My doppelganger drama

Chapter 568 Do your best

With a tap of his white-gloved hand, there were not enough people to organize the protective film, so he directly unfolded it to include everyone.

The bottom of the aircraft was broken open, and he started to land with everyone.

Boom boom!

Two explosions followed soon after.

At this point, except for the aircraft that White Gloves was on, all the other four escape aircrafts had no survivors.

The dignitaries who were frightened by the weightlessness at high altitudes all looked blankly when they saw the four fireworks that had not completely dispersed on the horizon.

There is no harm without contrast.

They can't say anything now.

I can only be grateful that I boarded the aircraft where White Gloves was in the midst of the chaos.

That aircraft has turned around. Where is it going? At this time, a legionnaire said.

White Gloves looked up.

After they broke away, the aircraft completely aimed its spearhead and hit... the central business building on Sky Island No. 1.

The fifth firework was finally set off.

White-glove Blake Jacquard, he accomplished the task so well that even excellent is not enough to describe him.

His mission on this trip was to be Mr. Leader's bodyguard. It was obvious that he brought back Mr. Leader and a group of dignitaries in an almost dead situation.

He even wiped out a large number of members of the theater troupe and achieved great military exploits.

However, things are far from over.

For this entire golden circle, everything on this small aircraft is not important at all.

After saying goodbye to Mr. Leader, White Glove quickly left the Silver and Gold Palace.

How is the situation on Sky Island No. 0? he asked his adjutant.

Their impact suddenly weakened a lot, and our pressure dropped sharply, but... they changed from the focused bombing with clear purpose to the diffuse bombing without purpose! They are madmen, they just want to massacre!

The adjutant's words on the other end of the communication were full of shock and even trembling slightly.

It seemed that he couldn't relax for a while because he saw such a shocking sight.

Relax, shrink your troops, and stick to the administrative area. Remember that everyone operates in teams. The route of action ensures that it can be observed by at least two other teams at any time. After encountering any attack, return to the team and immediately conduct an in-depth mental examination. Try to conduct a deep mental examination on the captured troupe. The elements will be tortured, and if they fail, they will all be killed without mercy.

White Gloves quickly issued subsequent orders.

Copy that! The adjutant replied after calming down a little after hearing his decisive tone.

Hang in there, support will be here soon.

He hung up the call and took a deep breath.

To be honest, he didn't know when support would arrive. The entire Golden Circle was completely undermanned, and it would take some time to dispatch troops to other surrounding air islands.

How much they can solve during this period of time, and whether they can stably suppress this biggest chaos in history since the completion of the Golden Circle after the support is received, are all unknown.

In any case, it was not time for him to rest. After landing, there were still many things to solve in the golden circle.

White Gloves, let me see how fast you are?

The sarcastic voices of the previous pretenders echoed in my ears.

Without any distractions, White Gloves held a knife in one hand and a gun in the other, and started running through the burning city.

Pendulum Theater.

On the fringes of this chaos, the main chaos seems to have nothing to do with it.

Chu Xin was still standing on the stage.

Chu Xin, although the protection outside the theater is as perfect as possible, there are still some aspects that cannot be taken into consideration. If the enemy insists on breaking through, it will still be easy to get in. By then, the theater will not be considered safe.

Brother Zhi came out from the background and said to her.

Chu Xin said: If there are enemies who insist on coming here at this time, they can only come to see me, right?

you know.

Uncle can't hide things. He is strong, but a little clumsy. He can't lie and always keeps silent. I have always seen some of the exchanges between you and uncle. Thank you. Chu Xin said sincerely.

That's not necessary. To put it bluntly, you have made us a lot of money. Brother Zhi said with a smile while tapping his glasses.

After all, I am the signature cash cow here! Chu Xin raised her head and was very proud.

She would accept compliments on her appearance calmly and calmly, but when she called herself a cash cow, she would become proud and her little nose would turn up to the sky.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Brother Zhi said instead: Chu Xin, what will happen if one day you discover your true self?

Huh? I feel like I'm very real now.

It's a little more real than it is now... Um, have you read the novel? The kind of online novel.

