My doppelganger drama

Chapter 335 Anti-travel sample No. 2

Anti-travel sample No. 2, codenamed 'False Leaf'.

Although he appears as a fake leaf, his body is stitched with many of Zero's abilities that appeared in the original work. At the same time, his self-recognition is not clear. It is speculated that there is a necessary connection.

Anti-travel sample No. 1, codenamed 'Flowfish'...huh? Who wrote 'Flowfish'? Didn't you say 'Queen' instead of giving some face?

I changed it.

Brother Green Devil, that's okay. The code name is 'Fugu'... The situation of Fugu is different from that of 'Fake Leaf'. The difference is that Fugu is a spokesperson directly sent by the will of the Honkai Impact Zone, while Fugu is just a spokesperson An unexpected survivor of a borderline zone that was on the verge of collapse.”

More research is still needed to summarize some characteristics and rules for this special anti-travel individual, False Leaf.

There was such a sound in my ears, and there seemed to be several people around, and they were discussing something.

Xu Shen's head was still a little dizzy, so he tried to open his eyes.

Rose leaf has now possessed Xu Shen. It has been fourteen hours since Xu Shen was possessed, but Xu Shen has not shown any abnormality.

How did Xu Shenyou Yuanqi become possessed? As long as there is the Xialan Seal in Xialan, Ling will not be possessed by Ling's evil thoughts.

According to the review of the scene, when False Leaf was possessed, he should have activated the ability of the Seven Souls - the Monument of Extreme Evil. In the original work, this ability can amplify the target's evil thoughts, so as to attack the hero. Lan carries out possession.”

So this is another valid proof of the ability of a fake leaf with other zeros sewn into it.

However, after False Leaf completed the possession, Xu Shen also fell into a coma. False Leaf had no intention of controlling Xu Shen's body. The reason is probably because the serious injury caused by the strong man's broken wrist was not enough to support him to do so.

Actually, I just planned to trap him so that I could catch him later. I didn't expect him to be in such a hurry, but it saved trouble.

It's normal. After all, if you directly attack the soul, no one will have any good thoughts about a sinister person like you.

You just want to scold me, right?


The conversation around him was very fast-paced. Xu Shenqiang braced himself to hear some of it, but he could only vaguely catch some nouns.

But it’s also difficult to string together into a sentence.

Anyway, I will try to use nightmare to sneak into Xu Shen's dream and see if I can find the fake Ye Empress hiding inside.

There was a sound of footsteps coming from around, which made Xu Shen panic.

But before he had time to panic, sleepiness began to rise again. He felt like he was floating while his consciousness was sinking.

Then, he fell into deep sleep again.

Xu Shen opened his eyes again, this time he was extremely awake.

He looked around suspiciously and found that he seemed to be on a platform.

On the platform stood a large gray letter, Hate.

You can actually wake up on your own? A sharp voice came to his side. Xu Shen turned his head in response and assumed a fighting stance.

It was Ruoye. He put his hands behind his back and looked at Xu Shen strangely.

You actually possess me! Although Xu Shen was panicking, he had no intention of exposing his weak side to the enemy.

Because I have no choice. When I sensed evil thoughts at that time, I found that many people around me had evil thoughts, and countless evil thoughts were mixed together. My intuition told me that this was not a normal phenomenon. In that case, I couldn't carefully screen it at all, and you were already The one closest to me and the best one to possess. False Leaf said calmly.

Xu Shen didn't understand, so he summed it up as, Because he was the closest to False Leaf and the most incompetent, he became the first choice for possession, which should be correct.

Your hatred is not strong, but it is deep-rooted. False Leaf turned to look to the side, where the word hate was gradually dyed purple-black by zero force.

Xu Shen also looked at that word.

This is the strongest evil thought selected from a person's heart after being possessed by Zero, and appears in front of his eyes in the form of intuitive large characters. When evil thoughts are completely infiltrated, people will become zero.

This is also a conventional means of adding zeros to the same category.

Xu Shen never thought that his biggest evil thought would be hate.

You are not very old, but you have already begun to hate your own weakness and incompetence. Although I feel that this is not the first time I have seen this kind of thing, but I can't remember too much about the past, so it doesn't matter. Shake his head slightly.

