My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 114 The crisis is coming (11/44)

Chapter 114 The crisis is coming (1144)


The appearance of heaven and earth changed.

The entire desert has become desolate and cold, no longer as hot as during the day. When the wind blows, it can not only stuff sand into people's mouths, but also make people shiver with cold.

There was no way to start a fire, and it was very difficult to light a fire in the desert conditions.

Everyone could only wrap up their clothes or cloaks tightly and try to survive the cold.

And as the bright sun sets, the difficulty of the investigation work increases. When the thermal imaging camera looks into the Gobi, no ghosts can be seen. It is too quiet for people to stay.

Very boring.

But Cypress enjoyed this dullness and boredom very much. Compared with fighting with others, the withered and yellow weeds were so delicate and lovely, and the mountains in the distance became majestic.

What's more, you can also listen to the crisp ringing of the soothing bell.

"Dingling bell~Dingling bell~"

As Big Mouth and other Pokémon played around him, the relaxing ringtone spread to everyone's ears.

"Kashiwagi, will someone really come? I don't feel like it."

The bored Otsuka held up the telescope, his voice changed from the initial enthusiasm to the current tiredness. Investigation work really tests one's patience.

Kashiwagi said: "No one can say for sure. It may be that the No. 2 mine has been unable to attack for a long time and came here to take advantage of it; or it may be that other forces are pretending to be the Bad Dog Team."

"Other forces?"

"Well, you don't think our Quicksand Team only has the Evil Dog Team as an enemy, do you? It's possible that other forces may break in and add insult to injury. All they have to do is kill everyone here and pretend to be the Evil Dog Team."

"Wocao... no way."

"Why not? Putting aside personal grudges, I don't think other forces want the Quicksand Team to continue to grow. Everyone is afraid that the Quicksand Team will attack them if they advance to a higher level. This is completely normal."

"When you say that, I feel like it's better not to rob this mine."

"It is easier to conquer a country than to defend it, not to mention that there are enemies on all sides. It is estimated that the top cadres are riding a tiger and have a hard time getting off. When the boss of the Dog Team is captured, whether a new boss is elected internally or a new boss is parachuted in, it will be very difficult for them. As neighbors, we will all have an impact, so rather than sit back and ignore it, it is better to take the initiative and create a road to the sky."

After Kashiwagi said this, the other four people present looked at him with admiration.

"Is this the power of knowledge? You know a lot!"

Otsuka was very emotional. He had been attending literacy classes for a while. He felt like he was in jail every day and thought about the meaning of literacy from time to time.

But seeing Kashiwagi looking so wise, his yearning for learning arose again.

The same is true for the other four.

"I just said it casually, don't take it seriously." Kashiwagi laughed dumbly. He just casually expressed his views from a personal perspective, and there was no way he could do anything about it.

Maybe other forces are not so forward-looking? Perhaps the top cadres simply want to beat up the lost dog?

There are so many possibilities.

"Okay, we're going to move places, please stop for a moment."

Kashiwagi clapped his hands and called out to the Big Mouth who was making a fuss with a group of Pokémon.

This guy seemed to be playing some kind of big sister game, instructing Otsuka and his Pokémon to do this and that. He was having so much fun that he didn't want to stop for a moment.


"Now is not the time to play. You can play whatever you want when it's over."

After he persuaded him, the big-mouthed boy gave up and jumped into the pocket of the car.

Kashiwagi turned on the walkie-talkie and contacted peripheral members in other places, usually every ten minutes to ensure that there were no problems.

But he was so careless that he forced peripheral members to contact him every five minutes.

After all, ten minutes of silence can do so much, and five minutes is relatively short.

"Area 2 received, start moving."

"Area 3 received, start moving."

"Area 4 received, start moving."

"Area five..."

"Wait a minute." Kashiwagi suddenly stopped, "Area 4, what's wrong with your voice?"

"...I accidentally ate sand, cough, cough, sorry, captain."

"Okay, continue with the report."

