My doppelganger drama

Chapter 569 Strong Confrontation

I hope I won't end up like this and fall down in a random place. Miller looked at the three old corpses in front of him with some emotion.

After saying that, he originally planned to go back, and then the people in the troupe would naturally reorganize their defenses. Then he would wait until an opponent appeared that could not be stopped by the external defense line, and then deal with it.

When Robben was unable to ensure his position, a powerful three-stage troublemaker was invited to fill in.

In this situation it should be more than enough.

Although the other party is actually willing to send three experts in the field to attack here, it is a bit confusing what is going on behind the scenes.

Or there is a possibility that Chu Xin's life is far more valuable to those behind the scenes than others expected.

Wan Yi and others were just about to start repairing the defense line when they suddenly saw the three corpses on the ground moving.

It didn't move on its own, but seemed to be pulled up and dragged by something invisible.

The three corpses collided directly into a ball. The flesh and blood on their bodies were mixed together with their clothes, and then they became a ball of flesh.

What? Wan Yiren became alert.

Miller also stopped walking back.

The ball of flesh repeatedly shrank and expanded, and then suddenly turned over, revealing a scarlet and empty eye.

The ether energy is being mobilized and condensed in large amounts. What comes is a disaster!

With a turn of his eyes, the energy accumulated to a certain extent and then exploded. The spreading shock wave shocked many people present and made it difficult for them to stand back several steps.

What appeared in front of him was a tall, human-shaped figure with a blood-red body and no other characteristics.

Who are you? Wan Yi asked directly.

The figure didn't speak and just raised his hand.

The triple realm is reopened!

To say that the three realms existing at the same time before were actually in conflict with each other. The three people only focused on maximizing their own power. However, the three realms released by this figure raising his hands are perfectly compatible and superimposed on each other!

The huge field that was finally formed actually included the entire theater. As the other party waved his palm, the three colors were combined into one, the only one being red.

Then release completely!

The light instantly covered and engulfed the entire theater!


It was supposed to be an overwhelming blow, but the figure was suddenly stunned.

The light shrunk rapidly and was then completely eliminated.

Miller stood at the front of the theater with a stern look on his face, his body surging with etheric energy.

A second pair of eyes was reflected in his pupils, lines appeared from the bridge of his nose to the tip of his nose, lines appeared from his lips to his mouth, from his auricles to his earlobes, and on his skin all over his body.

The final point of convergence is the brain lines between the eyebrows.

Six senses.

Beautiful, I didn't expect to meet a troublemaker who understands his own power so deeply in a place like this. The figure spoke slowly.

Domains are forces that require influence and feedback to maximize their effect.

Wan Yi once relied on his own domain to cut off the circulation of other people's domains, causing the opponent's domains to become ineffective.

And just now, Miller did something similar.

He mobilized his abilities in all directions, selected all the senses of a passerby outside the third realm just now, amplified them and completely replaced all the feedback that everyone in the realm should have given to the opponent's realm!

How can a passerby who is not in the field and doesn't even know what is happening here give feedback to the field?

The domain was directly eliminated, and even the attacks based on the domain were covered by non-existent cognition, and disappeared on the spot after being realized.

What a pity, what a pity. The red humanoid looked at Miller and couldn't help but sigh after looking at him many times.

Is there anything you can feel sorry for my old man? Miller still maintained a gentle smile.

You are too peaceful. This ability has made you successful and hindered you. You are excellent as a disaster maker, but you have no chance of causing disaster.

I'm old, that kind of thing doesn't matter anymore. Old God Miller said calmly.

If you can achieve disaster and expand the scope of this power to the whole world, then the whole world will be at your mercy... It's a pity. It doesn't matter that you have no intention of working hard, but being met by me can be regarded as an opportunity. Red The figure slowly told.

Miller shook his head and said nothing.

Are you the 'one and only' they have been talking about? At this time, Wan Yi, the ignored man, asked.

The power to perfectly unify external objects, the energy mobilization in just a moment is very abnormal, even things like domains can be completely blended.

And the extremely special soul in the figure in Wan Yi's eyes.

The soul of this figure does not belong to any one person, but is the result of the souls and bodies of the three previous people being forcibly unified.

What controls the soul is an external will descended from heaven.

All characteristics are consistent with the previous statement.

It is the mastermind behind the theater and Chu Xin, the mysterious will of disaster, the only one.

Update my previous remarks again.

The emphasis on Chu Xin behind the scenes is even higher than everything else in the Golden Circle right now!

Because it comes directly in person!

Your etheric energy activity is not high. This is also because you are too peaceful. In this case, your attraction to external etheric energy will also be reduced. In terms of power, you are one of the best in the same level, but just now How many times can you repeat this operation?

The triple realm is unfolding tirelessly, and this time its influence is still expanding, not only the theater in front of you, but also encompassing all the buildings in the surrounding blocks.

Supposedly, this body is only a body that it uses temporarily, and the power of the three bodies is also temporarily used. But the three are activated at the same time, and the use of the field is extremely proficient, even better than the previous three. Refining...

Wan Yimen quickly analyzed.

As if hearing Wan Yi's discussion, the red figure slowly said: I am the only one and everything in the world. The essence of everything will belong to me. My journey is to reunite the separated worlds!

The chosen one should control everything in the world!

Okay, before I thought it was awesome to a certain extent, everyone seems to have gradually become more serious, and now I finally see a madman. Wan Yi said.

Here we come. Miller couldn't help but look serious.

The terrifying attack came again, and Miller tried his best to deal with it!

At the same time as this marginal but significant battle in the theater intensified, Legion General Ethel also led his troops directly to a quiet and uninhabited park on Sky Island No. 4.

Looking down at this park,

Since you are all high-level talents, surrendering now can save you from death. He spoke slowly, his voice loud and clear.

But a minute passed, and there was no sound below.

So the general raised his hands.


Suddenly a bright star flashed across the distant horizon, and then a huge object flew towards here as if from outside the sky, and was caught by the general.

It was a golden battle ax that was larger than a human being, with ferocious edges and corners engraved on it, and a heavy aura accumulated on it.

Since you are so determined...

Before the general finished speaking, an explosion suddenly occurred in a corner of the park.

The surrounding temperature dropped sharply, and the aircraft of the Dark Gold Legion began to frost. The wind and snow were blowing, and the sky became gloomy.

The general's eyes were slightly serious.

That is……

The fur shawl danced in the wind, and the figure could not be seen clearly in the wind and snow, but the silver eyes were clearly visible.

At this moment, the two strongest people in the Golden Circle are gathering here!

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