My doppelganger drama

Chapter 455 Play: Shadow in the Bones

The investigation team was silent for a while, and after relying on the seismic detector to confirm that the movement underground had faded away, they walked out and continued towards the Skeleton Hill.

The sky has turned dark, leaving only the faint light from the sky still shining on this place.

Walking among the skeletons at this time is like going to the tombs of ancestors during the Ghost Festival, which is very exciting.

Scholars have begun investigating these skeletons.

The remaining investigation teams continued to move forward in a cautious and somewhat repressive atmosphere.

Wan Yi looked around and found Brother Curse.

Do you have any explanation?

I wasn't the one who killed him, so what can I say? Brother Curse said speechlessly.

The curse is unreasonable, but it is quite reasonable.

Powerful monsters also have a lot of wisdom, which shows that the soul power is powerful. Such monsters died here in large numbers, so there shouldn't be any resentment at all. Wan Yi analyzed.

According to normal logic, this is the case, but I really didn't feel any wandering souls, nor did I smell any strong resentment... Oh, does it count as fresh? Just what was left by the brother who was taken away from the door just now, but It’s just a little bit, and I can’t feel it even if it’s too far behind.” Brother Gu Grudge said jokingly.

That's really strange. Wan Yi rubbed his chin.

Light resentments will naturally dissipate after a period of time, while heavy resentments will only accumulate and become deeper without the interference of other factors, making it difficult to dissipate easily.

But this kind of thing doesn't matter.

In the absence of corresponding world rules, no matter how heavy the resentment is, it will not be able to play any role and will not turn into a ghost.

The point is how the resentment in this place can be so clean.

Grudge - it's as if someone got there first and took it all away. Brother Curse said.

Can you please stop talking suddenly.

It was you who called me out! And that's what ghosts are like. They hold back their opinions! Wan Yi felt his shoulder being patted twice hard by a cold hand.

Well, the resentment is very heavy now.

But they are all Wan Yi’s own.

It's possible that this is not impossible. Wan Yi followed Brother Curse's wishes.

Although it stands to reason that there is no power involving the subjective state of mind in this world, the creatures in this world like to accumulate simple and violent energy output and strong bodies.

But after all, this is a world where abstract monsters like the Dog of the End appeared, so it’s really hard to summarize it in a nutshell.

What do you mean by that skeleton dragon? It looks like a ghost. A clone asked.

It's just a fake. It has no emotional reaction at all. It's not a living thing at all. To be precise, it's just a part of a certain living thing. Wan Yi said casually.

However, the resentment on his body is indeed very high, but it is not his own.

Perhaps the answer has already come out?

It's not a good answer. If all the resentment of this remains is absorbed by the skeleton dragon's true body, its strength will be unimaginable. Wan Yi is not optimistic.

As the team moved forward, they would step on some fine bone residue from time to time.


Suddenly, a black shadow passed over everyone's heads, and finally fell directly into a pile of bones not far away.

The monster struggled to get up, and there seemed to be many wounds on its body. After falling at a rapid speed, many hard bones were pierced into the body.

This is a flying dragon.

The flying dragon spread its wings and roared at the sky, and then another figure flew over, another red flying dragon.

Think of it as a conflict between them.

The red flying dragon swooped down, and the two monsters rolled around in the pile of bones. Bone fragments were flying in the sky and falling like rain, causing the investigation team to change their formation and pass by quietly without any intention of getting closer.

But before he had taken a few steps, there was a sudden loud noise behind him.


Two huge skeleton dragons poked their heads out from the pile of bones, each biting a flying dragon.

The most seriously injured one was dragged directly into the skeleton without a chance to struggle, and disappeared without a trace.

The slightly healthier one narrowly avoided having its wings bitten, and was struggling to flap its wings in an attempt to get out.

But the entire lower body was bitten tightly, and Feilong still couldn't get rid of it.


The Skeleton Dragon bites violently, then retracts and pulls its head faster.

The flesh and blood were torn apart, and the upper body and lower body of the flying dragon were split into two halves on the spot!

The upper body of the flying dragon fell weakly. Halfway through, the skeletal dragon stretched out its head and swallowed the upper body of the flying dragon together, then slowly retracted.

Two?! What on earth are those things... Qi Dan couldn't help but tremble in his voice.

This kind of violent predatory scene and Coffin's repeated impact of small things are two different feelings.

There were actually two of that unknown monster, which cast a shadow over the team members.

Wan Yi was not too surprised. He could probably guess what kind of monster it was. The second skeleton dragon was still a derivative limb without emotional fluctuations.

Captain, there is a deep pit here. At this time, an investigative scholar seemed to have discovered something in the distance.

The team moved closer and could not see where the pit was at first glance.

However, after detailed observation, it was discovered that the skeletons in front were intertwined and covered the ground, and the pit that the scholar just mentioned was underneath.

From the gaps between some sparse bones, a dark void can be seen.

Wan Yi looked at the darkness in the gaps between the bones.

Suddenly, a dark blue light seemed to flash below.

Everyone caught this strange phenomenon.

What was that just now?

It was too fast, it flashed by and I didn't see it clearly.

Everyone shook their heads.

There is something down here. Wan Yi said.

He reviewed his recent memory.

If he read correctly.

That's an eye.

That eye looked at the people above, like an eye from the abyss.

and, mood swings.

Below this pothole, a huge emotional entity can be felt, emitting an emotion called greed outwards.

Grudge - all the resentment is piled up here. Based on the previous clues, this is probably the true face of the skeleton dragon. Brother Curse appeared and confirmed what Wan Yi was thinking at this time.

The investigation team backed away cautiously to avoid making too much noise and alerting the beings below.

There is no need to provoke such an unknown and terrifying existence.

Although others do not have as many ways of perception as Wan Yi, it does not hinder their association and realization that the things below may be related to the mysterious skeleton dragon.

After all, the deep blue light just now is very similar to the fluorescence in the eyes of those skeletal dragons.

Not long after the investigation team exited, another investigator came over and said: Captain, we have made a new discovery... but something is wrong.

What discovery?

Signs of human activity!

Human? Hilde showed a puzzled expression.

We have screened it and found that it is a sign of long-term activity and is not a remnant from the past. We can rule out the possibility of an expeditionary investigation team from the previous investigation team. We have also distinguished whether it is the trace of one of our own people. They are not. It belongs to strangers.

Could it be that the remnants of this world's ancient civilization live here? Lida said.

How much water must go into your brain to choose to live in a place like this? Wan Yi said directly.

Qi Dan also shook his head: Although it is not impossible to live here, it is impossible no matter how you think about it.

Then besides the possible remnants of the ancient civilization and us, who else can be here? Or even be active for a long time? Lidalu couldn't figure it out.

Others couldn't figure it out either.

But in Wan Yi's mind, a certain answer was ready to come out.

Extreme sect.

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