My doppelganger drama

Chapter 460 Repertoire: Chaos

As the scene became increasingly chaotic, it was useless for Wan Yi's clones to seduce the tentacles.

And after reaching this point, except for Brother Curse, the other clones can almost call it a day.

Therefore, adhering to the principle of not working overtime, they immediately disbanded.

As the number one target of hatred, Brother Grudge has to play with Skeleton Dragon.

Because the Skeleton Dragon had been unable to catch Brother Curse, he let go of a tentacle and chased the priest. The power of the Dog of the End was also what it had coveted for a long time.

The other two tentacles are used to attack monsters that come close and attack them wantonly.

Occasionally, an unlucky monster would be seriously injured by the tentacles and then dragged to the big beak under the skeleton dragon's carapace, where it would be beaten and nibbled on snacks during the battle.

Some snacks are almost eaten alive by it.

During this process, the resentment in Skeleton Dragon was still being intensified.

It is no longer possible for the investigation team to carry out its investigation tasks normally at this time.

The team that was sent out to search for the aboriginal people here also came back in embarrassment, and several members of the team also lost their lives in the turmoil just now.

However, they also informed them of what they saw at close range.

After the skeleton monster came out, the entire Skeleton Land went crazy. There are also the indigenous people here. They seem to have more powerful ways to use the monster's power. They seem to believe in Keba, the dog of the end, and even possess and Keba. A very similar ability to Tomoe!

This information, accompanied by the roar of the skeleton dragon from time to time, made the scene extremely tense.

Captain, what should we do?

Are those aborigines fighting against the skeleton dragon?

Yes, from the onlooker's point of view, it seems that there is some grudge, at least the aborigines scolded them fiercely. In addition, there is a monster that looks like a large number of black birds. The specific appearance cannot be seen clearly, but It is also the target of the Skeleton Dragon, and it also has grudges with the aboriginal people.

Listening to the report, Hilde couldn't help but frown.

Isn't this a bit too complicated?

The scene fell into silence.

The aborigines who can use the power of Keba, the unprecedentedly powerful monster Skeleton Dragon, the new incorporeal monster, and there are long-term grievances between each other.

Coupled with the scene where monsters were flying everywhere...

Just thinking about it makes me feel dizzy.


Thunder exploded, and everyone looked up subconsciously.

Dark red thunder condensed in the sky, black wind blew through, the clouds were like whirlpools, and finally turned into a bloated and plump snake, which at first glance seemed to have only one big head, made a majestic appearance.

Orochi the big snake! It really appeared at this time!

The big snake with dark red scales fell to the ground from a high altitude, and its size actually expanded to a considerable extent.

At least now, if adventurers try to hold it up with shields, they will probably end up being slapped to death by its claws.

It seems to redistribute the share of energy between several heads.

The first head became very huge, taking up most of its body, while the other seven heads all shrank, became slender, and wrapped around its bloated body.

Zizzi ah-

The cry was sharper and carried echoes.

As soon as it appeared, it rushed directly towards the skeleton dragon. Its eight heads emitted energy attacks that were even more flashy than the skeleton dragon's, exploding part of the carapace skeleton behind the skeleton dragon's butt.

The skeleton dragon reacted quickly, only to see a mouth bigger than himself coming out of his face, and a tentacle reacted quickly and rushed towards the big snake.

The two started a fierce confrontation.

Oluoqi has reached the perfect body, with eight heads... Although it is different from what was expected, he has adjusted himself to the best state at the moment to deal with the skeleton dragon. Qi Dan analyzed.

But Wan Yi touched his chin and said, By the way, are these two positions overlapping?

Ah? Qi Dan looked at Wan Yi in confusion.

Wan Yi just shook his head without explaining too much what he said.

Looking at the current situation of Skeleton Dragon and Orochi, there is obviously a high degree of overlap in the positioning of Gluttony.

Not only the habit of gluttony, but also the ability to use a variety of energies, and even the bullish characteristics are very similar.

Although both have their own reasons, Wan Yi doesn't think it's that simple.

After all, symbols are often very important at times like this.

From the moment Wan Yi fished out the skeleton dragon and activated it, it had already been announced that the final battle of this world had begun.

The completed Orochi Orochi is the best performing monster among all the monsters currently besieging the Skeleton Dragon.

Not even one of the skeleton dragon's tentacles could take it off, and the bones on the carapace were cut by the serpent's snake letters, and large pieces peeled off.

But Skeleton Dragon quickly found an opportunity to free up the opportunity. Two tentacles were placed on it, and the accumulation gap immediately appeared between the two.

The big snake Orochi was losing ground in the fire fight, and was finally entangled by two tentacles, with the dragon's head biting tightly on its body.

Purple blood splashed, but there was no fear in the serpent's completely scarlet eyes, which was in line with its legendary name of monster.

Wan Yi watched and asked the clones who were close to take more photos.

This kind of monster battle scene is rare.

The priest had just gotten rid of the skeleton dragon and had a brief moment of respite. His pale hands suddenly reached out from behind him and pinched his neck.

The priest reacted to the limit and teleported away through the space fault before the hands exerted force. At the same time, the spiral force left behind pinned the hands and then annihilated them.

The priest stopped and looked at the large black birds that had landed on the surrounding bones.

They look less like crows and more like nighthawks.

But he had no eyes and was blindly watching the situation around him.

The priest knew that these nighthawks were symbols of the evil spirit.

What do you want? Is it just hatred for our sect? the old priest asked.

Grrrrrrrrrr - the reason is not important, it is more important to me that you all die cleanly. A nighthawk opened its mouth and spoke in hoarse, leaky words.

The reason is not important, but there should always be a reason for things... It is useless for you to deliberately try to kill us all. The unification of the Dog of the End is inevitable.

How can anything be inevitable in this world?

Because this world is His world. From the moment He stood on that peak thousands of years ago, on the pile of bones, everything was destined.

Then why do you need to complete one half of your body? Even if you want to stabilize yourself, you don't seem to have to go to this point. Wan Yi asked a question that has always existed.

Why on earth did the Dog of the End dare to make such a bold attempt to directly give Coffin so much power and use him as his half body?

Even if you want to grow vegetables and harvest them, the investment seems to be too much.

The risk is not small.

This directly led to the possibility that his position of will may be threatened by the newly emerged Skeleton Dragon and other monsters.

Oh, the moment when mortal beings step towards higher beings, God must put aside the impurities in his body, combine with the will of the boundary belt, and truly become the God of the world. God, He gave himself a test...

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