My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 211 Food and Touching

This is the most words I have spoken since the Galar Sun Coral was conquered.

The helpless object is the lucky egg.

Kashiwagi watched the whole process, but couldn't understand a word. He crossed his legs and held his chin while he waited for them to finish talking.

The Galar Sun Coral seemed to have said something outrageous, and Geely Egg soon became filled with tears.

He thought it was the former who said something about his experiences, such as how miserable he was before death, but the next moment Jilidan's tears stopped as if time had stopped, and his tense face quickly retracted into his eyes, turning into a Zhang was very speechless.


"Where's my throat..."




The conversation between the two ends here.

Galar Sun Coral turned around and glanced at Kashiwagi, as if he was sizing up something, and then slowly flew towards the living room.

The Geely Egg rubbed its face and was confused. Faced with the expectant eyes of the expectant trainer, it began to dance and make gestures.

Because the content expressed was too complicated, even though the two already had a certain understanding of each other, they couldn't figure it out even after half a day of communication. It wasn't over until the Galar Sun Coral flew back with a satisfied look on its face.

Sensing Kashiwagi's shifting gaze, Galar Sun Coral's contented expression suddenly turned into depression, turning into the hopeless Sun Coral again.

"This guy……"

Kashiwagi twitched the corner of his mouth.

The conversation between the two just now included the origin of the Galar Sun Coral——

This guy was not transformed from the native sun coral in the Lantier area after death, but came from a more distant land, and it was not clear where exactly.

I just remember that an iron-clawed lobster attacked it inexplicably. When it was fighting back, it accidentally fell into an underground river and was washed all the way to the sea. It then stuck to a group of migrating King Howler Whales and Howler Whales, and finally came to the Lantier area. The nearby sea fell into slumber.

God knows how long it took before Kashiwagi picked it up from the bottom of the sea.

During these days of waking up, my head was groggy and still in energy-saving mode. I had lost most of my thinking ability and could only mechanically and automatically fight back against external attacks.

Fortunately, I was so stimulated yesterday that I came back to my senses more or less.

Kashiwagi didn't know where to start when he heard this.

Where did the big devil come from? Moreover, other people usually lose their strength after breaking away from the seal, but what you lose is your IQ?

To put it simply, it can be summed up in three words: sleepy.

But it would be a big mistake to think that the Galar Sun Coral would become diligent after recovering from its problems.

Despite repeated prodding, the Galarian Sun Coral has always stated that sleeping is the only thing it enjoys at the moment, refusing to accept many of Gili Egg's offers.

Geely Egg asked it to eat.

Galar Sun Coral suddenly fell silent.

Well, it has to admit that the food made by Cypress is delicious enough that it can wake up on time every day to eat even if it loses its mind.

So after IQ returned, Galar Sun Coral couldn't help but take another look at this guy. He obviously looked similar to those other guys, so how could he be so awesome?

Under the persuasion of Geely Dan, Galar Sun Coral reluctantly accepted the proposal to spend part of the day to help Kashiwagi fight, but it must be ensured that it has enough free sleep time.

In exchange, Kashiwagi will provide delicious food and touching services.

"What the hell is this touching service?"

He twitched the corner of his mouth. Gilly Egg lowered his head in embarrassment and blushed, rubbing his little hands while letting out a low chuckle.

The returning Galar Sun Coral, regardless of whether Kashiwagi agreed to these conditions or not, flew slowly to him, closed her eyes and fell into his arms.

Come on, start touching!

The Galar Sun Coral with its legs in the air clearly shows this meaning.

"Lucky?" Geely Dan came forward with an expression that said he would like me to come.

"I'll just come."

Kashiwagi said with a sigh.


Since that night.

Kashiwagi has an extra shoulder pendant.

In order to ensure that she can sleep peacefully at all times, Galar Sun Coral clings to his shoulder and refuses to come down whenever she goes out. If the left shoulder is not allowed to squat on the right shoulder, if the right shoulder is not allowed, then you have to squat on Tianling Gai.

Fortunately, its body weighs less than a pound.

Including the angle formed by the white smoke, it is only more than fifty centimeters, and the original stone body is only more than thirty centimeters high, which does not put too much burden on Kashiwagi's shoulders.


What's more important is the battle aspect.

Although there is no passion to speak of in the battle, it is willing to fight without much resistance, and Kashiwagi's instructions will be carried out very accurately.

So even if they lost more than they won, the latter didn't say anything, just silently thinking about how to maximize the combat effectiveness of Galar Sun Coral.

It is worth mentioning that.

Kashiwagi found that there were a lot of low-speed Pokémon in his team based on their racial values, but most of the time he used them as medium-speed Pokémon, that is, rushing towards the opponent's attacks or taking the initiative to fight them.

This combat method can be executed perfectly by Boss Cordora, Big Mouth Baby and Geely Egg. Especially for the Big Mouth Baby, electromagnetic levitation gives it extraordinary explosive power, and the smaller size of the auspicious egg makes its movements extremely flexible, but it is obvious that it cannot be reproduced on the Galar Sun Coral.

This guy's speed is really slow, and it's difficult to move flexibly without the magic space.

If you insist on fighting according to the customary method, it will only lead to the result of changing from a strong main force to cannon fodder like Xiaozhi's Turtle.

You must change your fighting habits.

Not only does the Pokémon have to adapt to his rhythm, but he also has to adapt to the Pokémon's rhythm. Only by accommodating each other can he go further.

At the same time, in order to maximize the Galar Sun Coral's combat power, Kashiwagi went to the store on the Love Goddess Menas that specializes in selling Pokémon-related products, and successfully found the second evolution stone.

The price was a little expensive, costing half a million yuan, but when he thought about getting the evolutionary stone back from the auspicious egg, he might see a disappointed expression on his face, so he gritted his teeth and paid for it.

Lots of money! capricious!

The Galar Sun Coral didn't say anything after getting the Evolution Stone. It just threw it into the hole on its back.

As a ghost-type Pokémon, its interior is almost completely hollow, with only a smoke-like spirit as its body. When it evolves, the spirit body will rapidly expand and explode the cobblestone shell, forming a translucent ghost coral.

Speaking of level thirty-five, Kashiwagi vaguely remembered that this level should not be far from the evolution of Galar Sun Coral.

Just because of its lazy character, it may not be interested in evolution.

Out of curiosity, he asked about the Galar Sun Coral, and sure enough he got the standard answer that evolution is boring.


For a Pokémon like this, it may not be as strong as it was before it evolved, even if its racial value has improved a lot.

After a long voyage, the Love God Menas finally arrived in the Fengyuan area and was preparing to dock at the port of Weibai Town for supplies.

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