My doppelganger drama

Chapter 354 You are me?

Chapter 354 Are I?

Wan Yi was not tired at all. He came off the field and changed into a clone in the middle of the fight.

His domain only requires a large number of Wanyi to overlap in one body to be activated, but there must be Wanyi's ontology in it.

This is quite a restriction for Wan Yi, at least the main body must be present.

But compared to the new possibilities that this field brought to him, this limitation naturally didn't matter.

Hua Pu is not a fool who only knows how to reread. Because she couldn't catch Wan Yi for a long time, she seemed to be a little anxious, and her actions that were originally take a break and take a break began to seamlessly connect.

Gradually she was no longer left open.

I don’t know if he realized that he shouldn’t give Wan Yi a chance to breathe, and was preparing to suppress Wan Yi with his powerful panel.

However, it is not difficult for Wan Yi to keep his spirit tight. As for endurance, then this marathon run by countless Wan Yi for each Wan Yi can be challenged at any time.

Hua Pu punched and kicked Wan Yi randomly, but she didn't seem to really want to attack Wan Yi, and her hands were always grabbing.

But no matter what, Wan Yi didn't want to be touched by her.

King Wu Yi's radiant stabbing sword had been shattered countless times in the process, and Wan Yi had even been forced to the edge of the empty island by the high-intensity suppression of Hua Pu.

Hua Pu grabbed Wan Yi's face with one hand, but Wan Yi couldn't avoid it and raised his sword horizontally to block it.

The sword blade easily cut into the flesh and blood of the opponent's palm.

The blood that flowed out soon turned into petals and scattered.

Suddenly, the flower spectrum blew toward the falling petals.


Wan Yi blinked, petals brushing his cheeks.

In an instant, as he approached the flower spectrum in front of him, the kaleidoscope in his eyes gradually enlarged and filled Wan Yi's vision.

Pressed over.

Through the brief contact of the petals, Huapu immediately started to suppress the realm.

Is your brain getting clearer and clearer with more beatings? Wan Yi was a little surprised.

But soon, more clones were recalled by him, and he himself began to split. It didn't matter whether the ether energy of the main body could still sustain the battle, as long as he found other sufficient clones to support him.

This is a very rare battle for Wan Yi in which he fights more and more clones.

Since the fight with Hua Pu, not a single clone has died in the battle. Everyone is having a good time, watching each other at close range being chased by the beast with its claws and claws almost stripped away.

There was laughter and laughter everywhere.

Except for Hua Pu and Wan Yi.


Wanyi corrected again, and the kaleidoscope that had just enveloped it was immediately broken free.

But just as Wan Yi was about to move, he discovered that Hua Pu's hand had touched his chest at some point.

To be precise, it was the Book of Disaster that he held close to his chest.

Is this also her goal?

This conjecture briefly flashed through Wan Yi's mind.

Suddenly, a bright red color spread from Wan Yi's chest. At first glance, Wan Yi thought he was bleeding, but in fact it was an abnormal reaction from the Book of Disaster!

The Book of Disaster seemed dead after Wan Yi painted graffiti on the cover. It had been calm just now but suddenly started to move after being touched by Hua Pu.

It flew out of Wan Yi's chest.

Wan Yi quickly grabbed the book with quick eyes and hands, but on the other side, Hua Pu also grabbed the other end of the book!

Wan Yi looked at Hua Pu, only to find that Hua Pu's eyes were staring straight at the Book of Disaster.

When the two of them grabbed the Book of Disaster at the same time, the power emanating from the Book of Disaster began to burn, which did not make the nearest Wan Yi and Hua Pu feel any discomfort.

What really affects them are the chains on the Book of Disaster.

The chains were melted by the burning power.

The pages of the book that had been closed suddenly opened. This time, it was no longer shackles.

Wan Yi and Hua Pu's hands were bounced away, and they were preparing to face the attack of the shadow of disaster that came from nowhere, but the result was that their eyes were covered with flowers.

A huge red wave crashed in, swallowing both of them and the Book of Disaster.

