My doppelganger drama

Chapter 376 “Happy cooperation”

Halfway through the conversation with Shen Yuezhi, Lucas noticed someone approaching the tent where Shen Yuezhi was.

However, before the other party had time to investigate the situation inside the tent, he was targeted by subordinates assigned by Lucas outside and started chasing him.

The other party was quite professional, and the subordinates brought out by Lucas were all speed, agility and specialized types. As a result, chasing so many people could only barely guarantee that they would not be thrown away.

So after Lucas and Shen Yuezhi finished talking, they had no choice but to come over and arrest them in person.

It's rare to bring you out. Not only does it not give me any confidence, but I have to come in person. You can't do it. Lucas looked at a group of people wearing uniform black uniforms with white spider web patterns on their bodies and said with a smile.

Give me the eight-eyed bishop level and I can achieve a qualitative change. One of them, Wan Yi, gave him a white eye.

Do you understand the hardship I suffered before I worked hard? Lucas curled his lips.

Tsk, when it comes to enduring hardship, one must put it before the body.

Lucas stopped talking.

After saying that, he looked at the man beside him whose face was half disfigured.

The face of the other party was revealed, but Lucas did not recognize this person.

The man was in a coma after being subjected to a series of painful tortures upon meeting Lucas.

It's been a long time since I tortured someone. My heart beats a little faster when I think about it. The sharp nails of Lucas's right thumb and index finger rubbed against each other.

After saying that, Wan Yi, who was in front of him, grabbed the opponent, who had already been tightly tied up by Lucas's spider silk.

A Wan Yi uses the metamorphosis of nightmares to stimulate the opponent's spirit and directly wake him up.

As soon as the man woke up, he saw the group of half-spider people in front of him, with a look of fear in his eyes.

Who? Where are you from? What are you doing? Who's on top? I'll let you die in a comfortable way. Lucas asked quickly and without any technical content.

The man trembled, but he didn't resist much and told all his situation in one breath.

Obviously he understands that if he is caught by a cultist, there will be no good ending.

His name is not important, it is something Wan Yi doesn't want to listen to.

He was sent by the city police to monitor Shen Yuezhi.

City police want to make this homeless population completely untenable evidence.

Mentioning this, Wan Yi immediately remembered the mission given to him by Chief Hardman.

In the end, they really planned to sell us directly. Lucas said.

It's normal. After all, it's not good for the city officials to let the Spider God Sect be completely dominant. That old guy Hardman is very clear-headed.

So his real plan is for us to contact the refugee group and stain the innocent refugee group. In this way, although it cannot be eradicated immediately, the police will have reason to directly attack Shen Yuezhi, who is clearly related to us.

How bad.

Yeah, very bad!

Wan Yi people were talking about it.

But Lucas suddenly thought: In that case, this monitor was sent out just a few days ago, so what happened to the attack on the rescue team?

Wan Yi and others were engaged in discussion again.

The man in front of him lowered his head, waiting for his fate.

Lucas put his hand on his head and picked it off.


The man's head was separated from his body. Lucas let go, letting the head fall to the ground, and then wrapped the body and head with spider silk.

Send it to the police station, Lucas said.


We all know that the other party is clearly trying to mess with us, so why do we have to do things for him? What a beautiful idea! Some Wan Yi have a very bad temper.

Well, didn't Shen Yuezhi want us to delay for a while? Then let's just give him a big gift. Lucas said.

Wan Yi, the other half-spider people, understood and had no objection to Lucas's plan.

They are essentially the same person, and their thoughts on things are basically the same. At most, some Wan Yi will think about it, and some Wan Yi will choose to give the other person a big mouth directly.

But for such a big battle, you still have to apply with Atea. Lucas then slowly picked up the communicator and dialed the phone number of his little leader.

Holy shit, you're really here. Bishop Jumping Spider couldn't help but said after learning the news from Lucas.

My plan was made very clear.

I know your previous preparations, but it's too quick to make a decision so quickly. Bishop Jumping Spider said.

After all, we are a sect that worships the blue. Although the Silver and Gold Alliance is a whole gray world, after all, it is impossible to rely on this gray as a cover. Lucas said clearly.

I know, it's just too fast. If we do this, our development in this city will suddenly stagnate. This is what Bishop Jumping Spider is worried about.

Baimu's things are not over yet, the spider god's development cannot be delayed, and it doesn't feel good to have someone watching behind him.

After breaking up with the city officials, although it is not impossible for them to mix here, it will definitely be difficult. At least the missionary work will not be so easy.

You don't have to worry about this. I have already found a way in advance, and just by preaching among the refugees in a short period of time, I will probably be able to recruit a lot of people.

Lucas had no doubts that under such circumstances, how many people would be able to endure when a cult directly gave out an almost unconditional recruitment application.

Then let's do it. It was the young leader Atya who finally made the decision.

Atea rarely moves around on weekdays, but he never fails to judge various situations and make decisions at the right time.

As Ricardo said, she will be a qualified sect leader.

Received, then I won't go back in the next few days.

With that, Lucas ended the call.

Did you hear that, brothers? he shouted to the shadow behind him.

Then, the thick black shadow began to fluctuate, and the shadow of the half-spider man spread its teeth and claws like a devil, stretching towards the city.

The city has not yet recovered from the turmoil of the past few days, and new major events are still brewing and then breaking out.

Overnight, a large number of senior city officials and senior police officers were killed.

The number of victims was countless, especially the bodies of police officers were all hung at the door of the police station, and the city radio station was hacked and broadcast this horrifying scene with high intensity.

The traces of the Spider God Cult left at the scene seemed to make it no longer necessary to consider who the murderer was.


In the Sheriff's Office, Chief Hardman overturned his desk. People outside were trembling after hearing this and passed by cautiously.

Those lunatics don't have any sense! How dare he! He cursed loudly, and then immediately dialed a number on the communication.

Hello? The lazy voice that answered the phone was Lucas.

What do you mean?

See the decapitated corpse attached, that's what I mean.

...That was a trivial little misunderstanding that can be easily ignored. You are just a group of rats in the gutter. You caused me a lot of trouble by solving those little rats with long eyes, but I didn't care! And now you Is this how you repay me?!

Well... now that I think about it, I don't seem to have said 'thank you' to you? Lucas said after pondering for a moment.

No need to talk about it, is there?

Faced with the problem, Lucas said to himself: You didn't take the most common road when you went home last night. You even hid your whereabouts. You reacted very quickly.

Cold sweat broke out on Hardman's forehead: You!

Well, anyway, your luck won't be so good next time. We have a happy cooperation. I'll treat you to coffee next time. After saying that, the other party hung up the communication.

Hardman slammed the communicator to the ground.

Calm down, human. At this time, a cold mechanical voice came from behind Hardman.

Hardman looked back with a gloomy expression. What was there was a white sweeping robot.

He's irritating you.

No need for him to provoke me! I'm already very angry! Hardman snapped.

This is not a problem. As long as you do what I say, you will get our help. When the Silver and Gold Alliance pays the price, we will divide some areas to you, and you can enjoy the rest of your life.

What on earth are you going to do!? Hardman couldn't help but ask.

We have to convince our leader, at least, tell it your stupidity first. The indicator light of the sweeping robot glowed red.

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