My doppelganger drama

Chapter 320 Fan Meeting

Meta and Dome crossed the chaotic area, but the strength of the bombers was quite high, and they were harassed all the way, which was very annoying.

Are they really not willing to risk their lives at all? Not even Baicang dares to adopt such a bold plan. Meta said speechlessly.

Every time the explosion is absorbed, there are always some strange residues left behind.

It's not scary to be a bomber. What's scary is that these people enjoy being bombers.

They are even willing to wear these fancy clothes and assume various novel postures to welcome the light and heat.

Brother Meta, wait a minute. Brother Dome was also fed up.

These bombers are determined to come and have fun with Brother Duomu. He has scolded him several times in the group, but as expected of himself, the more he scolds, the more energetic he becomes. Now there is already a group of bombers Wan Yi who have spontaneously condensed into something like Duo Mu Mou Ge's fan meeting, they want to come over in droves to give Domu Ge a hug.

We can't continue to fidget. It's not certain what will happen to Brother Dome after the fan meeting. Brother Meta next to him will probably not be able to eat anymore.

So he stopped Mehta.

What's wrong?

Come here. Brother Duomu rushed into a nearby tent with Meta. Under Brother Meta's puzzled eyes, he quickly rummaged in the tent and randomly took some pieces of cloth and kneaded them into a ball.

What are you doing? Meta asked.

I just saw someone from the Fallen Brotherhood who was not targeted by the bombers. Brother Domu lied without changing his face.

Jeffrey is actually quite far away from the two of them, but the situation is so confusing that it doesn't matter if Dome uses it as an excuse.

Is there still such a thing? Do you see why he is not listed as a target? Meta realized immediately after seeing Dome's actions.

Yes, I guess that's the key! Brother Duomu picked up the improvised unicorn he had on hand, which was too shabby to look at.

Meta was silent for a moment: Although I don't know what those bombers think, but for me personally, looking at this thing just makes me inexplicably angry.

Then you can make it look better?

I'll give it a try. Meta stepped forward and rummaged through the cloth, Even if it's a temporary one, you should at least pick something nice and bright, with a uniform color. Those who don't know would think you were a unicorn fished out of a chemical factory. of.

You try it first and then talk about it! Brother Duomu hugged his unicorn tightly unhappily.

Although he himself despised it when it was first made, Meta's slander made him suddenly begin to cherish this ugly thing.

Soon, Meta made a red unicorn. Although it was cheap and ugly, it was much better than Dome's.

How is it? Meta asked.

Domego fell into silence.

His mind was filled with mocking voices.

Damn yourselves, why do you think Brother Duomu has fallen to this point?

But are you sure it will work?

If it works, you will make a lot of money. Do you still want to race with those bombers? Brother Duomu was in a bad mood and said coldly.

Come on, don't be angry, drink some wine first. With that, Meta took out a bottle of wine and drank it.

Brother Duomu ignored him at first, but when he moved his nose, he suddenly felt something was wrong with the aroma of the wine.

Hey, the quality of this bottle of wine you gave me is quite different from the one you gave me. Brother Dome grabbed Meta's wrist and said.

Uh, is there such a thing? Meta broke into a cold sweat.

The two joked for a while to relieve their mood of being chased by Bomberman, and then took their respective unicorns on the road.

As soon as they came out of the tent, several bombers wandering around caught a glimpse of the two of them.

It's the Baimu Crosstalk Group!

I'm your fan! Let's make some more Hundred Eyes Sect jokes!

What the hell is the Hundred Eyes Crosstalk Group! Meta complained.

Domego's eyes twitched.

The two men immediately raised the unicorns in their hands.

After the bombers saw it, their footsteps gradually stopped, with suspicious expressions on their heavily made-up faces.

Brother Meta looked at them warily, breaking out in a cold sweat. He was a little surprised when he found that they didn't actually pounce on him: Is it really useful?

Brother Duomu nodded silently.

Wan Yi, the group of bombers in front of him, has his own selfish desires.

“Are these two things considered unicorns?”

The red rabbit in Meta's hand is not a unicorn!

A red unicorn is also a unicorn!

Indeed, what about the one in Brother Duomu's hand?

This... um, donkey?

What an insult to the donkey.

Just because he has horns, do you think he is?

Oh, forget it, let's go.

With that said, the bombers seemed to have finally reached the conclusion of their discussion.

Brother Duomu watched them speechlessly.

After the discussion, they came up in a friendly manner.

Meta was still vigilant, but he saw that although these bombers were approaching, their energy did not react violently, so they did not intend to explode.

Then a bomber came over and stretched out his hand, shaking Meta's hand.


The fan meeting seems to have really turned into a fan meeting.

Everyone shook hands one by one, and Meta was confused for a moment and did not dare to act rashly, for fear that these people would explode next to them.

He can also open a field to strengthen the absorption ability of his eyes to survive, but having multiple eyes is hard to say.

So after a dozen bombers shook hands one by one, Meta did not act rashly.

Then the bombers left.

Just left.


Really...just a handshake?

Meta really didn't understand.

Hey, let's go. What are you doing? Brother Duomu woke him up coldly.

Oh oh oh.

The two of them felt a lot more at ease along the way.

After a moment of silence, Meta asked: Why don't they shake your hand?

Brother Duomu: The devil knows.

Meta showed a funny smile: Is it because I am more popular?

It's just that you look more clownish.

Don't be like this. In their eyes, we are already a group after all. That's great. If Baicang can't survive in the future, we will make our debut as a cross talk group in Yinjin United. Hard Qiami!

Brother Duomu silently quickened his pace.

I'm already thinking about what group name we should use for our debut. Meta followed closely.

Then I think you should practice your signature technique first. This is more practical.

Yeah, that makes sense.

If you have a reason, let's do the right thing!

The two came to the thrilling doubles scene.


The chunk sound of firearms could be heard in the distance, and then there were all kinds of weird sound effects mixed together, but the gunfire was undoubtedly the loudest.

Just like Hyundai's own style, the cold guns are tough, fast, and arrogant.

Bullets flew by, and the tin staff waved.

Jima's previously broken arm has recovered. Even if the regenerative ability of the armed type is not as good as that of the adaptive type, how can it be called regeneration?

After entering the third stage of the Armed System, the only physical weakness left is the head, or to be precise, the brain.

Except for the head, the damage to other body parts is harmless and will only have a temporary impact on movement.

Jima's tin staff kept shaking and making sounds, and the waves spread to the surroundings layer by layer, shattering everything it touched without mercy.

Although he is embarrassed, he is really strong.

The strong survivability and the strong ability of the tin staff made Wan Yi dare not touch the tin staff after the golden lines appeared. A single touch might result in death.

Fortunately, his body's speed is not his strong point.

Faced with the modern brother who had concentrated a large amount of the power of gun fragments through three qualitative changes, as well as the blessing of the field and the support of the carnival world, it was difficult for him to clearly capture the movements of modern brother.

Today's modern brother is too fast.

An opponent who could move at high speed and fire high-threat bullets at any time, and who could also serve as a command tower for the group of men in dress masks, made Jima grit his teeth.

Batu, what on earth are you doing! It's just a toilet! How could you be knocked unconscious by the toilet! You are one of the few self-adaptive troublemakers in the world who has reached the third stage! How could you be knocked unconscious by the toilet? I’m so helpless!”

Jima kept roaring inwardly.

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