My doppelganger drama

Chapter 321 Counter-Invasion

The Queen couldn't fly and could only stay suspended near the ground, and her main opponent, the man in a black robe and suit, didn't seem to be a match for her.

The opponent held a book in his hand and flipped it casually, walking slowly around the battlefield. He would dodge the Queen's attacks, but he didn't have much aggression.

It seemed that he was observing her.

Hello, Her Majesty the Queen, although I have never played that game before, it has a good reputation, both good and bad. After a long time, the supervisor greeted him with a smile.

The queen looked at him coldly and responded to the director's greeting with the Archon Spear.

The supervisor blocked the Archon Spear with his right hand. As the black aura spread, the Archon Spear turned into decay.

I'm more curious now about what happened to you. Are you really the 'queen'?

The queen didn't reply. She waved her hands and the imaginary number cube was generated out of thin air and attacked the supervisor.

But when he was about to touch the opponent, he was blocked by black thorns that also appeared suddenly. The imaginary number square twisted and multiplied, but gradually began to flicker.

Finally, the supervisor waved one hand, and his seemingly skinny arm directly shattered the weakened imaginary number cube.

Don't you want to answer? Maybe I should call you puffer fish, so that you can react more.

As soon as he finished speaking, he was attacked more violently.

The supervisor dodged and said with a smile: Qualified response, I'm beginning to believe that you are really the puffer fish, even if you just learned some similarities from the suture monster.

After saying that, the supervisor raised his hand, and the shadow of a red and black dragon flashed in his eyes, and the black flame with a red outline burned blazingly.

The cursed flames containing a certain giant dragon's hatred for the world were controlled by him to offset the surging Honkai energy in front of him.

What is your current state? To you, are you the mysterious leader of the Fuso gang, or are you a pufferfish that has been resurrected by the strange influence of the boundary?

The flames were dispersed, and the Queen's figure approached directly, stretching out her pale arms to grab the supervisor.

She was very fast, but she only caught a drifting cloud.

Your mental condition seems to be very problematic. If possible, you should be given detailed psychological and psychiatric treatment. Do you have any intention, Mr. Fugu? Our troupe does not charge for it. The supervisor appeared on a swing next to him and said, shaking. .

Cut the nonsense, human!

The space around the swing is captured and then twisted and collapsed.

But this time the supervisor turned into a ball of black ooze and crawled out.

Don't be like this. Although Mr. Fugu, you may be a little unhappy, but you are a rare case in this world. We don't want to be too rough if possible.

Shut up! The queen stepped on the supervisor brother directly.

Unexpectedly, the supervisor changed his avoidance and struck out with a rising dragon punch from below.

It was really a dragon fist, because everyone present heard the melodious dragon roar.

The queen's eyes widened and she turned her head sharply. The iron fist grazed her hair. The supervisor opened his fist and grabbed the queen's face and pushed her to the ground.

let me go!

The supervisor ignored the not very strong struggle. He himself didn't like this kind of close contact with the opponent in the battle.

However, the blessing of the twin dragons made his physical strength quite substantial, and he would feel at a loss if he didn't take advantage of the advantages he could take advantage of.

Looking at the queen who was being held down, he recited some mysterious chanting spell based on the contents of the book in his hand.

Jima took the time to see what was happening over there, and couldn't help but get angry again: Trash! Woman! Wasn't it impressive to chase me before?! Why can't I move when I'm being held down!

Stop pointing your fingers at me! The queen was still struggling, and she was filled with anger when she heard Jima's slander in the distance.

But after being included in this world, her domain was restricted, and her connection with gods became much weaker. Her power was only as much as it was used up, just like water poured out, it could not last long.

If this continues...

Seeing this, Jima clicked his tongue in displeasure, stamped one leg on the ground and rushed towards the supervisor at a high speed.

The tin staff in his hand thrust forward, and kept emitting waves to block the approaching bullets.

The supervisor didn't move, but it was Hyundai who stood in front of the supervisor.

When Jima saw this, he was not surprised but overjoyed: Finally you dare to face me head-on! What a bullshit!

The fluctuations intensified again, as if a speeding chariot was running towards Brother Hyundai.

