My doppelganger drama

Chapter 380 The battle for sweeping robots!

A black hand? It doesn't look like it leaked out of the boundary zone. Merck commented.

Neither Laphne nor Shen Yuezhi understood what Merck meant, but from this sentence we can understand that the specific time of Merck's arrival is not certain, at least he has collected some information about the city!


Wow, he's not dead. The white figure fell on the boundary engineering bridge nearby.

That is a smart toilet. Judging from the buttons on the body, it is probably equipped with various functions.

The voice sounded like that of a naughty child, which made one's fist harden.

When the rescue team was attacked some time ago, were you responsible for those shellings? Merck said bluntly.

The boss told me that I can't admit to doing bad things. The toilet lid opened, and the green indicator light flashed.

Doesn't this count as admission? Shen Yuezhi couldn't help but ask.

I didn't say anything? the smart toilet made a confused voice.

This smart toilet knows how to act stupid!

Merck asked: What are you? Who do you belong to?

Stop talking nonsense. In the past few days, the boss has specially asked me to be wary of outsiders who have not been confirmed and registered by us, especially those who are close to the pretty boy over there. Now that I have discovered it, you all go to hell!

As Luo Xia spoke, the toilet lid was lifted, and a mine-like bomb was thrown out at a very fast speed.

However, they were all blocked by the electromagnetic barrier deployed by Merck and could not make any waves.

Seeing this, the lid of the smart toilet closed and suddenly turned into a white shadow and charged towards the electromagnetic barrier.

Merck gestured again, and the tool bag stretched out another three robotic arms.


Three red lasers were fired suddenly, leaving ravines on the ground and the surrounding debris.

The smart toilet reacts very quickly, and when faced with a sudden counterattack, it also flies through the laser fire at a very fast speed.

But after dodging several times, Merck's three robotic arms suddenly put away the lasers for a short period of time to cool down, then turned the spearhead, and the three lasers were fired again and condensed into one at one point to form a thick red ray.

This time, the smart toilet found that faced with this seemingly monotonous attack, it lost the chance to dodge!

After quickly calculating the situation several times, all options are impossible to dodge!

In terms of computing power, it seems that mine is overwhelmingly higher! Merck showed a faint smile.

It's not over yet!

The smart toilet roared loudly and opened the toilet lid.

There was a clear sound of pumping water. The vortex of water rotated at high speed and swallowed the red beam directly into it. It quickly disintegrated under the gurgling water and was finally absorbed.

Merck was stunned for a moment, but the robotic arm turned around again, no longer using force.

The smart toilet landed and then sped like a phantom again. Merck also made a gesture again, and a fifth robotic arm poked out of the backpack. The end of this robotic arm was a translucent black thin blade.

There seemed to be countless data streams passing through Merck's eyes, and then under the cover of the laser arm, the blade arm suddenly popped out from the air.

The bright white and purple cutting blade instantly penetrated the electromagnetic barrier and approached the smart toilet.

The green indicator light on the smart toilet flashed rapidly, and the results of this operation were quickly calculated.

Time, space, calculation power, all aspects work together to create a blow with complex ingredients that cannot be resisted or resolved, and cannot be evaded!

How to survive this knife?

Ask for permission... Before he finished speaking, the energy blade hit it and then exploded.

Shen Yuezhi looked at this scene blankly. He couldn't understand it. Anyway, as long as the boss was good, that would be all.

Ravni was just shocked.

This kind of power belongs to one person!

And Merck was a little happy.

A while ago in the Disaster Islands, his toolkit was composed and driven by his own computing power, and calculating the location of the Book of Disaster took up too much computing power, making it impossible for him to take into account his own combat effectiveness.

Not to mention that in one attempt, the time and space turbulence of the Book of Disaster almost interfered with and destroyed his precious time and space blade, which made him very depressed at the time.

If not, how could he be ridiculed as a dish by that evil troupe leader!


When the sound came out, Merck was not surprised.

