My doppelganger drama

Chapter 303 The craze of creating gods

Some time ago, a large number of abnormal activities of sea monsters appeared in many sea areas. A series of abnormal tsunamis occurred in the coastal areas and some islands. This attracted our attention. The lookout sent several survey teams to investigate. The one I originally belonged to was One of them.

Not long ago? More specifically, how long ago.

My view of time while being imprisoned here is a bit confusing. I roughly estimate it to be about half a year.

Luo Xi nodded calmly.

He has not forgotten what the troupe leader told him about the true face of the world he lives in, which is called the abyss boundary zone.

That thing had a little conflict with the director of the theater not long ago, and was even bitten by the mad dog Coffin who was also in the theater.

It sounds incredible.

The boundary zone has suffered such a big change, and it is unlikely that the world inside it will be completely unaffected.

At that time, Luo Xi was only thinking about how to kill the crabs and didn't care about this aspect.

But when the sea monsters and the owner of the sea chose to launch an attack on Luo Xi's island at such a perfect time, no one knew it was just a coincidence.

My survey team passed by Pilang Island, which was originally a famous maritime transfer station. We just returned from a place to investigate and planned to relax here. Simaya continued.

At that time, the False God Cult did not occupy this place, but they were already lurking on the island, waiting for opportunities.

We were plotted. They took us by surprise and severely injured the captain and teacher. The ordinary researchers were even more powerless and died in the flames without even letting out a scream.

Simaya's beautiful eyes reflected the flames mixed with black impurities burning on the surrounding buildings.

But they didn't kill them all. It seemed they wanted to do something to us, so they threw all the remaining hunters in the team, including me, into the lake.

Then...I can't remember exactly.

The story seemed to be about to tell an important part, but Simaya shook her head blankly and stopped abruptly.

Luo Xi observed Simaya again.

Although he really wanted to read something from the other person's face, he was not Fukong. He glanced at it for a few times and then looked away without seeing anything.

It seems you must have received a huge blow.

It seems that Simaya is the only hunter left in the lake, otherwise Simaya would not be the only one who took the initiative to go ashore after the blockade was lifted.

And Simaya also had no reaction to the fact that no one was with her.

The story stopped at a subtle point, and Luo Xi didn't ask about other people's scars.

After hearing what happened to Simaya, Luo Xi had a question.

Simaya is actually very strong.

Luo Xi couldn't smell too many strange things about the other party with his keenest sense of smell. Simaya's smell was a very ordinary hunter's smell, and the part that belonged to the sea smelled like fresh fish.

This seemed to be a label for the weak, but Luo Xi saw the scene of her killing Abra and breaking through the bonfire.

Even though she picked up Luo Xi's fault, Abra had not completely lost her fighting power at that time.

The giant sword connected to the tail behind him made Luo Xi feel even more inconsistent.

Listening to what she just said, there is also a captain in her team, as well as her teacher.

Even if we don't say that these two characters are definitely stronger than her, they certainly won't be much weaker.

And based on Luo Xi's current understanding of the strength of the Pseudo God Religion, if he wanted to take down the survey team with at least three strong men like this, how unexpected was the sneak attack?

Or maybe Simaya wasn't actually that powerful in the first place, but something happened under the water of the lake.

As an eighteenth-rate novelist, Luo Xi has a good imagination and has conceived many possibilities.

Simaya did not respond to Luo Xi's words and tried to recall it again, but the effect was still not very good.

The two met several fish that slipped through the net on the road, and were beaten to death by Luo Xi with a wave of his hand.

News from the crew came shortly thereafter.

Not only the cleanup, but also the matter of keeping people alive and torture and gathering information was completed in one step.

It's just that after the incident is over, there is nothing Wanyi can do with these false god flames.

These high-temperature flames are still burning raging and it is not known when they will die out. They cannot be extinguished by various conventional fire-extinguishing methods.

At this time, the new encyclopedia lady may come in handy.

Do you know about these alien flames? Luo Xi asked.

This is a man-made blasphemous fire. In order to survive in this chaotic and confusing era, many people have put forward various opinions. Some of the emerging religions have made various attempts under the banner of recasting the Godhead of Vulcan.

As a fire hunter, the orthodox Church of the Sun has tended to be conservative in today's situation, but many people have seen opportunities to exploit every opportunity. Some of the fire leaked out, artificially transformed, and finally created something specious.

Simaya said calmly, without any evaluation meaning in her spoken words, she was simply repeating it as a bystander.

Their attempt was objectively successful. The birth of the new gods gave the land a presence other than the rare Fire Hunters, who could rival the masters of the sea. And compared to the traditional Fire Hunters, these divine beings have the influence of radiation. More vast.”

It's not that simple. Luo Xi couldn't help but say.

It sounds good, but if it was really good, then this false god's religion would not cause such a tragedy on this island.

Simaya nodded and continued: But this is ultimately an act of blasphemy. The God of Fire is deeply imprinted in each of our bodies in the form of the God of Civilization, awakening our yearning for wisdom and thinking, and our persistence in civilization. He died, but He still shouldered the responsibility of being a beacon.”

Even those who created divine creatures, faced with overwhelming accusations from the outside world, readily admitted that their actions were blasphemous, and that what they created were ultimately 'divine creatures' rather than real gods.

No wonder they even call themselves false gods. Luo Xi thought of Abelard's fanaticism with a hint of reason.

Be smart but only a little bit.

But they know that what they are doing is wrong, but they will not give up on the current path. They want to truly create a new god to lead the earth to new prosperity. Only in this way can mankind truly get rid of the threat of the sea.

God-making plan. Luo Xi concluded.

Their rhetoric has also been supported by many people, and they are desperate or unsuccessful. This kind of god-making trend reached its peak a few years ago and led to many vicious incidents. Only then did it encounter large-scale resistance and influence. It was quickly contained. However, such a huge impact cannot be ignored. Many organizations have gone underground and are still carrying out their activities.

That's what it is like now. Luo Xi looked at the burning village in front of him with some emotion.

The initial idea may be a bold attempt. In a situation where humans can only rely on unstable hunters to hold on to the land, they may only have to fight to the death.

But there should be a limit to everything, and too much is never enough.

So how to deal with this kind of false god's fire? Luo Xi asked about the business again.

Both the deep sea and the fire can be disposed of. Depending on some differences in properties, if you wait enough time, it will eventually extinguish automatically. Simaya said as she took off her hunter's gloves, stretched out her white hands, and gently picked up a piece of fire. A wisp of the false god's flame was brought before his eyes.

After paying attention for a moment, he squeezed hard, and deep power emerged, and the flames were extinguished.

That's it, then I'll give it a try.

Seeing this, Luo Xi ignited the fire in his body.

There were burn marks on his body, but there was no burning smell, only endless heat bursting out.

The sparks drifted away, far brighter than the fire of false gods.

After the flames of the false god appeared, they began to sway violently, and were actually absorbed by Luo Xi's flames.

Soon, the fire in front of him disappeared, and Luo Xi didn't feel anything wrong with him. He only felt that the fire in his body had added a good amount of firewood.

The village fell into darkness and silence, leaving a mess behind.

Simaya looked at Luo Xi with sparks scattered all over her body, her eyes were confused again, and her bright red left eye was shining with a savage light.

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