Tsk. Xu Shen couldn't help but clicked his tongue as it felt uncomfortable to be seen inside.

Don't worry, I won't turn you into zero. False Leaf said.

What? You would be so kind?

You still seem to regard me as the person you think of, but I want to make it clear that although I may have that person's face, that person's voice, and even some behavioral habits and powers. False leaf stretched out his hand, with zero in his hand. His eyes were filled with energy, and he said, But I'm not really that person.

Xu Shen looked at him puzzled.

I don't know who I am, or what I am.

You may be an aggregation of homogeneous fragments remaining in a collapsed boundary zone. At this moment, a voice interjected.

Both False Leaf and Xu Shen were startled, and turned around to see the figure in a dress and top hat walking towards them.

Seeing this figure, Xu Shen felt relieved, while Fake Leaf took half a step back.

I see. It seems that there is no shortage of ways to invade people's minds in this world. Fake Leaf said.

The state of mind is a little different from the dream. It took me a while to find this place. Wan Yi shrugged.

False leaf's eyes moved quickly.

Don't worry, I don't want to kill you.

You told me that you didn't want to kill me before that blow that made me feel like I was out of my mind? Fake Leaf said sarcastically.

It's just a special effect, you know. It's just a little more painful than ordinary special effects. Don't make a fuss. Madam Fake Ye, you are new here and you still don't have much experience. Wan Yi defended himself.

You even chased me after me.

You possessed a poor little noob, and I'm here to save this little noob.

Really? Xu Shen was happy.


Oh. Xu Shen was disappointed.

The rookie part is true.


After teasing Xu Shen for a while, Wan Yi looked at False Leaf again: You have doubts about your situation, and I am also curious about your situation. I just want to cooperate with you, but you obviously don't seem to be able to calm down with others. You look cooperative. Your reputation is not very good among us, Fake Lady Ye.

False Leaf thought quickly: First, tell me what do you need me to do?

As one of the most smart people in Xialan, I am glad that the stitching monster in front of me, False Leaf, has not completely abandoned such a useful thing as his brain.

Some simple tests. About your self-awareness, memory, way of thinking, strength and many other aspects.

Just simple cooperation?

In addition, as long as you can prove your harmlessness, we can also help you regain your strength and gain freedom as soon as possible. Wan Yi added.

How should I trust you? Fake Leaf was still cautious.

I can threaten you directly, but doing so is a bit pricey, so I give up. The soul-eating wand in Wan Yi's hand switched back and forth between the wand and dagger modes, and was put away after a few flexible turns between his fingers.

You have trapped yourself in this young man's body, and his life is your bargaining chip for the time being. If you say this, how much sense of security can it bring you? Fake Lady Ye.

It's not much, but it's really useful. And don't call me Niangniang. Although I don't care about gender, my body should still be considered a male.

I know, Miss Fake Leaf.

Makeleaf is unhappy.

Then, this place is a small rental for you. You novice over there, let's go talk somewhere else. Wan Yi said with a move.

Xu Shen felt a pain in his head and subconsciously closed his eyes and covered his forehead.

But this feeling went away as quickly as it came. When he opened his eyes again, he found that he had returned to the familiar carnival.

Carnival! Xu Shen was shocked, Wan Yi, when did you...?

It should be earlier than you. Wan Yi replied casually.

Okay. Xu Shen was a little disappointed again.

He thought that the carnival would be the golden finger for him to catch up with Wan Yi, but it turned out that Wan Yi had already had this golden finger!

He had previously asked the bartender in the performance hall how he could invite others to join him. At that time, the bartender laughed and said nothing, assuming that it was not possible.

It turned out that he didn't have to think so much at all.

Also, Wan Yi is far better than him. If this carnival is specifically looking for people with potential, Wan Yi will definitely have more prospects than him.

As long as you are in the spiritual world, you can take the initiative to enter the carnival. With this method, you can avoid some illusions and spiritual attacks.

Can it still be like this? Xu Shen was surprised. He really didn't know about this.

It's just a small application. Sooner or later you will find the door. Okay, now let's talk about the new grandfather who lives in your body, our little protagonist.

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