My doppelganger drama

Chapter 336 Sample? Money printing press!

Zhuoye had no ill intentions towards Xu Shen, which Wan Yi understood after seeing Zhuoye's situation.

This fake leaf just inherits some blanks of the original style.

He is still in a period of confusion about his own existence and cognition.

If done well, there is a lot of room for adjustment later.

There are many things to check, which is not a bad thing for Xu Shen.

Wan Yi came to explain to Xu Shen as a member of the Rainbow Society.

Although the target of their cooperation with the anti-travel sample was the false leaf, the false leaf was on Xu Shen, so Xu Shen was included in the rounding.

It is also necessary to stabilize Xu Shen's situation.

After briefly telling Xu Shen about the collapse of boundaries and the occurrence of anti-travel incidents, Wan Yi suddenly turned the topic to Xu Shen himself.

I haven't seen you for a long time, but you are a lot more powerful. Duoxin has mastered two Xialan techniques, which is something that even the male protagonist of Xialan can't do.

Although he often looked at Xu Shen from the perspective of the clone, this time after entering Xu Shen's possessed state of mind, he discovered that Xu Shen's evil thoughts were actually hate.

Hate towards oneself is also hate, and one emotion contains too many things.

This is actually a manifestation of inferiority.

Stop talking, I'm used to it.

Introspection is the driving force for progress, which is good, but don't hold back some things. The pressure must be vented. Wan Yi said.

You don't need to tell me. Xu Shen said awkwardly.

Here, this is for you. Wan Yi said and gave Xu Shen a booklet.

Xu Shen took it, originally thinking it would be some secret book on how to open a small stove, but when he saw the content above, it read Tips on Mental Health.

What kind of mental health education guide is this for middle and high school students?

If everyone really reads those guidelines carefully, maybe their mental condition will be a little better.

I don't think this thing is useful.

This is my own experience, which is more practical than those. Give it a try.

Your psychological knowledge is of no use to me!

Indeed, the manuals I use now are split personality manuals. The one you have is the old one I used earlier.

What the hell!

With this interruption, Xu Shen suddenly became less depressed.

Anyway, I wish you success in your future efforts. No matter how paranoid you are, paranoid people can easily become strong. Wan Yi said.

After the two exchanged pleasantries for a few moments, Wan Yi left.

Xu Shen calmed down after walking around the carnival, left the carnival, and returned to his state of mind.

False Leaf is sitting cross-legged, seemingly meditating.

False leaves.

What's the matter? Fake Leaf didn't open her eyes, and the sound of her mouth moving slightly came from far away.

Teach me.

Teach you what?

Get stronger.

How do I know how to become stronger?

Don't you want to become stronger most?

Hmm... This seems true, but why do you, a Xialan, ask me for a zero?

I'm not very mysophobic. It doesn't matter if I can become stronger as long as I don't completely turn myself into a human being. And since you are so close to me, wouldn't it be a good place to quench your thirst?

Did that person tell you? False Leaf asked after thinking for a moment.

Well, he said that I can ask you for advice as appropriate. This is also part of your test. Xu Shen answered honestly.

Then give it a try, but let me tell you first, I don't know what you will learn from Xia Lan by teaching him from a zero point of view.

Just try it!

Some time later, Xu Shen also successfully woke up in the outside world.

But he became busier. In addition to the time he would have spent at the carnival, he also needed to spare time to consult with the fake leaves in his mind.

Fortunately, after signing the new contract with the Rainbow Club, he had a lot of leisure time on weekdays.

Basically, you only need to go to the Rainbow Society's research institute regularly to receive various studies from Rainbow Society researchers.

He is only responsible for watching, and most projects can be completed in his mind using fake leaves. Sometimes he acts as a middleman to provide information or help with odd jobs.

As time went by, Xu Shen also discovered some strange phenomena in the process.

One of the more important points for him is that he can use the zero power of False Leaf.

It feels very smooth to use, just like using your own Yuan Qi.

Originally, he thought this was a little help from False Leaf.

But when I went back to inquire, I found out that it wasn't the case.

