My doppelganger drama

Chapter 315 Gathering to Welcome Guests

After the light beam lasted for a long time, the ether energy exploded and turned into light red particles falling all over the sky, as if a red drizzle was falling on this empty island.

If you just admire this scenery, it will be amazing.

Domgo walked among the ruins of the building and found the ether furnace that had turned into scrap metal. There was no ether energy left in it, and it was all scattered out.

At the edge of the Aether Forge, he picked up the broken pages that fell to the ground.

The Void, the Dream Insect, and the words about the self-proclaimed leader... He picked up three of them.

Sudden. The stone next to it was lifted, revealing a very embarrassed Jima.

There were a lot of burn marks on his body, and it seemed that the injury was not very deep, but his regeneration ability could not recover quickly.

One hand held a tin staff, while the other held a fragment of a page.

Honkai... Brother Duomu saw the words on the broken page, and then turned his attention to the other party.

Jima glanced at the broken pages in his hand, and then shifted his gaze to the three pages in Brother Dome's hand.

Brother Duomu smiled and raised his hand: There are three broken pages here.

Jima: ...

A magic trick. Brother Duomu clenched his fist and covered the broken page with his hand.

He opened his hands again and found them empty: Dang Dang Dang~! No more!

Are you looking down on me? Boy! Jima laughed angrily, breathing heavily, and the muscles in the hand holding the tin stick tensed up.

Where is it? Brother Duomu's smile disappeared, Isn't this really disappearing for you? You are the one who looks down on me, right?

What did you say? Jima took a step forward.

You really have no respect for magicians at all, so let me show you another magic trick.

Oh, you try?

The name of the next magic trick is... Brother Duomu pretended to think.

Jima suddenly burst into flames, and at a very close distance, he suddenly raised his tin staff and shook it violently. The metal ring made a sound while piercing straight towards Domugo.


But it stabbed the air.

Let's transform into a living person. You are the lucky spectator responsible for cooperating. Brother Duomu came to Jima's side and said in a solemn tone.

Jima rotated the tin staff and swept across it. After Domu Ge lowered his waist to dodge, he jumped into the air and turned sideways and kicked out, but Jima blocked it.

The two briefly distanced themselves and then quickly approached each other, engaging in a fierce battle at close range.

In a short few back and forth, the two figures moved around, jumping up and down among the surrounding ruins, and walked through several blocks.

There was another collision. Brother Duomu grabbed Jima's tin stick with his backhand, and Jima's hand holding the tin stick shook hard.

The fluctuations were directly transmitted to Brother Duomu. Unexpectedly, Brother Duomu just frowned. When his seven orifices were bleeding, he showed a ferocious smile. The pupils in his eyes rotated at high speed, and the mixed energy of seven colors condensed in his other hand. Pressed on the tin stick.


The tin staff shook violently, and the chaotic colorful energy clashed with the fluctuations of the tin staff itself.

The resulting explosion involved Domeko and Jima together.

The smoke and dust dispersed, and the two distanced themselves again.

Domgo brushed his nose with his thumb and wiped away the bleeding nose.

The cassock on Zhima's body was in tatters. He couldn't help but get angry, so he tore the cassock and threw it on the ground.

Boy, it's good to be very motivated, but you're still too young to trade injuries with me. Jima said, looking at Brother Dome's quick breathing.

Don't you know that all magicians have assistants? Brother Duomu slightly restrained his somewhat gaffeful smile and said calmly.


Meta suddenly appeared behind Jima like a flash, raised his arms and aimed his eyes at Jima.

Jima was shocked to find that during the brief battle with Brother Dome, he was actually taken to the area where the two parties first fought! Due to the influence of high concentration of etheric energy, his mentality was somewhat unbalanced!

The tin rod turned quickly, and the fluctuations spread and offset the blazing rays.

And Brother Duomu also immediately started to speed up, with colorful rays of light wrapped around his body, and he flew up with a side kick!

Jeffrey was attracted by the movement here from a distance. He glanced at it from a distance and could not help baring his teeth. There was a dull pain in his side chest.

Familiar, very familiar!

As for this kick, Brother Dom had no intention of being as merciful as he was with Jeffrey before.

A kick hit Jima's neck.

Domgo and Meta have completed a tacit cooperation. For the two people who patrolled and fished together every day and drank in underground bars to evaluate dancers, this simple cooperation couldn't be easier.

Jima flew out and was caught by a tentacle.

His whole head was turned over.

Great job, but why am I a magician's assistant? Meta asked.

Of course it's because I'm a magician. Brother Duomu said matter-of-factly.

I also want to be a magician.

You probably need a few more years of study.

So, teacher, which project should we start with?

Become a living person.

Brother Dome said as he looked at Jima who forced his head straight.

Jima, what are you doing lying around in a daze? Work! Jeffrey shouted while suppressing a laugh.

Zhima glared at Jeffrey, and then looked at the Hundred Eyes Crosstalk Group in front of him again.

Two bastards!

He roared angrily: I will turn you all into powder!

Jima's red eyes became darker and darker, and ether particles scattered around his body, and then the particles began to burn.

Domego and Meta immediately put away their slightly relaxed attitude.

This is the prelude!

Three stages!

Another three stages!

The jet-black tin staff appeared with golden lines as the ether energy burned. Zhima's skin was also coated with a similar golden pattern, and instantly a brilliant and sacred aura filled his body.

