My doppelganger drama

Chapter 355 My Shadow

Shadow? Shadow of disaster? Wan Yi asked strangely.

Hua Pu nodded slightly.

The empty island of flesh and blood flashed in Wan Yi's mind, the bloody corpse with the weird smiling face, and a large group of things of various shapes chasing behind him.

Those are shadows of disaster.

Born out of the disaster itself, it was born out of people's shadow of a certain disaster. The specific birth process and method are unknown.

Wan Yi originally thought that these were just a group of things created by the Book of Disaster to protect him.

But now the flower spectrum points out that everything is the shadow of self.

This caused him to have many questions.

If he is the Shadow of Disaster, what is his memory as Wan Yi? Seize the body? Resurrecting a dead body? Or some other sinister way?

Why didn't the Shadow of Disaster stay close to the Book of Disaster instead of going to the Silver and Gold Alliance in the first place?

Shadow of Disaster can barely see any clear thinking at present, so what should we say about Wan Yi's current situation?

Discrimination, right?

Why can't he also turn into a mindless Shadow of Disaster and run after the Book of Disaster!

Why do so many shadows of disaster have their own brains to think about, and then share the same brain with a group of clones?

For Wan Yi, the biggest blow brought by the revelation of his true identity at this moment is this.

As for the disaster identity of all of us...

Is there anything to regret?

It’s a baffling thing in the first place. Didn’t you see that the genealogy family seems to be tortured a lot by this name?

Indeed, disasters and other things sound very high-quality and interesting.

But Wan Yi didn't really want it in the first place, it was a hot potato at a glance.

All in all, it is obvious that a shadow of disaster cannot explain so many questions about Wan Yi himself.

And Wan Yi also threw out these questions one after another.

Hua Pu's newly recovered brain didn't seem to be able to handle so many problems. He seemed to be in a daze, and even the kaleidoscope in his eyes almost stopped spinning.

Finally, after Wan Yi finished asking the question, Hua Pu could only answer dully: I don't know.

I'll beat you. Wan Yi said.

I'm sorry, I really don't know. You have the image of me, but there is no decisive sign, and the page itself has no special impact on you. Hua Pu said.

Did you return to normal because of the help of the Book of Disaster? Wan Yi asked with renewed mood.

Well, it has been supplemented through the Book of Disasters, but to restore it to integrity, we still need to get back all of our previous selves...

How did you become mine? Wan Yi asked.

I can't remember clearly, but it should be what we want to be. Hua Pu said.

Many disasters were singled out, but in the end we were chosen...

At this moment, Wan Yi and Hua Pu suddenly looked up into the sky. There was a vague figure there, which seemed to be floating upside down in the air.

Unexpectedly... A strong male voice sounded.

At this time...

Who are you? Wan Yi asked directly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the other party waved his hand, and a red wave came over again, swallowing Wan Yi and Hua Pu.

When their eyes became clear again, they had returned to the empty island where they started.

Wan Yi turned his head and saw that Hua Pu's figure suddenly shrunk and turned into the appearance of Hua Pu.

Chromatogram blinked, and Wan Yi blinked as well.

Don't you think you came out a little late? Wan Yi greeted politely.

For unknown reasons, Hua Pu has never been more stubborn than before. I could have suppressed her with a little time alone, but this time the three of us couldn't suppress her together. Chromatogram said quickly.

Wan Yi just looked at her quietly.

Shi Qi turned away, turned back after a moment, and then lowered his head: I'm sorry, we couldn't suppress her in time.

She chose to apologize.

You can't argue with someone who is extremely small-minded, not to mention that she does owe Wan Yi a lot. She who still has a conscience cannot just ignore it.


She found that Huapu could not suppress Wan Yi.

They had also been watching Hua Pu's performance towards Wan Yi just now. They could only say that he could barely suppress Wan Yi, and overall he was quite embarrassed.

In short, she has no advantage over Wan Yi in terms of combat power or other aspects. The most important thing to do now is to surrender!

Put aside the issue of strength.

When she first touched the Book of Disaster, she also remembered something.

The meaning of the shadow of disaster is far more than just a shadow. This world is an ideal world, and the shadow of disaster is the product of this aspect.

So, there is no end to the limits of shadow.

The shadow under the behemoth may also swallow it up.

Shi Qi looked at Wan Yi standing there and observing the surroundings as if nothing had happened. Thinking of Wan Yi's various previous performances, the tall figure in front of him seemed to be gradually cast a shadow...

What are you looking at?

Wan Yi's voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Chroma's petite body jumped and turned around warily: What are you doing!

I'm quite sensitive to sight.

Chromatography looked at it again and found that Wan Yi in the distance was indeed covered in a layer of black, but it seemed that he had just activated a qualitative change to add a layer of special effects to himself.

What a waste of her feelings!

Although there seem to be a lot more problems, at least we got the book. It's just our troupe, not you all. Wan Yi gestured to the book of disasters in his hand.

The book was washed out with them by the huge waves.

Then he lay on the ground as if dead, not even trying to escape.

But as for the punishment agreed upon before, Wan Yi naturally had no intention of letting it go.

The stickman war between Xiao Hong and Xiao Kong will definitely end in the Book of Disaster!

Chromatogram still looked directly at Wan Yi.

What's wrong? Wan Yi asked.

Don't you have any idea about the fact that you are my shadow? She asked.

Who is your shadow? Stop putting gold on your face. I will only be the shadow of 'Wan Yi', and it won't work for anyone else. Wan Yi said nonchalantly.

As a result, the color spectrum also nodded in agreement: You are not just a shadow. The shadow cannot have such a distinct consciousness like you, let alone be able to separate it into several parts easily.

Wan Yi turned to look at the color spectrum curiously: I'm more curious now. If you were me, what did you do in the past? As a disaster, since it can leave a shadow of disaster, why should you have made any achievements, right?

Faced with Wan Yi's question, Xixi was a little silent.

I didn't mean it, and I didn't think it would be like that.


Originally, the fragmentation process of the Broken World would be slower than it is now, but what I did caused the Broken World to be further fragmented... Chromatography was a little sad.

Wan Yi heard the words and had no idea, but asked: I have checked the information of Guiyiyi, Shuguang United and Yinjin United. Although the conditions are somewhat incomprehensible, I did not find any description similar to We. Who are you? How long ago?

At least... Hu Qi's tone was a bit difficult, It should last for hundreds of years and thousands of years...

Pfft. Wan Yi laughed out loud, without covering up.

I, I may not remember it accurately! And the time in the Broken World is meaningless and chaotic, so age doesn't matter! Xiangxi's little face flushed slightly, and his plain tone fluctuated slightly.

After Wan Yi stared at it funny for a while, his smile faded: Have you had more mood swings?

Chromatography was stunned.

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