue and subconsciously followed. Shut up.



Accompanied by ice crystal-like snowflakes flying, Big Mouth Baby slowly appeared.

I saw him holding two folded wooden fans, his figure swaying and dancing. When the soft ringing slowly spread, he opened the wooden fans with a swish, brought it to his face and swayed slightly, as if removing a screen. Showing off that pretty and cute face.

There was some kind of indescribable bright color between the eyes, which instantly touched the heartstrings of everyone present.

With just one movement, the cuteness of the big-mouthed baby is fully revealed!

"How endearing!"

The host Vivian wanted to express her emotion out loud, but she quickly stopped speaking for fear of ruining the artistic conception.

A well-informed audience saw that the dance performed by Dazuiwa was exactly the fan dance that the kimono girls at Enzhu Dance Hall were good at, a dance that symbolized the beautiful heritage of Johto!

At this moment, Kashiwagi snapped his fingers.


The swaying big-mouthed baby jumped up very lightly, and tapped its toes like a dragonfly touching water.


Misty light blue clouds and smoke quickly covered the entire venue.

The big-mouthed baby in it suddenly became a fairy in the fairyland on earth. As the mist rolled in and out, the bell of peace swayed gently, and a relaxing aroma spread out.

Thanks to various blessings, this intermittent hazy dance not only did not bore the audience and judges, but even gave them a sense of expectation.

no doubt.

Da Zui Wa combines mystery and dance and performs it to the extreme.

The light blue clouds are filled with smoke, the crisp sound of bells, the mysterious hazy dancing posture, and the refreshing fragrance.

The audience may not have felt this last point, but the three judges must have smelled it. The fatigue and heat from sitting for a long time suddenly disappeared.

Turn around.

With a soft sound, Big Mouth Baby's dance changed.

The clouds and smoke floating around were suddenly guided by a cool wind, and slowly dispersed towards the surroundings. Along with countless twinkling starlight freezing points, the heat in the bodies and hearts of the audience was removed.

While the judges were trembling, they also paid more attention to the big-mouthed kid in the room.

I saw that at some point, the big-mouthed baby was already dancing in the air, heading towards the sky like Chang'e flying to the moon.

The cold air flow combined with the smoke and clouds in the misty venue makes it even more secluded and cold. This artistic hazy beauty is not as gorgeous as fireworks and explosions, but it has a unique charm.

It makes people want to stop watching, and they don't dare to look away for a moment.


The ringing stopped.

The clouds and smoke attached to the misty field were also blown away by the cool breeze, leaving only a thin layer. At some point, a spiral staircase of ice was built in the field.

The big-mouthed baby stood at the top of the ice stairs, maintaining the last posture.

it's over?

Have you finished your performance?

This thought flashed through everyone's mind.

And the next moment.

The ice steps suddenly shattered, turning into brilliant spots of light and curling clouds of mist in the misty venue, forming a final wave of refreshing wind that blew to all the spectators present.

The big-mouthed baby rotated like a fallen leaf and landed smoothly.


The wooden fan is closed.

It lowered its head and closed its eyes, and bowed slightly to the audience together with Kashiwagi.

The entire venue was so silent that you could hear a pin drop.


Cheers and shouts that seemed to be able to overturn the dome of the entire venue pierced the sky!

The applause was like thunder, and it was like an endless wave!

Countless spectators stood up and applauded Da Zui Wa and Kashiwagi, and many fans of the gorgeous competition were so excited that they burst into tears.

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