My doppelganger drama

Chapter 329 Overture

The deep ether content has risen sharply! It has reached twice the standard value, and it is still rising! The final result is unpredictable!

Silver and Gold Union, Deep Ether Research Center. About three hours ago, most of the researchers here were still enjoying the tranquility of the afternoon, taking advantage of their daily leisure time from boring work to discuss the scandals of their respective bosses with their colleagues over hot coffee. .

Then, the arrival of an alarm turned the original comfort into unprecedented tension.

All researchers, including cleaners, need to find suitable positions and take up their positions.

People in the entire research center were sweating and nervous in front of those flickering screens and equipment.

And within half an hour after the incident, relevant elites from the Silver and Gold Alliance rushed to the research institute.

Then, along with the stupid researchers, we continued to sweat while staring at the screens and devices.

A middle-aged man wearing a standard suit with a big belly looked out of place among the people around him.

He also frowned and looked serious, but in fact, the main reason why he was so frowning was that he didn't understand what these people were nervous about.

So, he asked his question bluntly: Mr. Sledger, could you please briefly explain what this situation means in a way that a vulgar politician like me can understand?

An old researcher who looked a bit older turned to look at him: I'm sorry, Congressman Madden, this was an oversight on my part.

He paused for a moment, then said: According to the world's cutting-edge research, we noticed that the assembly of fragments actually relies on some medium that we do not fully understand.

This medium is fulfilling the function of 'glue'. It is precisely because of it that there are boundaries and there are us, Sledge said.

Does it have a name?

We call it 'non-logic'. It is similar to the logic in human thinking that connects and summarizes various things, but this logic itself has gone wrong, so the world has become such a mess.

It's interesting, so what's going on now? Does this 'illogical' bring any problems?

There is no problem with non-logic, but if it is gone, there will be a big problem. Sledge turned his attention to the nearest display screen.

According to our latest research, there is a repulsion between ether energy and non-logic. The total amount of non-logic is decreasing, and there is a factor that is causing this change.

Hearing ether energy, the congressman got a little excited.

After all, he did hear this term often, and the disaster accompanying it was something he both loved and hated. Of course, if it was done properly, he would probably love it more.

Deep ether, an ultra-high concentration of ether energy, exists naturally, but if it wants to be observed by ordinary people, only the 'Aristotle' ether furnace in our research center can extract it. We have confirmed its existence .”

Sledge picked up a tablet, called up the experimental records, found the observation photos and handed them to the congressman.

The congressman looked over.

The photo shows a piece of material with a dark center and dark red edges.

You can already observe it, and it seems like a lot of the focus has shifted to it.

Yes, this is why this research center is independent. Because the deep ether is the main reason why the total amount of illogical is constantly decreasing, and every time the boundary fluctuates, and when the boundary projects a 'crosser', the deep ether will rise accordingly. About ten percent.”

Wait a minute, then I just heard you say... The congressman was stunned for a moment, Now the depth of ether you detected has reached twice the standard value?!

Yes! Seeing that the congressman finally understood the seriousness of the problem, Sledge couldn't help but raise his voice.

Almost all boundary zones within the joint jurisdiction of the Silver and Gold have experienced boundary fluctuations of varying sizes!

Just as Sledge finished speaking, a researcher behind him suddenly shouted: Mr. Sledge!

Everyone looked away.

A large number of debris was thrown into the boundary zone near Silver Level 077 Sky Island, and the boundary zone was unbalanced... and began to collapse!

Everyone was shocked.

The boundary belt collapsed!

This is something that has never happened before in the history of the broken world!

The boundary zone, which is a condensation of large amounts of debris, will one day collapse!

There is also an abnormality in the boundary zone of Gold Level 09 Sky Island!

“There are so many, there are so many boundary strips with the same situation!”

Several monitors brought up photos of on-site observations.

There seemed to be a rain of debris, or even heavy rain, on those empty islands.

At first, some people who didn't know the truth thought it was a good thing, but when the debris poured down, they gradually realized the seriousness of the problem.

Debris is not something harmless to humans and animals.

The biggest reason why ordinary people are not allowed to approach the boundary line project during the period of debris fluctuation is that the already grimaces in the boundary zone may come to the outside world with the scattering of debris.

Even after sewing other fragments in the process, it became even more awesome.

And now, the debris thrown down by these boundaries has exceeded the level of boundary fluctuations, approaching the level of boundary storms!

What happened?! Sledge looked at this scene blankly, confused.

The congressman made several calls, and then hurriedly said: I'm sorry, I have to excuse myself, Mr. Sledger. I have a lot of things to deal with at once.

After speaking, he left quickly without waiting for a reply.

Sledge looked at the chaos in the research center. After being stunned for a moment, he quickly came to the computer and started to operate: Everyone is silent! Mobilize all our observation stations around the world to try to find clues and trace the source of these things. !”

Everyone is the elite of the Silver and Gold Alliance, and they immediately started to operate after hearing the words.

The originally noisy environment suddenly became quiet again, leaving only the sound of footsteps and typing on the keyboard.

Soon, relying on the original wealth of the Silver and Gold Alliance, they collected information from almost the entire area where humans had reached the Broken World.

Yes, there is a signal that is diffused by deep ether and is sent from a certain place. The other deep ethers are mutated due to the influence of this signal! Sledge's assistant was the first to gain something.

Where is the source of the signal? Sledge asked immediately.

Sinking Sky Island Group!

The carnival faded, and Wan Yi quickly cleaned up the scene.

He has not forgotten that there are three Gui Ren who came here this time, and the other two are probably better than Ikaria, even if they are only a small amount, for now, most of the cards are empty. For Wan Yi, a head-on encounter is still very dangerous.

Although it is not impossible to pull out Miss Mask and forcefully transform her again, it would not be friendly to the people in the show.

Wan Yi is still very selfless in this regard.

If you're being selfless, don't just stand there and look at the scenery. Come and help! Can this dragon be taken away in the form of a little girl? Is it okay to tie the weight to the toilet like this? A Wan Yi clone shouted directly .

“I believe in the reputation of our Perfect Department!”

This toilet is the crystallization of the wisdom of our Perfect Department.

The little princess and the Green Goblin said grandly.

You have a reputation as a hammer!

The crystal only formed a toilet, right?

Then he was criticized by other Wan Yi.

You are the ones who bring some weird and perfect props every day for other Wan Yi to experiment with!

That's not right. Green Goblin denied it righteously.

And the toilet plug! the little princess continued with a smile.

Putting the noise of the clones behind him, Wan Yi stood on the edge of this lower-level sky island, still looking at the sky in the distance, eyes slightly narrowed.

Hey, please check it for me.

He said: Are the three boundary lines from the sinking island... getting closer?

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