My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 210 To suck or not to suck

Three more days passed after Xiaosheng left.

When Galar Sun Coral finally developed the habit of cooking on time, he opened his eyes to find food more accurately than an alarm clock.

Kashiwagi knew his chance had come.


At present, he deliberately did not prepare lunch for Galar Sun Coral. He seemed to have forgotten and ate on his own.

Several other Pokémon were also engrossed in eating, paying no attention to what was happening during the meal, and they were only focused on chewing the plate of food.

Galar Sun Coral looked left and right, but couldn't find its bowl for a long time. Its already sad expression became even more sad at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It tentatively stretched out its tentacles and waved it, trying to attract the attention of Kashiwagi or the surrounding Pokémon, but found that no one responded.

His entire face suddenly looked doubly depressed.

Galar Sun Coral: (′へ`、)

Kashiwagi remained calm on the surface, but actually began to expect it to come to complain to him, or directly compete for other Pokémon's food.

...It seems a bit inhumane, but the main purpose is to stimulate Galar Sun Coral, so that it can take three or four hours out of the twenty-three hours and fifty minutes every day to move towards the normal frequency of Pokémon activity. Take the first step.

It's better to turn the thought of getting food into motivation or something than to sit back all day long.

Forcing is definitely forcing, but it is limited to inducement.

It's a pity that the Galar Sun Coral has been there for so many years, and Kashiwagi can't change it from passive to active with just a small trick.

Not allowed to eat?

Then I won’t eat it.

The Galar Sun Coral shut down on the spot, floated and stopped with its eyes closed, then fell to the ground with a splat.

Kashiwagi: "..."

Boscodora and other Pokémon who had already tensed up their nerves said: "..."

Single dragon: "嗼呶呶呶嗼呶~"

The problem was not unexpected.

Although I am definitely looking forward to it, it is normal for Galar Sun Coral to continue to close its doors.

The real pulling has just begun!

Kashiwagi finished his meal quickly, placed the Galar Sun Coral on the bedside, and left it there like an ornament. He also gave up on the past games and went to the battle area with a group of Pokémon to fight.

The moment the door closes.

Galar Sun Coral opened its eyes and quickly closed them again.

Kashiwagi, who was watching the surveillance on his mobile phone outside the door, breathed a sigh of relief. He was actually a little worried that the Galar Sun Coral would slip away.

Regardless of whether the window is closed, a mere piece of glass is nothing to a ghost-type Pokémon, and it can go out whenever it wants.

Now it seems that this guy doesn't even bother to sneak away.

Didn't go to the battle zone.

Kashiwagi ordered a cup of coffee in the leisure area, and trimmed the hair of the single-headed dragon while watching the surveillance. The whole morning passed like water.


He specially made some luminous dishes with a particularly strong fragrance, packed them up and took them back to the room.

When I opened the door, I saw Galar Sun Coral staying at the head of the bed. It was obvious that he was back, but there was no reaction at all.

Kashiwagi didn't care, and took out his lunch box and started to distribute it among the Boscadoras. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the Galar Sun Coral open its eyes and deliberately took out its rice bowl and shook it.

When the meal officially started, he quietly hid the rice bowl and piled Boscodora's portion high, creating the impression that the food was being snatched away by Boscodora.

Lunch arrives.

According to its habit, the Galar Sun Coral floated over slowly like a snail.

Although ghost-type Pokémon can have the ability to leave the ground without the floating characteristic, their speeds are also divided into fast and slow.

The Galar Sun Coral's floating speed falls into the slow category. I don't know if it is itself like this, or if it is related to its personality and is affected by the rotten gene.

The Pokémon are having dinner.

The Galar Sun Coral arrived and spun 360 degrees on the spot, not finding its share.

This guy was frozen as if he was frozen.

Gilly Egg felt distressed inexplicably and begged Kashiwagi with his eyes. The latter shook his head silently and just raised an index finger to it.

one day.

If it doesn't work for one day, then find another way.

Galar Sun Coral obviously didn't notice the small movements of Geely Egg and Kashiwagi, and its brain, which was almost dead due to long-term sleep, was running for a while.

Don’t have anything to eat?

Then don’t eat it.

Galar Sun Coral turned around silently and flew back towards the bed.

When Kashiwagi saw this, he not only had no regrets, but his eyes lit up. You know, during the day, when he saw that he had no food, he immediately turned off the door. Now he knows how to fly back, which is considered an improvement, right?


He did not prepare afternoon tea, dinner, or midnight snacks for Galar Sun Coral, and allowed it to come in pleasure and return in despair.

"It should be almost done."

Kashiwagi accidentally glanced at the Galar Sun Coral and deliberately placed the "leftover" food on the dining table in front of it and covered it with a cover.

When he went to bed at night, he quietly set up the camera aimed at the bedside.

Pokémon like Galar Sun Coral don't necessarily need multiple meals a day. One meal a day or even multiple meals a day is enough to survive. But when you are used to eating multiple meals a day, it is usually difficult to survive.

Will it become angry and take away its own essence? Will it steal food from the table?

There are two roads in front of Galar Sun Coral. Either way requires Galar Sun Coral to take the initiative. When the time comes, as long as they catch it, they can take further verbal offensive.


The cypress trees sleep peacefully.

In order to facilitate the movement of Galar Sun Coral, he specially put the single-headed dragon into the Poké Ball.

This little guy is quite restless. If the Galar Sun Coral moves, it will definitely wake up and look around. If it is disturbed like this, it may give up.

A favorable space must be created where no one will be disturbed.

He calmed his breathing, creating the illusion that he had begun to dream.

And as time passed by, there began to be movement on the bedside.

With his eyes closed, Kashiwagi couldn't tell what it was doing, so he could only wait calmly. If you suck in his essence, you should feel a cold feeling, and at the same time, you will be unable to move like a ghost pressing down on the bed.

--not at all.

He waited for a long time and nothing happened, and his arm hidden under the quilt could move slightly. So it seemed like Galar Sun Coral went to eat "leftovers"?

Thinking of this, Kashiwagi opened his eyes expectantly.


A pair of red eyes so close at hand startled him, and his face almost twisted.

Who else could this be if it wasn't Galar Sun Coral?

Kashiwagi pushed it away angrily. He didn't know if it was an illusion. When he was scared just now, the sad face of Galar Sun Coral suddenly turned into a smiling face.

It's a pity that the picture flashed away and I couldn't capture it.

The lucky egg at the foot of the bed quickly opened its eyes and saw Kashiwagi pushing away the Galar Sun Coral and getting up, leaning over worriedly.


"No sucking, no sucking."

The latter waved his hands and looked at Galar Sun Coral speechlessly. This guy didn't show his horns or sleep, he just stared at him with a pair of red light eyes, which was scary.


"Throat..." Galar Sun Coral said.


Gilly Egg was stunned for a moment.

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