My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 113 Layers of Appearance

"Is the news correct?"

"Of course! Sir, can you still not trust the source of my intelligence? When did you make any mistakes in all these years?"

"…Repeat it carefully again."

"What an honor! The other brigade commander of Liusha Team in this operation, the guy named Liu Ge, took more than 200 people to Master Luo Qi. The mine that was originally responsible for placing the trophies was empty and there were only less than One hundred trainers are a great opportunity for a surprise attack!"

Hearing the words of the man with sharp ears and monkey cheeks in front of him, Gemat, one of the top leaders of the Dog Team, had a complicated expression.

The roar of another top cadre, Luo Qi, still lingered in his ears——

"You wolf-hearted guys, the boss was caught instead of dead! Are you going to part ways without doing anything? Okay! Let me tell you, I will take care of the things you don't care about!"

The other party walked away in a hurry and rushed to Mine No. 2 with almost all the team members.


As Luo Qi said, the boss was arrested rather than killed, but what are the standards of the international police? Even the mayor of Silicon Beryllium City didn't dare to confront them openly, and their forces and personnel were spread all over the world.

It is simply not something that people like them who prefer to live in a corner can contend with.

But to be honest, how could it be that after so many years, there is no emotion in my heart? When I was young, I gave up all love and thought that interests and strength came first and nothing else mattered.

When they get older, they feel that relationships are very important and are one of the things that maintain their status and financial resources.

"Help him one last time."

Gemat made up his mind and turned around and called his close subordinates, "I'll give you a task. Choose two cadres to lead two hundred people with you, and rush to the No. 1 Mine of the Quicksand Team while hiding. Take it as quickly as possible. The garrison there, blow up everything inside and run away, do you understand?"


The confidant nodded and bowed, and quickly turned around and left without asking whether this would cause much damage to the Bad Dog Team.

Gemat looked at the wretched man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks again, and said: "If your information is accurate, the reward will not be less for you. Come on."

"Yes! Sir!"

The wretched man nodded and bowed and retreated.

But the moment he left the office, he suddenly reached out and touched his somewhat deformed face. It wasn't until his facial muscles became normal that he revealed a smiling face.

“Lucky, lucky, really lucky.”

He laughed and left.


"Five official members?"

Kashiwagi led his team and looked at the female driver Terry with some astonishment. "Only five official members, cooperating with drones and aerial photography of Rotom? Will the manpower be too tight?"

Ayana's arrangements were quite good, at least they did not let the reconnaissance team detect the enemy with the naked eye. It comes standard with many life-detecting drones and two aerial Rotoms, as well as peripheral members responsible for using the drones.

The key is the number of official members who go out to scout.

Five was too few, and he had to leave four team members in the mine.

"You don't know how tight the manpower is right now. There are only more than 90 official members left in this mine. Don't you understand the significance of investigation?"

Terry shook his head and said: "If the enemy uses some technique to break through your reconnaissance defense line, uses some special Pokémon to mislead the drone or shoots Rotom from the air, wouldn't it be dangerous to send out many official members? So both hands To catch it, both hands must be strong.”

But five people are not immune...

Kashiwagi rubbed his temples. He really felt that such an investigation was extremely dangerous, but his subordinates who had been ordered by Ayana had no right to refuse.

Ishigumi and Akira-gumi refused to support even a single detachment?

Do something.

"Okay, get ready to go! The team in front of you is back, and the rotation time for out investigation is only three hours. It used to be very fast, let alone mother-in-law!"

Terry slapped him hard on the back.


Kashiwagi had no choice but to leave some team members behind, and with four team members and dozens of peripheral members, he left on a hoverbike and rushed to the designated location.

Although the female driver would not teach her how to detect like Flobo, she still wrote down the scope and important points to pay attention to in a booklet and handed it to him.

Normally, it is not easy to do this.

It's not normal to be like Frobo.

"Woohoo! I can race as fast as I want again!"

Otsuka's voice came from the side, followed by the roar of the engine.

The vast desert is really suitable for pulling the throttle to the bottom and enjoying the thrill of adrenaline.

After this guy's injury healed, he bought a single-wheel suspended motorcycle. He just learned to ride it not long ago, and he was in the period of falling in love with suspended motorcycles.

In contrast, Chenghong and others were slightly strapped for funds, so they had to jointly buy three second-hand suspended motorcycles and a suspended off-road Jeep, and several people drove them alternately.

But this time, Otsuka took the initiative to slow down the car without waiting for Kashiwagi to scold him.

"You know, you know, the mission is important, right?"

"You're smart."

He looked away.

Not long after.

Arrive at the designated investigation location.

Kashiwagi opened the booklet Terry gave him, and lines of crooked words suddenly came into view.

It said above that two investigation methods should be adopted without being lazy -

A formal member, with several peripheral members and drones, is responsible for an area. After specifying the scope of investigation, he periodically exchanges the responsible location with others.

Another type of formal members is responsible for one area, and peripheral members and drones are responsible for another area. The two periodically exchange the responsible locations.

In the case of laziness, it is the third method where only peripheral members work and the full members do nothing.

Kashiwagi decisively chose the second option.

Although the first type is more efficient in reconnaissance and can report enemies as soon as possible, it is still too dangerous to disperse the small combat force.

When a person is poor, he cannot be responsible for the safety of peripheral members and can only take care of the people he knows.

What's more, the words that Frobo said, "There is no need to worry about having no firewood to burn the green hills" are still clearly stored in his mind. The other party did not know the allusion of the proverb, but his brain heard the other party's meaning. It is automatically translated into this saying.

Kashiwagi thought he was absolutely right.

Winning two mines would certainly benefit him as the team leader, but the rewards were really not worth compared to his life, so why would he risk his life for the top group of people?

He is not a young man who was fooled by his fame.

Kashiwagi believes that he can devote himself to his ideals, to his bright future, and to everything he cherishes, but this will never include the Quicksand Team, his boss's new house, his new car, or even his new sister-in-law.

Before coming out, he also specifically told Cheng Hong, who was left behind, to run quickly if something happened, and not to stand up stupidly.

The Quicksand Team isn't worth it.

Chenghong and the others should have listened.

"Investigation begins!"

A group of people worked diligently under his command.

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