My doppelganger drama

Chapter 375 New Cooperation

After that incident, Shen Yuezhi's actions were not greatly affected on the surface.

Although he could also hear suspicions among some refugee circles, such thoughts should not hinder their activities.

A group of friends still stood firmly by his side. Of course, some people sadly quit, but the number was already smaller than Shen Yuezhi thought at the beginning.

On the surface, that incident didn't seem entirely bad for him.

At least through that unexpected incident, some supporters of the homeless people in the city who were in a wait-and-see state and were undecided began to officially start contacting and even cooperating with him.

Although he could have received better treatment, after careful consideration, he still chose to stay at the refugee management office and just bought a separate tent next to his original residence.

After just eating a tasteless uniform meal with her friends, Shen Yuezhi returned to his tent. The smile on his face slowly faded and he became worried.

Just looking at their own situation, it is indeed good.

However, the movements of the enemies he faced were still full of mystery.

City officials remained unmoved and seemed intent on continuing to delay. The previous attack on the rescue team became another powerful shield for them.

Although Shen Yuezhi has asked someone to help investigate this aspect, he still has no clue.

Every time he recalled the words of the cultist in his mind, he would feel very irritated. The support he already had did not seem to give him enough security.

Many times, he couldn't help but question himself, is this kind of action really meaningful?

What do you think? At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in the tent.

Shen Yuezhi's hand holding the pen trembled slightly, then he calmly put down the pen and turned around.

In the darkness at the foot of the tent, Lucas slowly walked out with a shy and kind smile.

Mr. Bishop Lucas. Shen Yuezhi called Lucas' name this time.

It seems that an investigation has been done, so it’s not surprising.

I'm sorry that I didn't introduce myself to you in detail last time, but you already know that there's probably no need to add anything more, Lucas said.

Shen Yuezhi looked at Lucas' figure, swallowed, and said, I have learned a lot about your teaching's style and habits these days.

Oh? What do you think? Lucas asked curiously.

From my narrow perspective, you are a very classic cult, but for this world, it seems that you are above a certain standard that is not very high.

Is this a compliment?

Shen Yuezhi did not comment, but continued: I don't really want to completely turn against you, because we refugees have a special status but don't have enough power. This is what we lack.

Are you trying to win over us? Lucas tilted his head.

Shen Yuezhi nodded in affirmation.

Lucas couldn't help but sigh that this boy's courage was indeed extraordinary.

As a young man with a normal personality who had just travelled, he was not led by the first impression of the cult. After calming down, he investigated and even felt that it was a force that could win over him.

There is indeed no shortage of talents in this messy world.

How can I cooperate with you? If I don't resolve your matter early, we will be in trouble even if the pressure from above comes down.

Lucas raised his head with a sad and troubled expression.

Your sect's wish is to spread the teachings and recruit people. I will put your sect's conditions among the refugees, and your sect will just be ready to connect. This is the help I can provide you. Shen Yuezhi said rationally.

Well, that's what I need you to do at the beginning, but if the cooperation target turns to you, the risk will increase greatly... Forget it, what do you need us to do? Lucas went into detail and chose to agree.

Delay. I just hope you can buy us enough time.

Hearing this, Lucas raised his eyebrows slightly: It seems like you have found a good path?

Shen Yuezhi just nodded, but did not fully explain his plan.

After all, he was still a cultist, so Lucas didn't mind Yu Shen Yuezhi being wary of him.

Then I can agree, but I will only give you a week.

A week? That's not urgent at all... Shen Yuezhi was surprised. This time was far beyond his expectation. He originally thought that the other party would compress it to about two or three days excessively.

Because I'm really not in a hurry. It's more interesting to watch the official jump. The premise is that you can really make them jump. Lucas said calmly with his hands on his chest.

Shen Yuezhi nodded slowly.

Cooperation that is verbal but not strictly guaranteed is considered established.

Neither of them asked the other party to make any further guarantees.

Shen Yuezhi just tried to seize all possibilities, while Lucas wanted to see how the other party performed.