After a brief period of confusion, Wan Yi came back to his senses under the chaotic shouts of his clones.

He is standing on a bright red streamer. This streamer looks like a river, but if you look closely, you will find that it is very similar to the boundary belt, but the color of this streamer is very strange.

The surrounding area is open, with blue sky and white clouds.

And below, the familiar sound of the ocean tide came.

Wan Yi looked down.

He saw...a red sea.

here it is……

The red sea stretches as far as the eye can see, and as far as the eye can see, you can only see the same horizon.

Wan Yi turned his head and saw the Book of Disaster floating in the air and Hua Pu lying on the ground panting.

Uh... I'm... not allowed to leave even when I come back... We... can't... ah... please... don't... Hua Pu revealed more words in his mouth, and his state was quite uncomfortable.

Wan Yi feels that the influence of his field still exists, but the fact that there are no flowers blooming around him should mean that the flower spectrum seems to be unable to be used here.

Little naughty boy, if you act like this, I will draw at least two more rounds of stickman battle on you. It seems that 'Little Red' and 'Little Sky' can decide the winner in the remaining two rounds. That’s it.” Wan Yi said to the Book of Disaster.

Xiaohong and Xiaokong are the two stick figures he drew in the Book of Disasters.

Xiao Hong is the one with a black head, and Xiao Kong is the one with an empty head.

Don't get me wrong, this definitely doesn't mean anything, it's just Wan Yi who drew it casually based on his feelings in elementary school. Moreover, he also found that his stick figure drawing skills seemed to be not as good as when he was in elementary school. Some of the strong lines were no longer as good as his current imagination. Hard to outline.

Alas, such is the price of growth.

However, the Book of Disaster was so tough that it ignored Wan Yi's threats. The pages on it turned quickly, and names flashed across Wan Yi's eyes one by one.

Some of them are black, while some of the names are shimmering with red.

The pages of the book are endless, and there seems to be no beginning or end.

Wan Yi quickly recorded the names one by one.

Suddenly, he was a little surprised.

He just saw the names of the three abyss boundary lines of the sinking island group written by the man in color, and even the unintelligible words of the man in color were also on it!

The four disaster pages are still in his hand!

He immediately checked and learned that there was nothing unusual about the disaster fragment page.

But these do appear in the Book of Woes.

In other words, even if it is a broken page, what is engraved on the broken page will still be reflected in the Book of Disaster itself.

In that case...

Wan Yi concentrated his attention, staring at the pages of the book that were turning rapidly, waiting for the name to appear.

Finally, the turning of the pages stopped abruptly.

Because one of the pages has stood alone.

On that page, there were words that were as bright red as blood.

All of us.

Yes, that's the name...

A hoarse but soft and gentle voice sounded. Wan Yi turned his head and found that the person who spoke was the irrational Hua Pu from before.

What did you say? Wan Yi asked.

That name, a long, long time ago, belonged to me...ours. Hua Pu's eyes turned from the page to Wan Yi, and then back to the page again.

Since we were given this name, we are no longer ourselves. Disasters have also followed.

Is it you? Wan Yi asked unexpectedly.

Hua Pu didn't respond and slowly stood up from the ground.

I'm sorry, I just scared you. She suddenly apologized to Wan Yi.

... Wan Yi didn't want to speak.

Because in this situation, he didn't want to say anything against his will like it doesn't matter.

'Hua Pu continued: The contact with the book restored some of the incompleteness. I regained a clear will and was able to think again.

You are all me, then what am I? Wan Yi asked.

Hua Pu looked at Wan Yi. In those colorful kaleidoscopes, the originally disordered patterns were becoming regular, more orderly and beautiful.

The red lips parted slightly, revealing the truth Wan Yi thought:

You are the... shadow of 'all'.

Readers are well-informed. It seems that there are quite a few people who have guessed this pit. Hey, hey, hey.

But Wan Yi is the Shadow of Disaster. No one must have thought of the foreshadowing in these chapters! o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o

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