My doppelganger drama

Chapter 379 Unexpected Visitor and Murderer

Shen Yuezhi just finished contacting a refugee gathering group on Sky Island No. 7 today, and the two have established a deep foundation for cooperation. This is a gratifying thing.

But there are also things that are not going so smoothly. The refugee group on Sky Island No. 8 is not cohesive enough.

This is not a good thing for the next operation, so the team led by Shen Yuezhi and the group on Sky Island No. 7 will provide certain help.

Shen Yuezhi mentioned this issue just now when he was in contact with representatives of Sky Island Refugee Group No. 7.

To be honest, it is a bit overwhelming to help others when each of them is already unable to protect themselves, but after talking with supporters, Shen Yuezhi felt that it was not impossible.

The focus of the next step is about the envoy from Guiyi who is about to visit secretly.

The other party came to discuss cooperation in detail, and also wanted to use this opportunity to examine their situation.

That is the greatest strength they can rely on, and Shen Yuezhi must be fully prepared.

Return to the tent and take out a box. After unlocking the password, take out the documents and summarize the results of the negotiation with Sky Island Group No. 7.

After double-checking, he nodded.

Suddenly, he remembered something and turned around and said, Do you want to hide for a while? If Gui Yi is so powerful, you might be discovered?

Indeed, I will leave here temporarily in a while, but I won't be away for too long. I hope to witness this meeting.

Then I have to hold on tighter.

I don't want my casual words to determine your attitude.

Shen Yuezhi said helplessly: I was just joking.

I'm not good at judging jokes from you humans, so I will try my best to deal with them with integrity.

Well, it seems that your so-called 'omnic' is not at that level yet. Shen Yuezhi said.

I am not an 'omnic' that meets the definition. Although Shen Yuezhi just mentioned it casually, the coffee machine responded seriously, I was born in the shadow of my predecessor. As a successor, I cannot What determines me is not 'reasonableness', but 'impression'.

Shen Yuezhi looked confused.

Sorry, it's a little too early to tell you this. By the way, how have you considered the qualitative change?

Qualitative change is the way this world obtains power.

In this world that relies heavily on strength, refugees will always take this path.

Unless it is another kind of scourge that is more taboo in this society.

I have absorbed a lot of light bulb fragments, and I haven't felt the limit yet. I should be able to wait a while. And I actually don't plan to undergo too many qualitative changes.

Why? the coffee machine asked.

Don't the sequelae of qualitative change affect the spirit? The physical sequelae don't matter, but my spirit still needs something, and I need to keep myself awake as much as possible.

Really? It's not an unexpected choice. I'll wait and see what your results are.

After saying that, the coffee machine suddenly disappeared into the shadows in the corner, as if it had never appeared.

Just when Shen Yuezhi was about to complain about the other party's elusiveness, he saw a distortion in the space next to him. Supporter Laphne appeared and said: The people from Guiyi are here.

Okay! Shen Yuezhi immediately thought about it.

Laphne held his shoulders, and he felt his eyes blur. The scenery in front of him had moved from his tent to the bottom of the boundary project, among countless building debris.

It's late at night, and no one can be seen here. In the distance, you can still see the last outline of the bright line. In the sky, it's hard to tell whether they are false stars or conceptual fragments of luminous particles flickering, dotted with a hint of beauty. .

This is the meeting place.

After Shen Yuezhi looked at the scenery, he withdrew his gaze and paid attention to the people around him who were looking for Guiyi.

Along with the rustling footsteps, the two saw a figure walking out from behind a huge piece of debris.

A man who looked a little thin and wore a Guiyi uniform and sunglasses. The badge on his collar reflected a ray of light in the moonlight.

Laphne's eyes suddenly opened wide, seemingly in disbelief.

Shen Yuezhi was not aware of the reaction of the supporters next to him, so he immediately stepped forward to say hello: Hello, you are the envoy from Guiyi Road.

Merck raised his sunglasses, looked Shen Yuezhi up and down, and said, You are Shen Yuezhi, the organizer and leader of the refugee movement on Silver-Gold United No. 006 Bronze-level Sky Island.

I dare not take it seriously. Shen Yuezhi was very humble.

Although the man in front of me looks a bit unattractive, he is polite and considerate.

Gui Yiyi believes that the progress of the refugee situation may end up getting out of control, and the existence of figures and groups that can guide the refugees is urgent. In the Dawn Alliance, many refugees have already received our help and chosen to gather together, but Bank Jinlian United’s control over refugee matters is very strict, and we have no chance to intervene.”

Merck explained the situation very quickly.

After listening, Shen Yuezhi also understood his importance to returning to the same country.

It turned out to be a breakthrough for the union of silver and gold!

Moreover, there were many refugees outside like him walking on the same road. The feeling of knowing that there were like-minded people working silently in places he didn't know about and already seeing initial results made him feel a lot more at ease.

That's great! Shen Yuezhi said sincerely.

But the Silver-Gold Union is a very complicated place after all. I need to conduct a detailed inspection of you to determine how much help we can provide you. Merck said.

Understood! Shen Yuezhi nodded immediately.

Then, first tell me how many people you have gathered. The number of people is your greatest reliance as a refugee.

Hearing this, Shen Yuezhi immediately handed over the documents he had prepared.

Merck took it and was about to flip through it.

Suddenly a dark shadow flashed under the moonlight.

Whoosh whoosh!

Immediately afterwards, several artillery shells bombed towards where they were.


A deafening explosion sounded in the night.

The smoke and dust dispersed, and Shen Yuezhi looked at the sky with trembling legs. An electromagnetic barrier formed a bowl shape and enveloped the three people present.

The surrounding ground was flattened, and only the three people's feet remained intact.

Merck frowned slightly and raised his eyes to look at the sky.

Your Majesty, I'll return to you! Ravni said quickly when she saw this.

Shen Yuezhi reacted slowly, the title Gui Ren is...

No, it’s not at this time! We were attacked at this time! Their meeting is revealed!

What about the action plan? ?

Merck reached out and grabbed it, and a mechanical arm with a lens at the end protruded from the backpack behind him. The lens gave off a faint light and outlined a meticulous outline around him.

This is... a smart toilet? Shen Yuezhi looked at the model built by Merck and was a little confused.

It attacked us! Ravni said immediately, and at the same time she thought of something, The shelling just now is very similar to the one responsible for the attack on you by the previous rescue team!

The murderer is a smart toilet!? Shen Yuezhi's pupils shook.

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