The modern brother breathed steam from his mouth and fired all the bullets.

The bullets collided fiercely with the wave, but Jima did not stop charging. Some bullets penetrated the wave and hit him, but he ignored it and kept approaching until the modern brother was close.


But before the tin cane was thrust out, the rusty bullet chain on Brother Modern suddenly moved flexibly, whipping Jima's abdomen from bottom to top.

Jima spat out a mouthful of blood, and swung the tin stick and hit the barrel of the gun in Hyundai's hand.

The fluctuations were transmitted directly, and Brother Modern did not hesitate to shoot at the arm that was touched.

The arm broke immediately, and after the break, the arm was shattered into pieces by the wave of Jima's tin staff.

But the thick muzzle of the modern brother's shoulder is also aimed at him, close range, fire!

This time it was not a push away like the previous attack on Ikaria, but a real destructive bombardment.


Even after being resolved layer by layer by the power of the wave, the final remaining impact still made Jima lose consciousness for a moment, her eyes rolled white, and she flew backwards, her whole body covered in blood and flesh.

The supervisor glanced at the movement behind him, but suddenly felt something was wrong.

Honkai energy... is improving?

He glanced suddenly at one of the Queen's outstretched hands, where a fragment of a page was tightly held.

Broken pages!

Did Jima work hard to deliver it just now?

The wisdom stick guy is a little too humorous, but his thinking at critical moments is really smart!

After the Honkai Broken Page came into contact with the Queen, a product of boundary influence, some strange reaction seemed to have occurred.

The suppressed areas are beginning to spread!


A strong wind swept across, and both Modern Brother and Supervisor Brother were covered by a huge shadow.

The modern brother sped up to escape in an instant, but the supervisor brother reacted a little slower. When the ferocious claw swept across, it turned into clouds and dispersed, and then condensed in the distance.

The white magic dragon spread its blue wings and suddenly appeared in the carnival.

Meta and Domego, who were peeping on the sidelines, had to choose to stay away from this sudden appearance of the monster.

What's going on? Meta frowned.

The big monster on the scene is already enough with Batu, so why another one?

The Queen finally fished out her little pet. It's all a show. Brother Duomu said with inexplicable emotion, and then looked at the giant dragon in front of him.

But... as for Long, the supervisor is also an expert in this field.

At this time, Wan Yi and others were also discussing the Queen's situation in their minds.

It's basically confirmed that the Boundary Band is taking a strong stance to counter-invade the Broken World! said the supervisor.


Now is just the beginning. This reminds me of the description of the man in colorful clothes before, 'expanding influence.' This is what the Queen is doing now. She is expanding influence. She serves as an anchor and a bridge for the collapsed boundary belt. The Collapse Boundary Belt was introduced into the Broken World. The little princess spoke at this time and quickly realized something.

So the more similar and iconic she is, the more stable she is as an anchor for Honkai Impact. It's a role-playing that's not funny at all, although it's very reductive. Domoku mentioned.

The situation here is similar to mine, but it's not as intense as the Queen. King Wu Yi also said.

Hey, you seem to have had a lot of 'nuisance calls' since the beginning? Did you hear anything? You Wanyi asked King Wuyi.

There are 'nuisance calls' from the void and the Zerg, but... the 'phone signals' of those two are very poor, and the will to call is never repeated every time. King Wuyi said helplessly.

The boundary between the Void and the Zerg has no unified will at all, unlike Honkai, and it is helpless to become like this.

Even so, it does not prevent Wuyiwang from gathering some wool and deepening the power of the carnival world.

Brother supervisor, are you done with what you just did?

It's not for nothing that I've learned these days from Mr. Yang. Brothers, please remember to support me more so that my field can be effective. We are facing the representative of Honkai. The supervisor said in a humble tone.


Just as he was about to start taking action, the carnival suddenly shook again.

Jima got up from the ground in embarrassment, but when he heard the familiar roar, he couldn't help but look happy.

Batu! You are finally awake!

Badu forcefully moved away the toilet that was covering most of his body, and roared to the sky.

Brother Duomu looked at a magic dragon here and a giant beast there, and made a sound like he was watching a show: Oh, this is my favorite monster battle.

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