Although under normal circumstances the calculation result just now was that he overwhelmingly beat the smart toilet, but when the blade cutting was about to hit, another powerful variable directly intervened and changed the result.

At the same time, all indicators of the toilet have changed.

That knife looked cool, but it seemed like there was still nothing gained this time.

In the smoke and dust, the sound of the delicate operation of machinery sounded, and the white body stretched out to form a powerful humanoid body.

The smart deformed!

Is this one among Transformers?! Shen Yuezhi was even more stunned.

Ravni could only shake her head.

But Merck didn't care about this deformed smart toilet.

Although the power of the transformed smart toilet can be said to have been improved in all aspects, it still cannot catch his eye. What he cares about most is the source of variables that caused the changes in the smart toilet.

The eyes under the sunglasses moved quickly, and finally saw a small and delicate figure in the distance.

In this scene, it is very inconspicuous because it is even much smaller than a smart toilet.

The white moonlight reflected its equally white body, but the straight red lines running through its body showed a sharp coldness at this moment.

That's a sweeping robot.

But when Merck saw it, he was shocked by its huge computing power.

It is obviously smaller than the smart toilet, but there is no comparison between the two!

Shen Yuezhi and Laphne also noticed Merck's gaze, and then saw the sweeping robot.

But the two of them could only watch this scene in even greater confusion.

After the smart toilet, is the sweeping robot? !

Has the Broken World always been like this? Shen Yuezhi asked.

No. Ravni could only reply.

Are you its boss? Merck got straight to the point.

The red indicator light of the sweeping robot flashed: Are the strong humans attracted by the actions of this group of people? It's a mistake. It's not a good development to bump into you now.

It seems you have acquiesced. Merck said.

You guys meeting in secret here seems to be a very important matter, so I have no reason to let it go. The sweeping robot spun in a circle.

The boss is right!

After the smart toilet shouted, it charged directly towards Merck and the others.

But as soon as it stood up, another beam of light fell from the sky and pushed it back to the ground, even into the soil.

Wow... I hate light! The smart toilet struggled with its limbs and fiddled with the surrounding gravel, making a decadent sound.

Everyone's attention was drawn to the source of the beam.

Uniforms with golden eye patterns on a black background...the Hundred Eyes Sect!

The Baimu crosstalk duo makes a grand appearance.

It's so lively tonight, and it's a gathering of smart home appliances? It's just a bit too smart. Meta said as he stood on a particularly high piece of debris and looked out.

Brother Meta, I want that sweeping robot. Brother Duomu leaned coldly under the debris, glanced over there, and said something that was not in line with the image.

Meta said in surprise: Why? That sweeping robot looks like a leader of the enemy!

It's because he is the leader. Moreover, the mansion is so big, and none of us want to clean it. We are in need of a sweeping robot. Brother Duomu said rationally.

It makes sense, then I'll try my best. If it doesn't work, a smart toilet will work. I want to experience the pleasure of water flushing my butt.

Just as he was talking, Brother Domu's eyes suddenly looked around, and Meta became alert after realizing it.

In the shadow, the figure of the half-spider man danced rapidly.

Thin spider silk instantly formed a network among the debris, and two figures, one large and one small, appeared on the spider web.

A big jumping spider, and Lucas wearing a robe with purple spider web patterns on a gray and black background!

Sorry, you two with eyes over there, I can give you the smart toilet, and the sweeping robot is mine. Lucas said with a gentle and shy smile, but he said quite domineering words.

Then Bishop Jumping Spider narrowed his eyes speechlessly: Why do you want a sweeping robot so much?

Shen Yuezhi: ...

Is this the cult of a broken world?

Laphne: ...

No, really not.

Merck: ...

Don't look at me, I don't know what the situation is like with the Bai Cang Sect on this island.

Smart toilet:……

Although the boss is very good, am I not worth anything? And I don’t want to give anyone a shit!

Sweeping robot:……


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