When he went to the Rainbow Society for a checkup, he discovered that he had completed the fourth qualitative transformation and absorbed the new power seed without knowing it.

This all comes from fake leaves.

False Leaf can still produce zero-related fragments, and most of these fragments are silently absorbed by Xu Shen because he is in a possessed state.

However, the sequelae of the qualitative change were all borne by the false leaves in the state of mind, resulting in no obvious abnormalities in the mental changes in the early stages.

However, as the qualitative change deepened, Xu Shen still had a zero mark on his forehead, and some fine black spots appeared on his body.

Clearly a sign of the physical sequelae to come.

Wan Yi came over again at that time, tossing in his mind for a long time, and introduced the relevant fragments of the fake leaves that flowed directly into Xu Shen's body into the carnival.

It prevented his physical sequelae from getting out of control and becoming zero.

After the carnival collected a large number of zero fragments, they didn't mean to take them for free. They replaced them with a lot of dream essence, making Xu Shen feel like he had become a little rich man without doing anything.

In the end, a near miss was a blessing in disguise.

In short, it should be gratifying, right?

Wan Yi made a lot of money.

I really didn’t expect that the fake leaves could continue to produce fragments.

Originally, he thought he was just raising a sample to study the situation of anti-travel characters, but it turned out that he was raising a money printing machine!

During this period of time, the collection of the situation of the false leaves was basically completed, relying on the spontaneous discussions of Wan Yi and others, and returning to the theater to consult Liang Rendao and others.

Some situations of anti-travel characters like False Leaf, who collapses boundaries, have been basically summarized.

The 014 boundary zone is still collapsing. During this time, there are many characters similar to False Leaf coming out of it, but most of them are not as familiar as False Leaf.

A major prerequisite for this kind of anti-travel is that the character is within a certain range outside the boundary and is impressive enough.

If we just look at the strength in a world, there are many characters stronger than False Leaf in Xia Lan, and it is not his turn at all.

However, only in this boundary zone, the artificial leaves undoubtedly have the deepest impression on the 014 Sky Island refugees.

This role serves as a symbol of a type of fragments that can easily attract other homogeneous fragments when boundaries are decomposed in time and space and boundaries collapse.

After finally being completely thrown away from the boundary zone, it becomes an independent individual, an aggregation of a large number of fragments.

Commonly known as, stitch monster.

In the aggregation of so many zeros and similar fragments, even though the fragments of the false leaf itself serve as the core of the agglomeration, they account for a very small proportion.

That's why after he left the boundary, his self-perception went wrong. Except for some of the most impressive knowledge, his personality and will were completely different from the original fake leaf.

On the other side, the situation of the pufferfish queen in the sinking sky island group was different.

If there was no interference from the supervisor, she would have a clear self-awareness and know what kind of role she appears as a symbol, and she would try her best to play that role, so as to get the echo of the Honkai Boundary Zone and exert more power. .

One is the spontaneous condensation of a large number of scattered fragments, and the other is the active release of the boundary zone ruled by will.

They are similar to anti-travel and anti-invasion, but the essence is quite different.

At least the queen cannot produce fragments, because the real collapse boundary zone is far away.

As for False Leaf, just like the modern brother who swallowed a large number of gun fragments and can still spit out a few fragments from time to time, he has become a small humanoid boundary.

Wan Yi picked through the fragments of fake leaves and selected a few of extremely high quality.

Not long ago, the debt that Xu Shen had owed to Wan Yi for the Seven Spirits and Zero Power Seed had been written off.

Although it was a mistake, Wan Yi gained more all of a sudden through Xu Shen.

There is more than one fragment of the Seven Souls level.


Wan Yi fiddled with a very dark purple-black fragment in his hand.

The King of Ten Thousand Lings, the fragment of Qiongqi.

Although this Qiongqi is Qiongqi in Xia Lan, the conceptual fragments with the same name have the possibility of extending each other.

In many fantasy works, there are too many strange things, including many monsters, demons and monsters.

This fragment is very promising.

Perhaps the three qualitative changes that Wan Yi himself had delayed for some time had finally come to fruition.

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