However, the person who wields this power is a troublemaker with a hopeless temper!

The tin staff trembled slightly.



The ground beneath my feet collapsed instantly, sinking several meters!

Domego and Meta barely managed to stand.

Jima's gritted teeth expression forced out a smile again.

After the wave power of the tin stick enters the third stage, the flexibility, concealment, and power of transmission will be unparalleledly improved, and the shape of the wave can also be controlled more freely.

Within the maximum capture range of fluctuations, everything is controlled and ravaged by him! Make him like a god!

But just when he thought so.

In the sky, several black hole-like space doors opened.

Whoosh whoosh!

Several figures fell from the sky and fell to the ground, leaving deep pits on the ground.

One of them was very close to Meta and Brother Dom. At a glance, he saw a man with twisted black patterns on his body, a black and white spear nailed to his chest, and his breathing was very weak.

From the Demon-Eating Church... Meta frowned.

Brother Dome took advantage of the situation and looked up at the sky.

The tall figure stood in the sky, overlooking this tiny lower-level island.

Jima also saw this scene and snorted: The boss of the gang? He actually looks like this? Forget it, it's not too late to come here now.

Just as he was thinking this, a strange influence enveloped the empty island.

This is……

Field! Meta felt that the influence emanating from him was suppressed by another more powerful influence. There was no doubt that it was another realm!

And this realm emanates from that figure in the sky.

Suddenly, several monsters with white bodies, pink and purple lines flashing on their surfaces, and distorted appearances appeared in the originally empty area without warning.

Once these monsters appear, they immediately launch indiscriminate attacks on the people around them, regardless of whether they are worshipers or not.

Jima frowned, and with a swing of his tin staff, a several-meter-tall white monster approaching from the side was shattered into dregs.

What are the gangsters doing?!

On the edge of the lower-level sky island, several Fuso gang aircraft arrived at this place.

They received the coordinates from the Brotherhood early, but Baicang was too difficult to deal with. It was just after the red beam of light that Bai Cang's team suddenly withdrew, and they were finally able to arrive.

That's the boss over there! someone on the aircraft said after seeing the figure in the sky.

She got here before us.

Let's go over there.

They flew the aircraft closer.

But as soon as they got close to a certain distance, several thin white ribbons extended from each other's bodies, smashing all the approaching aircraft into pieces!

The wreckage of the aircraft fell with severed flesh and blood.

During this process, the purple and white queen didn't even look at these subordinates.

Is she crazy? Was that one of our own just now? Meta paid attention to the changes in the sky and couldn't help but say when he saw it.

Seeing this, Brother Duomu remembered Wuyi Wang's change just now and said, Tell me, she will turn into a puffer fish, right?

Brother Meta was stunned when he heard this.

Before he could speak, a purple thundercloud appeared on the horizon and quickly approached here.

As Ikaria passed by, she swung her scythe and chopped up the monsters in her path.

The purple-white queen in the distance looked at her squarely this time and raised her hand towards Ikaria.


The intersection of the two forces in the air caused a shocking explosion.

Ikaria landed on the ruins of the lower sky island, frowning slightly as she looked at the surrounding situation.

Futus and Jay spent a lot of effort to barely send her out of the gap in the emerald starlight, but after she came out, she realized that it seemed to be too late.

The three boundary zones have undergone some inexplicable changes.

As for the person in front of her, the mysterious leader of the gang, it is said that not many people in the gang know her name.

But now, maybe she really doesn't need her name that much anymore.

What exactly is this, a manifestation of the sequelae of psychotic change that is completely out of control and lost? Ikaria was also puzzled.

How could a good and strong man suddenly become lost due to mental sequelae?

While Ikaria was confused, Meta from far away said to Brother Domoku: One of the Gui Renren has escaped from the trap. He seems to be an 'acquaintance' of ours.

Now that we meet her, we will really become 'acquaintances'.

Meta smiled and took out a very ordinary-looking eyeball.

But Brother Duomu felt that these eyes were unusual after just one glance.

Whose eyes are these? he asked.

Of course... Meta started, but he didn't say it completely. He just smiled and threw the eyeball forward.

The next moment, Brother Duomu knew whose eyes these were.

The eyeball that was thrown into the air suddenly turned into that familiar figure.

Loose robes and messy long hair fluttered together, and countless eyes opened to peek around, and then slowly closed again.

Ricardo landed lightly, then turned to look at Dome and Meta.

Good job. He said slowly in a heavy tone, and then turned his head to face Ikaria and the purple and white queen in the sky.

That broad back makes those behind him feel infinitely at ease.

At this moment, this small low-level sky island can be said to be truly a gathering of powerful people.

Are you all here?

It's almost the same. If we wait any longer, it will only cause more trouble.

Then let's get started.

For such a big drama, let's find a better stage.


In the entire lower-level sky island group, everyone heard a sound that sounded like a beating heart.

When they tried to trace the source of the heartbeat, they found that it seemed to be just their own heartbeat.

Reacted again.

Everyone is already in an open, eerie scene with red and black as the main colors.

Scarlet lights flickered around.

In my ears, I could hear countless people talking and making a lively noise.

Jeffrey's eyes widened, never expecting this to happen.

This is...the theater troupe!

Carnival arranged for all participants.

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