My doppelganger drama

Chapter 330 The truth revealed

Facts have proved that it was not an illusion.

According to the multi-angle comparison of the clones, the three boundary zones are indeed clearly approaching the sinking island group surrounded by them.

This process causes the contact surface of the three boundary zones to continuously fluctuate, and a large number of fragments of different colors are scattered outward.

Many edge islands came into contact with the boundary zone and were swallowed up on the spot.

Fortunately, several main islands and the lower-level sky island where Wan Yi and the others are at this time are all close to the center, so they will not affect this area for a while.

But there is no doubt that the changes in front of me are very abnormal.

At the same time, information came from the clone far away on Dawn United 014 Sky Island.

014 The boundary zone collapsed, and the debris was scattered like a boundary storm. The boundary project that had just been built not long ago was able to withstand part of it, but the sudden incident still caused a large number of people to be swallowed up, and their lives and deaths were unknown.

At the same time, there was also news from Lucas.

The boundary zone around his silver-gold joint bronze-level No. 006 Sky Island has experienced an almost boundary storm-like phenomenon. Several boundaries have also collapsed, and some boundaries are still stable, but they have begun to move closer. Falled on the empty island.

If there is direct contact, it will be more terrifying to Sky Island than a simple boundary storm.

It's so fast. I didn't mean to make any announcement at all. I just did it.

Wan Yi looked at the three abyss boundaries that fluctuated violently on the surface, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

This is the real role of the fourth disaster fragment, and these three abyss boundary belts play a joint amplification effect on this occasion.

They extend the influence of the fourth fragment to an enormous extent.

Both the Dawn Alliance and the Silver-Gold Alliance have experienced abnormal changes in their boundaries.

Wan Yi didn't want to think about the huge impact behind this.

I am afraid that the casualties caused by this moment alone are enough to eat a pot of this broken world.

How many people go back and forth on the boundary belts of those near sky islands on weekdays? The flow of people in the boundary project of Sky Island No. 014, a remote and remote island, is extremely large on weekdays, not to mention those larger and more prosperous sky islands.

This is a large-scale mining accident incident.

And the largest group of victims is naturally the miserable mining workers.

The supervisor was originally still here to help, but after hearing the news about the collapse of the boundary, he directly exchanged with a clone and went back to his thirteenth district.

This is also a problem.

If the boundary collapses, what exactly will happen to the things inside the boundary?

Does it collapse along with the boundary, or does it have other forms of existence?

But for now, most Wan Yi who lives within the boundary do not feel that there is any problem in the boundary time and space.

Just limited to high-depth boundary space-time.

Several borderline situations with relatively low depth are like the end of the world, and the entire world begins to decompose in a way that ordinary people cannot understand.

The indigenous people within the boundary ran aimlessly, watching the world turn into a corner of nothingness.

And they have nowhere to escape.

The boundary zone of modern society where Hyundai Brother made his fortune early in life is now facing its end.

Several Wan Yi who came here for leisure and vacation sat together in the empty coffee shop. They each manually used the machine in the coffee shop to brew a few cups of coffee for themselves, and then took the coffee to the outdoor seats of the coffee shop. , sat down leisurely one after another.

Watching the city in the distance fade away like garbled code.

People on the surrounding streets fled in a hurry, and screams occurred one after another.

A girl was held in the arms of her parents, but in the process of escaping, the girl disappeared with a face of confusion. Until the end, she did not understand what happened.

The parents were so distraught at such a scene that they stopped running and also turned into garbled characters and disappeared.

Damn it! Why can't I leave! Boundary! Boundary tell me something! I don't want to die here!

What happened!? It should be too early for this boundary time and space to be reset!

No! I just came out to play...

There are also voices from outsiders.

That's right, when a mutation occurs, even the conventional means of escaping from the boundary are ineffective.

This situation is very desperate for these parties.

So all these things are relaxed.

Doesn't it just disappear? This method of death is not new. In fact, every time time and space are reset, there are always a few stupid people who miscalculate the time and are reset together, which is the same as this.

It's just that there are no signs or symptoms of the reset, and the current scene is more terrifying.

In fact, these Wan Yi are quite happy.

It's a brand new way to die, and they are probably the first ones among all Wan Yili to experience it.


Of course, not everyone will collapse when the world ends.

Some people also looked relieved, laughing and shouting.

After a man who was supposed to be an outsider experienced a hysterical collapse stage, he became completely desperate and silent, like a zombie walking on the street.

Halfway through, he saw several Wan Yi sitting together drinking coffee, and walked up with a glimmer in his eyes.

Excuse me……

As soon as he opened his mouth, Wan Yimen understood and invited him warmly.

Yi Wan also made him a cup of coffee.

He thanked him and took it, and chose a seat outside to sit down, taste the bitter coffee, and watch the world disappear.

More and more people are coming to this coffee shop.

There are outsiders and some indigenous people.

They have all recognized the reality and chose to drink a cup of coffee and witness the last scene together.

When no one came back, Wan Yi, who was making coffee, poured himself a cup of Americano, took the coffee to the outside of the coffee shop, and turned the Opening sign on the door to Closed.

Sit down together with a few others.

A cup of coffee, alone, sitting calmly before the world collapses.

Everything in front of me began to blur until it turned into darkness and nothingness.

Being ceases to exist.

The boundary space-time with a depth below twenty all collapses and decomposes.

Conventional means of breaking away from boundaries are ineffective in decomposition.

Only a few people who carried escape beads and other extraordinary means managed to escape.

Space-time with a depth greater than twenty and less than fifty experiences collapse and decomposition, accompanied by natural disasters, but it is not completely decomposed and the world is temporarily preserved.

The boundaries above fifty are still intact, but natural disasters occur within the boundaries and there is no decomposition.

Messages are passed quickly between the various joint professional departments.

All coalition forces cannot turn a blind eye to this unprecedented disaster in the Broken World. This concerns the fragments, the boundaries, and the future of the Broken World.

Why did this disaster happen? Who is the mastermind of this disaster? What changes will this disaster bring?

What kind of response and what kind of system can preserve their original appearance amidst this shocking change.

These are the main things that major alliances think about.

At this time, a piece of news from somewhere in the Earth Union flooded the entire Earth Union in a short time, and quickly spread to other unions.

That's a video.

The background of the video is a crumbling boundary.

Standing in front is a man wearing a robe of mixed colors, with various chaotic patterns and lines, and wearing a simple mask with a mournful face on his face.

Dear residents of the Broken World, as the spokesperson of the Baicang Sect this time, I hereby announce that we, Baicang, are responsible for this change in the Broken World.

The man in the picture opens his hands generously, and the perspective moves back slightly, giving the picture more of the collapsed boundary zone behind the man.

After giving everyone a moment of visual appreciation, we again showed a close-up of the man.

Although our action this time was carried out with good intentions that no one could understand, we did not inform you in advance, which was rude. For this reason, I am here to give a small compensation to the confused people to fill in your poor knowledge.

The man's voice was gentle and polite.

This change all stems from Baicang's vision of integrating the world and restoring integrity. I'm glad that we have officially taken the first step.

As part of this broken world, boundaries should not be boundaries, they should be integrated with the world we live in.

The boundary is not false. Every bit of it is owned by you in front of the screen.

Even each of you who are watching and listening to this message...

The man pointed forward.

They are all part of this irrefutable 'truth'.

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