My doppelganger drama

Chapter 461 Play: Destined?

Is there something wrong with its brain? It's testing itself? Brother Curse seemed to have only heard the last sentence.


Mr. Priest paused for a moment.

As a cultist, the most annoying thing when you are talking nonsense is when the bully who doesn't grasp the point comes out and talks back.

Surely, such a thing is still too difficult for you frogs in the well to understand? the priest said with emotion and disappointment.

I'm sorry. Brother Curse apologized sincerely, without any fluctuation in his tone, as if he was dead.

As soon as they finished speaking, a skeletal dragon tentacle found them and swept across them vigorously.

The nighthawk flapped its wings and flew away. The priest predicted it in advance and dodged away.

This tentacle could not be pursued for too long and was forced to be recovered due to the attack of powerful monsters such as the big snake.

The scene fell into a stalemate. When the monsters that were weaker and unable to gain a foothold on this battlefield were all eaten by the skeleton dragon as snacks, the remaining ones were all strong ones with outstanding strength.

But the standoff would not drag on for long.

Woo... woof!

With a loud roar, the green energy turned into sound waves and swept towards the entire battlefield.

Countless monsters were hit unexpectedly, and the better ones could only barely withstand it.

The Skeleton Dragon and the Orochi Orochi also withstood the largest area of ​​​​attacks because of their huge size.

The big snake's body was shaken, and while purple blood was flowing all over its body, it was also rapidly regenerating and recovering. Its response performance was much better than when it was at sea.

But the skeleton dragon's body was not harmed.

But the bones attached to it weren't that good.

A large number of bones were shattered, especially the number of bones covering the tentacles was reduced, which greatly affected the energy conversion of the skeleton dragon, making it difficult to use many attack moves.

Although it failed to hurt it, it still caused enough trouble for it.

The priest who was dragged by Brother Grudge immediately looked at the source of the roar.

He's coming!

The enthusiasm in his tone already explained his thoughts.

But the nighthawks around them scattered in all directions the moment the roar sounded, and disappeared unconsciously.

The goal has been achieved and the protagonist appears.


A green edge fell directly onto a huge pile of bones nearby, shattering large pieces of bones and creating a large crater.

Familiar straitjacket, long hard hair that gradually turns from black to dark green, sharp shark teeth and long, sharp nails.

The whole world is waiting for him, which is not an exaggeration.

Keba... The investigation team also saw that flamboyant figure, a strong and unignorable presence.

The Dog of the End! The Death Knell of the End! The Watchdog of Nothingness! You will eventually be completed and become the pinnacle of annihilation! the priest shouted, and it was very clear in the battlefield that was swept away by the roar.

All the monsters' attention was also focused on that figure.

Woo... Coffin bared his teeth, his eyes widened, and the energy in his body rose in a spiral shape, and then accumulated at a certain point in the sky.

Kefen's condition doesn't seem right. In Wan Yi's mind, the little princess said worriedly.

Well, the chaotic atmosphere at the scene has a strange impact. The 'destiny' of this world points all the emergence here. It took Coffin so long to come. I'm afraid he was resisting before, but as a 'monster' , it’s still difficult for him to completely suppress his ‘instinct’.”

Instinct evolved to the extreme.

Wan Yi thought of this.

The monsters in this world can rely on various factors to achieve their own transformation and evolution.

Evolution is a major theme in this world. The stronger the strong, the closer the monsters are to the extreme and running towards it.

Just like countless chaotic lines, they spiral towards the final destination under a certain pattern.

Evolution, sublimation.

The Dog of the End, which had evolved to the end, reaped the fruits of victory.

Now, this scene is about to happen again.

Only this time, there is a director behind the scenes.

The skeleton dragon moved immediately.

In fact, it only froze for a moment when the roar came, and the daze after that was just an illusion.

There is no fear in its greedy character.

A tentacle dived into the ground early and approached Coffin not far away.



The pile of bones under Coffin was suddenly rushed away, and the dilapidated tentacles that had no longer transformed into dragon shapes swept Coffin in. The dragon's head snapped and swallowed the tiny figure.

But in less than a second, the onlookers didn't even have the slightest shock to the skeleton dragon's reaction.


Green claw marks tore open the skeletal dragon's head, and at the same time blue-purple liquid splashed, including the skeletal dragon's proud tentacles!

Dark blue soft tissue was scattered on the ground, but it did not lose activity for a while and was still squirming.

The skeleton dragon let out its iconic roar.

What other monsters, what kind of big snake Orochi, what kind of accumulation of resentment or other things are not as important as Coffin in front of it at this time.

The countless resentments and energy it absorbed were engraved with the profound memories of their former owners.

The image of being trampled under the claws of that vicious dog.

In Skeleton Dragon's eyes, that figure overlapped with Coffin's, and they were exactly the same.

That's what it's challenging!

All the tentacles attacked Coffin, including the tentacle that had just been torn apart and regenerated in a short time. Even without the blessing of bones, the physical impact alone was not something that normal monsters could eat.

Coffin's body flashed and he dodged the first wave of impact from the tentacles.

But although the tentacles were huge, they were still flexible. They immediately turned their spearhead and chased after Coffin's flashing figure.

After the initial daze, the other monsters seemed to be completely in chaos because of Coffin's roar.

They launched indiscriminate attacks, most of them attacking the biggest target, the skeleton dragon, and many of them attacked Coffin, who had a strong sense of presence.

Among them, only the big snake Orochi was very stubborn and pushed against the skeleton dragon's ass, causing a lot of trouble for the skeleton dragon who wanted to focus on challenging Coffin.

But it's really hard to spare more time to deal with Oroqi at this time.

Coffin made no counterattack for the time being, but the skeleton dragon knew that from the moment it first attacked Coffin, Coffin's eyes were locked on it.

As long as it relaxes even a little bit, it may be hit by Coffin.

The Skeleton Dragon was confident in its carapace defense built with a large number of bones, but it did not want to be hit by Coffin due to negligence.

After Coffin flashed a few times, he quickly kicked off the tentacles with both feet and jumped straight out.

After dodging the tentacles, his hands directly hugged the neck of a flying dragon.

Feilong struggled, but Coffin opened his mouth and bit it.

The two were separated as soon as they touched each other in the air, but the blood had already exploded in large areas, and the flying dragon fell from a high altitude and died.

Coffin continued to deal with the tentacles without any pause, as if he was just throwing rubbish in mid-air.

On the other side, a priest from the Wan Yi sect knelt down on his knees at this moment, holding his hands in his hands and praying sincerely.

Many surviving believers also gathered around the priest in embarrassment, chanting devoutly regardless of the danger of the scene.

In their eyes, the next development is already determined.

Wan Yi shrugged and took out a red and black eyeball and a piece of emerald jade.

Let's pray sincerely together, believers.

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