My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 147 Amrido (28/47)

Chapter 147 Amrido (2847)


The calligrapher admired the scenery of Xinqi Lake and could not put down his pen.

Although it was a wonderful thought, she still felt that she had not been able to explore that feeling because she had not been able to see the true form of the Lake Pokémon.

The words he wrote became more and more strange.

What to do?

The calligrapher was a little confused for a moment, so he simply put down his pen and wandered around Xinqi Lake.

While walking around, I happened to find a strange tree.

It has a tan trunk and two branches. On the top of the branches are six green spherical objects that are not sure whether they are leaves or fruits. The strange appearance surprised the calligrapher.

I soon understood the true identity of this thing——

Trees are weird.

This is a kind of imitation Pokémon that will disguise itself as a tree in order to avoid being attacked. It can deceive some idiots, but it cannot deceive beings with strong sensory abilities.

[You are very interested in the tree monster, and you decided to tame this Pokémon because it reminds you of your past self-no matter how much it looks like, it is not a real tree, and no matter how standard it is, it is not your own calligraphy]

The calligrapher sent out Tutu Dog and successfully subdued it without much effort.

[It’s strange that you got a tree, and you have more companions on the journey]

So far.

There was only one spot left in the calligrapher's team, which made Kashiwagi curious which Pokémon it would be.

After conquering the tree, the calligrapher felt very good. He returned to the lake and wrote a copybook about the legend of Qi Qi Lake.

Still not particularly satisfied, but reluctantly finding my own way.

When the calligrapher was admiring his work, he saw the Tutu dog grinding ink beside him, looking at his heart, and he was in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking about.

She leaned over.

[When you see Tutu Dog pinching its tail from time to time, you know it’s time to show off]

[You expressed your apology to Tutu Dog. The sudden apology made Tutu Dog very flustered, but you said that you were too focused on writing in the past and ignored its feelings and never considered what it wanted.]

[You said that during these days of travel, you can often see it writing and drawing on the sky, but it has never taken any real action. You know that you are dragging it down]

[You said, you remembered the pictures Tutu Dog drew in the square to inspire you and the children on the first day you went out, but you didn’t pay too much attention to it at the time. Now that you think about it, you really regret it]

[You said that you have tried to find your own way, and it is time for Tutu Dog to move in the direction he desires. From the gym challenge, you can already see Tutu Dog’s love for drawing. You have no way and cannot stop Tutu Dog’s right to draw. It’s just grinding ink for you, which is too humiliating.]

[You hugged the Tutu dog who was crying with joy, and the other person’s happy look made you feel happy]

In the picture, the calligrapher and her Tutu dog were hugging each other. The intimacy made Kashiwagi couldn't help but hug the single-headed dragon next to her.


The one who looked at Monini with envy at that time was the Tutu dog, because Monini could advance towards the mime master, but for the sake of the trainer, it had to endure the desire to draw.

If it is really interested in writing, why is the calligrapher writing alone from beginning to end?

It's nothing more than accommodation.

The calligrapher discovered this during these days of travel, so Tutu Dog encouraged him.

When the two embraced each other, the center point of Xinqi Lake suddenly emitted a pink light.


A small Pokémon appeared in front of the calligrapher and disappeared under the calligrapher's surprised exclamation mark.

It was the calligrapher's strong affection for Tutu Dog that attracted Amrido's attention.

The calligrapher who saw Emrido with his own eyes seemed to have been inspired, and poured all of his emotions into the poem praising Emrido.

A copybook that was as dazzling as gold to her was born.

[You are very satisfied with the copybook in your hand and decide to use it as an entry]

the other side.

Tutu Dog also borrowed the calligrapher's paper to draw a beautiful picture of Amrido suspended above Xinqi Lake. Unfortunately, the paper was not suitable for painting and the paint quickly spread out.

Fortunately, the calligrapher captured his work with his camera and prepared to buy professional painting tools for Tutu Dog.


Leave Xinqi Lake.

The calligrapher went all the way north to EMI City.

Here she experienced the disappearing and forgotten ancient historical relics, and observed mythical artifacts such as the Tower of Time model and the Diamond Orb through the EMI History Museum.

I even saw stone tablets with ancient writings in them.

From this ancient atmosphere, her understanding of ancient writing deepened.

[You know that you have gained a little bit, so you decide to challenge the gym]

The calligrapher started her third gym challenge, facing off against Caizhong, who was good at using grass-type Pokémon. She might have won, but Caizhong didn't know where she heard the news, and she also wanted to leave a message for her. .

This can put calligraphers in a difficult position.

What words should I leave?



Eventually she decided to copy an ancient writing tablet from the Pathé History Museum in her own style and give it to Naizhong as a gift.

Not sure if it was an illusion, Kashiwagi saw a line of words flashing across Caizhong's forehead.

"There are more words than them!" Won! 』

What the hell.

After the Kalos region gym owners have a chat group, the Sinnoh region gym owners also have a chat group, right?

Kashiwagi twitched the corner of his mouth.

After finishing the gym challenge in EMI City, the calligrapher went to her family's villa in EMI City and handed the previous work of Xin Qihu to the housekeeper, asking her to take it to Jiayuan City to participate in the calligraphy competition.

While picking up the Pokémon in the villa, she headed to Snow Peak City and Lake Wisdom, where the Pokémon from the next lake were.

[You get a beautiful flower, a childhood playmate—more companions on your journey]

Kashiwagi didn't know why the calligrapher took away the beautiful flower at first.

But when they came to the wild, the calligrapher began to write, the Tutu dog began to draw, the Monini began to perform imitations, and the Roentgen cat fell asleep.

The Chinese Valentine's Day bluebird sang loudly, and the beautiful flowers began to dance.

What is this called?

The addition of BGM is not enough, but also a dance background?

Then play music and then dance?

Kashiwagi only felt that the calligrapher was really good at playing, much more so than he thought.

Unfortunately, this time she was not as lucky as last time. When she walked through the snow-covered forest and came to the mysterious snow-covered lake, Uxie, who symbolized wisdom, was unwilling to come out to see her.

Although the calligrapher regretted it, he still left a copybook praising Uxie, and Tutu Dog painted everything with his own hands.

The journey to the beautiful ice and snow lake ends here.

They never expected that after coming to Xuefeng City, this city brought them unexpected surprises——

Ice crystal weather.

This is very different from normal snow. It is a very rare natural phenomenon that only occurs on certain dates. The snowflakes will become like stars and turn into shining ice crystals.

Extremely beautiful and moving.

The calligrapher was so moved that he offered a "Winter" to Xuefeng Gym Leader Xiao Siong without waiting for her to ask for calligraphy.

The word "winter" seems to be falling from the sky. Although it is cold, it still makes people fascinated, and the eyes are as bright as the divine light.

See this word.

The calligrapher realizes that his journey is already halfway finished.

And as if she had a telepathic connection with her, Monini finally learned to imitate and evolved into the Magic Wall Doll.

They took a step closer to their future.

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