My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 146 The Heavenly King Asks for Words (27/47)

Chapter 146 The Heavenly King Asks for Words (2747)

The introduction of the Roentgen cat not only made up for the missing positions in the team, but also prevented the calligrapher from getting lost.

Big cats are born with a very keen sense of direction, and their golden-red vertical pupils can see through any object, allowing them to track escaped prey and find lost children.

Even when writing at night, the Roentgen cat can directly use its eyes to emit light to illuminate the paper, so that there is no need to face the moonlight or bonfire, which will either be blurry or easily ignited.

It’s just that this consumes more power. If it is not replenished in time, the Roentgen cat will fall into a long sleep.

It is for this reason that when calligraphers go to the wild, they usually put Roentgen cats in Poké Balls and rarely use them to fight.

And ever since we made an agreement with Monini.

The calligrapher consciously increased the chances of Monini coming out to fight. During this period, Kashiwagi understood that Tutu Dog's power was not without origin, but was the calligrapher's effort.

The narrator said.

Before the calligrapher devoted his passion to calligraphy, he had bred many Pokémon, and Tutu and Roentgen were among them.

Therefore, the hat of novice trainer can basically be taken off her head.

The calligrapher just hasn't traveled, it's not that he hasn't bred Pokémon.

When she was concentrating on calligraphy, those "old people" stayed at home and in various villas in Sinnoh, and were supported and raised by specialized people.

One day the calligrapher will be able to see them when he goes to live in various villas to change his mood.

Just at this time

This person came to Zhuqing City and welcomed back the fourth Pokémon——

[You got the Chinese Valentine’s Day Bluebird, your childhood playmate—you have more traveling partners]

Another childhood playmate.

Kashiwagi just felt that [their family background was superior] was too embarrassing. No wonder they said that there was no need to worry about raising Pokémon. Even if Co-author went to do other things in the middle, there would be someone to help her continue to raise those Pokémon.

The reason why calligraphers welcome back the Chinese Valentine's Day bluebird is very simple.

On the one hand, it just happened to be in the right place, and on the other hand, it was important that it could sing good songs.

In her opinion, whether she is challenging the gym or writing, she needs a BGM to give her more strength.

Kashiwagi only thinks that rich people have their own tricks.


Come to Shuimai City.

Facing the majestic sea and the huge cruise ships coming and going, the calligrapher left the word "海" in the sea breeze.

She was quite satisfied with this picture and decided to enter it into the competition.

Although the single word is not suitable for the calligraphy competition, it is already the best work she can produce so far, and the other one is the "forest" on the first day.

During this period, her unique approach quickly attracted the attention of others.


She was recognized.

[You have been chased by calligraphy enthusiasts. Many people feel sorry for your silence these days, and many people say they will look forward to your future works]

I saw that the calligrapher finally broke free from the siege of these people.

Kashiwagi was surprised that there were so many calligraphy enthusiasts here. Obviously not many people in the more prosperous Zhuqing City recognized the calligrapher.

But after seeing the Shuimai City Library, he finally understood.

As the only library in Sinnoh, the collection of books here can be said to be the most comprehensive in Sinnoh, so it has a strong cultural atmosphere.

Many history fans come to Shuimai Library for reference.

The calligrapher also came to the library to learn more about the Pokémon of the Lake.

While browsing, he was suddenly blocked by a man with blue hair and sunglasses.

[You have met an ancient writing enthusiast. He is very interested in your calligraphy that resembles the reproduction of ancient civilization. He hopes that you can leave a copybook for him. And through the explanations of others, you learned that the other party was Wu Song, the Four Heavenly Kings]

I go?

Kashiwagi's mouth opened wide, unable to believe that the calligrapher was so famous that Wu Song even came to ask for her calligraphy.

What was even more unexpected was that the calligrapher chose to refuse.

[You said that it might be difficult for you to write the same characters as before, and told Wu Song your plan. Wu Song is very sorry, but agrees with your idea]

[You were happy and decided to give the other person the words you had written, and suddenly thought that the other person also owned a magic wall doll, so you expressed the hope that he could point out your Monini]

The calligrapher obviously only had one badge, but he didn't show any stage fright and took the initiative to let Monini compete with Wu Song's magic wall doll.

Although defeated very quickly, the calligrapher still learned something from it.

"I didn't learn... I'm unhappy."

Kashiwagi held his chin and expressed regret for the pixel-style animation. He really wanted to be taught by the Four Heavenly Kings in person.

The picture flows.

The calligrapher came to the Water Vein Gym.

The gym leader here is Dong Gua, Hyota's father.

After the man known as the Man of Steel learned that the calligrapher left a set of calligraphy for his son, he begged for a set from the calligrapher.

In order to start the gym challenge as soon as possible, the latter had no choice but to agree.

The Pokémon Donggua is good at are steel-type Pokémon, and like his son, he owns a Pokémon that was resurrected from a fossil - Aegyptosaurus.

But there is no doubt that considering the strength of the second gym, it is basically not particularly difficult for calligraphers.

Donggua was quickly defeated.

After much struggle, the calligrapher left a "steel" character for Donggua.

Still written with Donggua’s shovel.

She wouldn't have considered such an unconventional way of writing before, but now she is completely unconcerned about it.


She would definitely not enter this kind of thing that was more art than a copybook, so she just left it for Donggua's collection.


End the gym challenge.

The calligrapher left Shuimai City.

This made Kashiwagi who was looking forward to her meeting Darkrai very regretful. You must know that Tutu Dog was the culprit that caused Darkrai's exclusive move [Dark Hole] to be weakened.

If the calligrapher's Tutu Dog can learn [Dark Hole], the winning rate in participating in the alliance conference will definitely be much higher.

It's a pity that she didn't have such good luck.

Shuimai City is very close to Xinqi Lake, the calligrapher's destination. As long as you don't take the main road, you can reach it directly through the forest in less than two days.

With the flying unit Tanabata Blue Bird and the path-finding artifact Roentgen Cat, the calligrapher will naturally not be afraid of the forest.

He rushed into it with great courage.

These days, she has undergone specialized training in her cooking skills and has basically reached the level where she can eat. Now she wants to try it.

And after several days of living in the open air.

The calligrapher successfully arrived at her destination, the legendary place where the Pokémon of the Lake resides——

Heart Qihu.

As writers of ancient characters, calligraphers are eager to know the mood of the people who created these characters, so they came here to experience it.

The fourth update is slightly slower, yes.

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