I have learned a little bit about some common settings.

What about if you find out that you are the reincarnation of a strong man and awaken your memory?

Chu Xin thought for a moment: I don't know, after all, I have never experienced it.

That's right.

If possible, I still want to continue singing. Chu Xin said, After all, I feel that this is why I came here and lived here until now. She gently spread her arms, as if she wanted to embrace the entire theater.

Brother Philosophy stared for a moment, then slowly looked away.

Outside the Pendulum Grand Theater, gunshots were heard, and a group of people attacked the Pendulum Grand Theater.

The Wan Yis who were defending outside suppressed the waves of attacks from the opponent.

An all-round defense battle, this is a battle that Wan Yi has never fought before.

Speaking of which, since he escaped from the institute, he was either setting off fireworks or on his way to set off fireworks.

Fireworks are beautiful to watch, and setting them off with your own hands can make people feel good.

But protecting your property from fireworks is difficult.

But Wan Yi doesn’t empathize with fireworks.

If someone wants to set off fireworks on his side, he will just try his best to pack up everyone on the opposite side and set them off as fireworks.

Just after a wave of offensive ended without results.

Before the guarding Wan Yis had time to take a breath, they saw that the group of people immediately launched the next wave of attacks.

What's wrong? Reinforcements from the other side have arrived?

I'm afraid so, otherwise it would have been almost consumed before...

What the hell! At such a critical moment, the Laoshizi forces still have the heart to send so many people to kill Chu Xin. They are really persistent enough! Don't they care about the consumption at all?!

Hey, what are those three people doing? It feels a bit...

Damn it, there's a realm! Get back!

What does the field mean? Fuck him!

There is three!

Fuck! Back away!

The influence in three areas spread instantly.

The next moment, three different attacks instantly wiped out the defense line set up by Wan Yi and others. At the same time, they further broke through the theater's defense measures and successfully broke through!

I didn't expect that there would be so many people guarding a theater at this time. Where did these people come from? What do they have to do after they are full? A strong man in the field shrugged.

These are irrelevant. I originally heard that the Silver Lion was here. Another said.

Then you are lagging behind. The Silver Lion left the theater not long ago to deal with matters on the street. The last one said.

Without the Silver Lion, so many people would be nothing. Not to mention the three of us working together, it would take me a while to break through alone.

Find that woman and kill her first. It's a pity. I know her. I even took pictures of her.

Hey, there's no need to say this kind of thing.

The three strong men in the field were very relaxed, while the surrounding subordinates took advantage of this moment to rush into the theater.

Suddenly, one of them frowned: Why didn't those people who went in just react?

The three of them immediately focused their attention and prepared to enter the theater to find out.

At this moment, gentle footsteps stepped on stone chips and walked out of the theater.

Originally, they invited me to watch the opera today. I thought I was being kind to the old man and gave him a simple job, but I ended up waiting for me here. What appeared was an old man who looked older.


Similar to Wan Yi's impression at the beginning, these three experts in the field all expressed doubts.

This old man looks very weak, and his body muscles are somewhat aged and atrophied. Of course, even so, he is still slightly stronger than a healthy adult, but in the eyes of a strong person in the field, this level is no different than non-existence.

There's not much else to see.

But they dare not be too careless.

This is the experience gained after so many years of crawling and wallowing in this quagmire-like city.

I'm sorry everyone, I was entrusted by others to protect this place. And I also like this theater quite a lot, so I don't really want to give in.

Miller said kindly.

The three of them looked at each other.

No hesitation, no delay, all at the same time.

All three areas of influence cover the elderly.

Take action!


The attack didn't arrive, or they didn't quite get moving.

A sense of physical powerlessness quickly enveloped them, their bodies began to age, wrinkles appeared, the movement of power within their bodies became sluggish, and their brains began to become cloudy.

I saw an old, frail old man.

He kept imagining his old posture in his mind.

This feeling is drawn out by invisible influences and taken to extremes.

Finally turned into reality.

It was reflected on the three people.

What awaits them after aging is, naturally, irreversible death.

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