After finishing the conversation, Lucas looked around the space in the small tent and said, Do you have coffee here?

Hearing the word coffee, Shen Yuezhi's slightly relieved mood suddenly became alert again.

How can I have such a thing in my current condition...

So, was that something someone invited you to drink? When I first came in, I saw the smell of coffee still lingering in the cup on your desk. Lucas said nonchalantly.

Yes, the friend I just met in the city invited me to buy a very high-end coffee. Even in my previous life, I probably have never tasted coffee of that quality. Shen Yuezhi was calm and composed.

That's right. The kind people in the city are so kind. Lucas nodded, seemingly convinced by this reason.

Shen Yuezhi didn't know what to say. He couldn't figure out what the other person was thinking, so he would be wrong if he said too much.

Not everyone in the city is trustworthy, you should know that. Essentially, they just live in the current city society, and some of them are just complying with their own demands when they speak for you.

Shen Yuezhi didn't look very good. Although Lucas's words sounded like provoking discord, they were also true.

There are a large number of refugees, but they are still under the control of the aboriginal people.

No matter how fierce their struggle seems to be, it is just a struggle for themselves under the social system built by the indigenous people.

Those supporters in the city now have good intentions and are willing to support them, the refugees who have suffered injustice, but Shen Yuezhi does not doubt that when their movement reaches a certain level, some of their friends will quickly cut off cooperation or even become obstacles.

Let's talk about what happens after that. If we don't deal with the present moment well, maybe we won't be able to wait until that time. Shen Yuezhi said calmly.

Lucas smiled and nodded, said hello to Shen Yuezhi, and then slowly prepared to leave.

What surprised Shen Yuezhi was that he actually took the main entrance.

I have always wanted to say that Bishop Lucas often does not look like a cultist at all.

Shen Yuezhi felt that he didn't feel like he was a dangerous person from the bottom of his heart.

However, the information obtained from some supporters showed that the other party was the backbone of an emerging cult, and had recently become quite well-known in some circles in the city.

He holds countless human lives in his hands, and everyone talks about it with dismay.

Overall, this kind of person is terrible.

Shen Yuezhi strengthened his vigilance in his heart.

Lucas came out of the exit of Shen Yuezhi's tent and disappeared in the darkness.

At this time, between the buildings not far away, a figure was running away quickly.

Behind this figure, more human-like and spider-like figures started chasing each other with strange movements, following each other closely, making it difficult to get rid of them.

The figure in front wrapped himself tightly without revealing any flaws, and glanced behind him from time to time.

As he ran away, he was already covered in cold sweat.

What the hell are these spider-people! It seems that their individual strength is not very good, but their actions are so unified, and their speed is so fast, they can't be shaken off no matter how hard they are...

I was obviously just spying on the leader of the refugee movement, but I didn't expect that he would be targeted by something like this!

However, the emergence of these things also shows that the leader is related to the Cangzhu God Cult.

This revelation is enough to get these refugees completely expelled from the Silver and Gold Alliance!

He wants to get the message out.

But when being stared at by those people, the communication equipment on his body also failed accordingly. It was really weird!


As he ran, he suddenly felt an extremely vicious and prominent aura suddenly appear in the large number of sights behind him that were like needles piercing his spine.

This made him shudder even as he ran away. He glanced back and saw only the afterimage of a strange figure disappearing into the window of a building.

What is that...

He was just half-thought.

boom! Wow!

The window glass of the building on the side in front of him suddenly shattered, and what appeared in front of him was a black and gray robe and purple spider web patterns!

This uniform is...!

Before he could think about it, his face was directly grabbed by the opponent, and the sharp claws pierced into the skin.


Then his head was smashed directly into the wall of a nearby building.

Like eavesdropping and running? Lucas smiled shyly and grabbed the other person lying on the surface of the building. After saying something, he pressed the other person's face against the wall and started dragging him away.


Before the scream could be heard, it was covered by the sound of violent friction.

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