My doppelganger drama

Chapter 456 Repertoire: Darkness before your eyes

Although Wan Yi hurriedly joined the investigation team's expedition when he came to this world, and he never encountered anything outside of this world along the way.

But he has not forgotten that this world in the Broken World is a boundary zone firmly supported by the Extreme Sect.

It is impossible for the Extreme Sect to have no arrangements in this world.

There are rumors that the Extreme Sect has penetrated deep into this boundary early and received the gift and trust of the Dog of the End.

After seeing the performance of the Extreme Sect, Wan Yi did not feel that this was an aimless move.

As for the so-called depth of the boundary, perhaps there is no place in the world that fits that description better than this hill of bones.

The people of the Extreme Sect have always stayed in this place closest to the object of their belief.

Wan Yi followed the team and looked at the remaining human traces under the leadership of the investigators, made a judgment, and also changed the action orders of the scattered clones.

Changed from tracking Coffin to tracking the Extreme Cult.

After all, Wan Yi knows how much he weighs. Chasing Kefen is indeed a bit nonsense. It is more suitable for them to chase normal people.

The clone, who was searching for Coffin's clues everywhere, immediately raised his hands and cheered loudly.

Long live! No need to torment the stupid dog!

The original body is wise! But you should have been wise long ago.

Le, that's it, brothers, let's go find trouble with the Extreme Sect.

A clone clapped his hands, and everyone was ready to go to the Extreme Sect to reminisce about the past.

After having a little contact with people from the Extreme Sect, Wan Yi discovered that unlike Zhong Xuan, whom he first met, his sect was filled with a bunch of fools who were extremely pessimistic and nihilistic.

Although Zhong Xuan's words were nihilistic, he was very optimistic.

Wan Yi misses him strangely.

I feel like I and Zhong Xuan might have a lot to talk about.

It's all Coffin's fault.


Zhong Xuan is interesting, but he is just an exception. Few people from other extreme sects are as interesting as Zhong Xuan, so it is a pity that Wan Yi's few favorable impressions of the extreme sect have been basically eliminated.

Brother Curse, why don't you do some work while you're here? Wan Yiye said to Brother Curse beside him.

At this time, if you look closely at Wan Yi's right eye, you will find that Wan Yi's right eye has no highlight at all and is out of focus, just like the eyes of a dead person.

But in the turbid pupils, no world was reflected, only a downcast and blood-stained back.

That is Brother Grudge.

The Grudge is experimenting with new ways of scaring people.

Kekeke - ah? You don't need me to guard against that thing under Yishou? It must have noticed so many of you a long time ago, but now it is more willing to prey on monsters with more energy.

It's okay. It's just such a small distance. If something happens, I can come back at any time.

Giggle--it must have noticed you too. The resentment and negative energy in you... must not escape the smell of that greedy monster.

If you dare to come, give it a try. Wan Yi said lightly.

Kick-kick-- The bubbles in his ears gradually faded away. Wan Yi's right eye returned to normal, and the ghost reflected in it disappeared.

Send out a team and follow the traces. Maybe the people living here can answer our questions. Hilde separated a team and said.

But also protect yourself, and don't rule out the possibility that the other party is hostile to outsiders. After a pause, the leader added.

After receiving the order, the team slowly left.

The investigation team is preparing to continue going deep into this hill of bones.

Priest, the Boundary Aboriginal people have come here. They arrived in the valley not long ago, and soon entered the Land of Bones. They have already begun a comprehensive exploration of the place.

In a house made of bones, a group of people were talking.

They gathered around a green bonfire and cast sincere glances at the dancing bonfire.

However, a believer who had just returned from outside brought not very good news.

An old man wearing a fang-shaped crown slowly turned his head, but he had no face.

In other words, his face has turned into a mess of green lines, which finally spiraled towards a point.

Like the dog of the end.

Of course, this creepy appearance is only regarded as a symbol of being close to the person you believe in, and it is a supreme honor within the church.

Well, the ignorant aborigines are still alive. If they are alive, they have the instinct to survive. That's why they make all kinds of stupid attempts to survive, and come here for this reason. The priest's voice was hoarse and yet Misty.

All the believers looked at him and listened to the priest's teachings.

But such behavior is against the rules. Everything will eventually return to the extreme point of the spiral, and the entangled threads will inevitably converge into one and disappear.

The priest opened his hands, and his wrinkled hands stretched out from his robes.

They can't get anything, they can't see anything. The messy threads will only cover up the worldly vision, and it's up to us to help smooth out this immature vision and bring them an end in advance.

Yes! the believers responded enthusiastically, almost shouting.

Some of them even covered their faces and cried bitterly, but under the hazy tears, they were praising the end.

Cluck, cluck, cluck—

Suddenly, there was a scalp-numbing sound in the house.

Let the originally frenetic atmosphere calm down.

The priest's eyes quickly flashed among the crowd, but for a moment he couldn't find where the other person was.

What's the sound? the believer asked in confusion.

have no idea……

My eyes... my eyes seem to be invisible.


A person suddenly seemed to notice something was wrong. His vision began to blur, and then fell into darkness.

The figures around him were filled with admiration, but he could no longer see clearly what those figures were.

He went from panicking at the beginning to gradually calming down and becoming sluggish.

His eyes were completely out of focus, his pupils dilated.

What was reflected in his eyes was a pale face full of hatred and stained with blood.


People die and panic breaks out.

The priest suddenly struck out, and a tiny spiral penetrated the cultist's head and then swept away into the void.

Intruder! Everyone, watch the gods and pray! the priest shouted.

Suddenly, only a few loud noises were heard, and the believers once again looked at the source of the sound in embarrassment.

Several vague figures were beating several skeleton pillars hard, but the bones were indeed hard. They hit them several times before breaking a few of them.

That's a load-bearing pillar! a believer shouted.

The next moment, the believers took action quickly.

They were not weak and quickly subdued the figures and killed them on the spot.

The last living person's limbs were broken, and he was escorted to the priest. He pressed his head hard in front of the priest, and then pulled him up by his hair.

No! A scream sounded.

The priest and other believers were stunned.

It's not a strange face, it's a poor and innocent-looking believer.

There are only so many believers who have been active here for a long time, and occasionally a few travel back and forth to the outside world, so everyone is familiar with each other. At this time, it is confirmed that this person is a teammate.

You betrayed!? Some believers shouted.

No! The priest denied.

It's an illusion!

Hallucination!? What were they doing just now?

Tear down the load-bearing columns.

what about now?

Click... click...

The house was crumbling and collapsed, and the house made of heavy bones buried everything.

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