My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 306 Smoke, Rain and Thunder Tree

It didn't take long.

Xiaoguang appeared on the big screen wearing a light blue dress.

She raised her right hand with great confidence and threw the elf ball in her hand!

"Pachlitz! Leave it to you!"


White light appeared, and two aqua-blue light strips floated upward, forming a beautiful spiral around the shining white light spots.

Turn around.

The aqua-blue light ribbons entangled and fluttered, turning into huge bows shining brightly in mid-air.

Pachilitz rolled at the center of the ribbon of light. When it stopped spinning, it raised its little paws and shouted to the audience full of energy!



In an instant, countless rays of blue lightning spread out in all directions with its cry, instantly shattering the blue light belt and forming a huge and gorgeous blue firework!

Bang bang bang bang——

The sky is filled with fireworks and rain, how beautiful!

The tumbling and falling Pachlitz also relied on its big soft tail as a cushion to land lightly and perfectly.


It smiled and wiggled its little paws.

"Look! Pachlitz's electrics have brought out the effect of stickers perfectly!"

Vivian praised loudly.

The audience also showed expressions of surprise. This was much more interesting than the previous interactive performances.

At least the visual effects are satisfying.

The smile on Xiaoguang's face became even bigger, and he ordered again:

"Angel's Kiss!"


Pachlitz kissed the air softly, and several hearts leapt out and grew rapidly. Then he started to swing his big tail and hit them into the sky!


Amidst the rather cute sound effects, the huge heart turned into many small hearts, flying into the sky like balloons!

The little hearts collided back and forth as they took off, and after exploding, more and smaller hearts appeared. They almost filled the entire sky.

"Now, use discharge!"


Blue electric current quickly jumped on the electric storage bag on Pachilitz's cheek, and then he raised his head and screamed, and countless thick blue and white lightning surged towards the sky in an instant!

"This is--"

As soon as Vivian's eyes lit up, she saw the lightning dancing like a long snake catching up with the hearts in the sky. The flashing current shattered many small hearts in an instant, turning them into a colorful rain of fireworks!

Bang bang bang——

But the show isn't over yet.

I saw that as Pachlitz continued to release electric current, the thunder and lightning in the sky formed branch-like veins, and gradually formed into a giant blue tree in the sky. In the hazy place, it seemed that even the top branches and leaves had taken shape. Each shining "leaf of thunder" is like a lamp.

Together with the countless fireworks exploding in the sky, it reveals an indescribable beauty.

This moment.

The sky is filled with fiery trees, silver flowers, and stars!

The audience was shocked by the beautiful scenery and couldn't help but smile on their faces.

Lean less.

The fireworks ended, and the Thunder Tree returned to Pachilitz's body.

Xiaoguang and Pachilitz bowed to express their thanks.

The audience responded with the loudest applause, and waves of uproar and screams surrounded the arena, demonstrating their love for this performance.

Patstein's face was filled with a happy smile, as if he had finished watching a show that left him unfinished, "Wonderful performance, Pachilitz's cuteness and mastery of thunder and lightning were fully demonstrated, which can also be seen from its subtle movements. The joy in its heart and its big fluffy tail were put to good use. Although only two moves were used, this combination was successful..."

The words were not finished.

The studio cut off the microphone. It was not disrespectful to Patstein, but once he came up to comment, he would never stop commenting.

The handsome Yanase next to him silently picked up the microphone, unbuttoned his collar, and leaned back in an extremely chic manner.

"Si! Ba! Pull! Si——!!"

A lion-like roar came from his twisted mouth. Although there were only four notes, each note represented his love for this performance.

But Xiaoguang couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. This was the first time she saw such a judge.

Finally came Miss Joy.

"A very touching performance, and the cuteness of Patchlitz has been deeply engraved in my mind!"

This person is always so dignified, no matter if he is facing the contestants in the gorgeous contest or the trainers who come with injured Pokémon.

“I’ll ask three judges to give their scores~”

Vivian stretched out her hand to signal.

Beep beep beep.


The total score is 29.4 points, which is still far from perfect, but this result also makes Xiaoguang extremely satisfied.


Pachlitz turned to look at her happily, and the two smiled at each other and gave them a high five.


Prep room.

Kashiwagi greeted Xiaoguang with applause.

"Wonderful! Pachlitz's performance is wonderful, and it doesn't drag on."

In order to achieve more gorgeous performance effects, many coordination trainers will use a large number of moves to complete the connection.

But this takes a long time and the error rate is greatly increased.

Of course, this does not mean that using too many moves is illegal or inferior to others, but he personally prefers simplicity and beauty.

When designing a performance, he often strictly limits himself to only letting the Pokémon use three moves. If the time is too short, he will rely on other methods to extend it.

For example, dance.

"Thank you~"

Xiaoguang's face was filled with joy, and while holding Pachilitz, Bogaman followed him.

Sinnoh's gorgeous competition basically has no points, so after the performance, it is difficult for the contestants to know whether they can advance, and they will be worried for several hours.

The gorgeous competition scored by Hoenn is a very good and encouraging rule in Xiaoguang's opinion.

And there is no doubt that she has the highest score in the audience. As long as there are not a group of twenty-nine scorers, she is definitely safe.

"Come on, it's up to you!"

Hikaru cheers for Kashiwagi.

The latter said helplessly: "It's too early to refuel. It's probably almost the last hour when it's my turn."


Xiao Guang didn't expect him to be so late in the order.

Since there are many contestants in the gorgeous competition, it is actually more advantageous to enter first. At that time, the judges are not bored yet, and the mentality is better.

Nowadays, the weather is hot, and the result of the event being lengthened and judged by people is that it becomes harder and harder to score high as the game progresses.

When Kashiwagi saw the order, he almost thought that he was about to rush into the street in his second appearance.


He believes that the big-mouthed baby will definitely surprise the tired judges.

"Are you hungry? It's almost time for lunch. I've prepared lunch." Kashiwagi said to Xiaoguang.

Xiao Guang's eyes lit up, then he felt a little embarrassed.

Her teammates haven't even started playing yet. Wouldn't it be good if she ate lunch so carelessly?

"Eat it, you have to eat it when it's done. Besides, I'm not nervous. All I have to do is show all the hard work I've done these days to the judges, that's all."

Kashiwagi smiled easily.

Xiaoguang saw this and happily ate the sandwich he made.

Bogaman and Pachlitz also ate with their heads down.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

"Pah, pah, pah, pah..."

Kashiwagi released the big-mouth baby and asked it if it wanted to eat before the game. The latter shook his head decisively.


It’s best to do it on an empty stomach before dancing.

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