"Area 5 received, start moving."

In addition, Kashiwagi had ten areas in a row, each area was responsible for a different direction, and slowly moved under his order.

And he exhaled, looked at his waiting teammates, and said complexly: "Something happened."

Otsuka and the others' expressions suddenly froze.


"The people in Area 4 have been replaced. I have observed that there is no wind there. I should be able to hear the drone of the drone, but I didn't hear it just now."

Kashiwagi sighed and hurriedly used his earphones to contact the mine, but only the whirring sound of electricity came from inside.

I had obviously contacted the mine a few minutes ago, but I couldn't get in touch now.

It proves that someone used some means to cut off the mine's communication with the outside world, just like when they raided the Dog Team's mine and cut off their communication.

Now it is almost certain that area four will be penetrated by the enemy.

Not even a warning measure was revealed, and they even attacked the mine in such a short period of time, which shows how powerful the attackers are. Such a quiet approach is even more terrifying.

He was suddenly glad that he didn't scatter his men. This little investigative power was simply not enough to fill the gaps in their teeth.

I hope it has been discovered at the mine.

He glanced at his phone——

Sure enough, there was no signal.

"Go back! Go back to the mine!"

Kashiwagi said to the other four: "We do not rule out that the other party plans to hunt us investigators. We must join the large force as soon as possible."

Staying with a large group increases your chances of survival.

Of course this is only one reason.

Another reason is that he still has four team members in the mine, and he is really unwilling to flee back to Huangtie Town without going back to take a look.

Furthermore, with Ayana in charge of the mine, the attacker may not be able to succeed completely. There is no need to denigrate the situation without being able to see clearly.


Otsuka and others responded in unison.


Mine No. 1.

Just as Kashiwagi thought, communication with the outside world has been intercepted.

As if led by someone, the sneak attack team sent by the Bad Dogs successfully broke through the defense lines that Kashiwagi knew or did not know and reached the outside of the mine.

Although they wanted to carry out the sneak attack to the end, they were still noticed by the vigilant Quicksand team members.

The moment the alarm bell rang inside the mine, three cadres and two hundred vicious dog team members launched an attack on the mine. Although it wasn't as seamless as Liu Ge's command, it really caught those who stayed behind by surprise.

The defense line at the main gate was breached, and countless vicious dog members poured into the mine, began to destroy everything indiscriminately, and attacked everyone related to the Quicksand members.

"Smash them all! Smash them all for me!"

A cadre roared and commanded his big wolfdog and Heiluga to destroy those expensive large machines.

"you wanna die!"

Angry shouts came from a small building, followed by a thick water column that broke through the air, directly sending the cadre's Heiluga flying away!


The cadre waved and shouted, and the big wolf dog next to him immediately rushed in the direction of the water jet, but when he advanced to normal, he suddenly turned around, and where he was standing, a giant aqua-blue toad broke out of the ground!

The big wolfdog suddenly stretched out its claws, but collided with the Toad King's trembling arm.


There was a muffled sound.

The two Pokémon each backed away.

Ayana, who couldn't contain her anger, walked out of the small building, followed by an extraordinarily tall Swamp King.

But before she could say anything, another person came out of the smoke on the left.

"Hey, isn't this Ayana-sama? What a coincidence. My incompetent brother really made you worry so much. This time you asked me to collect the interest."

The black-faced man, who was very similar to the black-faced man who led the team at the previous charity conference, smiled.

"So much nonsense."

Although she was about to be besieged by two people, Ayana did not panic, and her expression became calmer and calmer.

It's a pity that the cadre who attacked first didn't seem to want to participate in the battle. He said to the black-faced man: "I'll leave it to you, okay?"

"No problem, just take a look!"

The black-faced man threw the elf ball and rushed towards Ayana.

The other person was preparing to leave and directed his men to continue the sweep.

"You think beautifully!"

Ayana quickly asked the Swamp King to block the cadre's path with water cannon.

For a while.

The scene became more chaotic.

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