My doppelganger drama

Chapter 314 Fluctuation Boundary

What you said seems a bit too far. I probably can't understand it all at once.

You will also become a part of this big scene, everyone... No, there is something deeper. You appear in this world at this time, maybe to bear some symbols.

No, don't just force things on others, okay? Brother Duomu looked troubled.

When he heard the words all of us come out of the other party's mouth, Wan Yi knew that the other party did not just say so many words to him, a little minion from the Worshiping Cang Sect.

The person he really talked to was Wan Yi.

Wan Yi doesn't know how far a layer of painted skin can hide him. Although the hidden ability of painted skin is indeed high, it is possible to hide in Baicang and be seen through by a real boss anytime.

Brother Duomu had long been prepared to be discovered and silenced. Under such circumstances, it was not that surprising that he was revealed.

The man didn't intend to say more about Brother Dom's answer.


He seemed to have adapted to the resistance on the disaster pages, and his strokes were smooth, leaving names with three boundary lines on the three disaster pages.

Then he took out another page himself, the fourth page present.

The times are changing here, fantasy is reflected in reality, and the beginning of a perfect world. He read word by word and put pen to paper.

Three broken pages with boundaries and names surround the last broken page.

A broken page is a broken page after all. In order for it to exert its due power, it requires a large amount of ether energy support. The other party introduced Brother Duomu thoughtfully.

The red light on the ether furnace behind him began to beat like a heart, and a large amount of ether energy condensed in it was surging.

Wish us all good luck, all of us.

After saying that, Brother Duomu blinked his eyes and saw the man in colorful clothes who was right in front of him disappear.

It feels like I've really met a big boss. Brother Duomu said in his mind after looking around.

If he is really the leader of the Worship Cang Sect, then the clothes he wears are really not flattering.

It's hard for us to talk about clothes.

Haha, there are villains who can only complain about the clothes of other bosses. I won't say who they are.

“I gained quite a lot of information from this trip, and I’ll sort it out again later, plot lovers! Come and live!”

Brother Duomu, behind you.

Just as he was talking, a clone suddenly warned him.

Brother Duomu also noticed the strange movement behind him almost at the same time. Without looking back, he raised his foot and kicked behind him.


The foot collided with the tin stick. Duomu Ge remained upright on one foot and turned his head to see the troublemaker holding the tin stick.

Okay, although I'm not good at sneaking, your reactions are pretty fast, kid. Jima looked at Brother Dom with a sinister smile.

Kill yourself. Brother Duomu's eyes turned with multiple pupils and he gave the order directly.

Jima suddenly paused, and the tin stick in his hand deflected slightly, but the other party immediately shook the tin stick lightly, and with the sound of the metal ring, he broke away from Domego's influence.

But as soon as he broke free, the brief pause was enough. After retracting his legs, Domoku kicked him sideways again.

Jima was kicked to the ground and fell to the corner of the basement, but the kick was not harmful at all. He stood up with a smile.


The two sides were wary of each other, and the ether furnace on the side made a sound again.

Domgo felt that the ether energy was highly compressed by this special ether furnace, and some special changes occurred.

This feeling is...

Wan Yi remembered.

When he touched the broken page of the disaster, the ether energy in his body was extracted and he wrote the word all of us on the broken page. At that moment, the ether energy transformed into an intermediate state!

This is what makes this etheric furnace special.

The energy is condensed in a launch port of the Ether Forge. In front of that launch port are four disaster pages that have been waiting for a long time!

What's going on?! Jima also felt the strange ether energy and questioned Brother Duomu.

Of course Duomu was too lazy to reply and chose the best way to deal with the situation.

Run away.

That thing has already made a sound like a bomb. Whoever is still in a daze is an idiot.

Brother Dom jumped very fast, and Jima also realized that something was wrong, but as soon as he ran to the basement entrance, the basement passage of the building seemed to have been twisted hard by a big hand, and it collapsed on the spot, blocking the road.

Boy! Jima cursed.

Behind him, the ether furnace emitted a bright red beam of light that directly hit the four remaining pages, the one with the words of the man in colored clothes written in the center.

The fragment of the page turned bright red as if stained with blood under the rendering of ether energy, and then the light radiated, contaminating the surrounding fragment of the page with three boundaries and names written on it.

The red light shines brightly.

Oh no!

A bright red ocean suddenly flashed in front of Jima's eyes, and a corner of the ocean seemed to cause a splash due to some accident.

This... this is...! Jima's red eyes widened, deeply shocked by the vision in front of him.


On this ordinary lower-level sky island, thick bright red light beams shot out, instantly attracting the attention of the people who were fighting life and death on it.

The giant beast paused and roared at the beam of light.

Meta raised his hand to absorb the scattered tentacles and flesh and blood fragments around him, and turned his head to look at where the light beam penetrated.

It seems it was successful. Phew, should we consider retreating next? Meta said, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Jeffrey hid under the giant beast, saw the light beam in the distance and said, Rost, what is that?

I don't know, but the ether energy is very abundant. If you can bathe in it and survive, the average disaster person may be able to achieve the leap from the first stage to the third stage in an instant.

What about stage four?

That kind of thing...has long been a legend.

One person and one mouse looked at the light beam in the distance and said nothing.

The thick beam of light split into three in the air and jumped into the three surrounding boundary zones.

Red ripples briefly appeared on the surface of the three boundary strips of different colors.

Somewhere in the carnival, Wu Yiwang, who was hanging upside down in the air, suddenly felt something strange.

The heart of nightmares in the boundary zone is restless, and the power of the void is also ready to move. This is... King Wu Yi said, feeling the change in the source of power in his body.

After getting rid of the entanglement of those strange shadow creatures, the purple-white-haired queen standing in the sky distanced herself from the people of the Demon-Eating Church.

Insects... Golden light shone in her eyes, and strange sounds kept coming from her ears, which was the influence of the Demon-Eating Church.

Their power also has a slight influence on the spirit. From the beginning, they did not intend to defeat her head-on, but wanted to shake her state.

The psychological sequelae of the qualitative changes in the Honkai Impact series are very prominent and serious, and the other party is fully prepared in this regard.

Just when the Queen was about to give them a head-on blow, she suddenly covered her head with her raised hand.

What? Why is it at this time...don't...!

The golden light in her eyes kept flickering like a dead light bulb, and her whole body was twisted into a ball in the air.

This was a good opportunity to launch an attack, but several people from the Demon-Eating Church had no intention of taking advantage of the opportunity to launch a sneak attack.

Because although the other party seems to be in a very bad state, the level of collapse revealed in him is rising sharply!

After they looked at each other, they looked at the bright red light pillar that shot straight into the sky in the distance. After the light pillar affected the three boundary zones, the energy began to fade, but it did not disappear for a while.

But if the light beam successfully disperses, it means that the action has been completed.

The next thing to consider is to escape intact...

Where do you want to go? The cold and echoing voice suddenly sounded again.

The fluctuating energy suddenly calmed down and returned to stability, but to an extremely high level.

The woman in front of him straightened up from holding her head again, and her originally flustered expression became calm.

Those golden eyes became even brighter, making those who saw them remember them deeply in their hearts.

It seems that there is no change from before, but if you look closely, there are changes everywhere.

It's just like……

The character himself who should no longer exist.

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