My doppelganger drama

Chapter 302 Wild Database

There are no more believers of Abelard's level, and the more powerful believers who were originally gathered together are even more disabled and injured after Jeffrey's harassment.

Luo Xi doesn't even need to take action. The crew member Wan Yi can easily take advantage of the situation to snowball and eliminate the remaining remnants.

Luo Xi breathed a sigh of relief after confirming the situation.

Fortunately, the troupe leader's clones probably didn't go too far.

Simaya flicked her tail, and the big sword connected to it was brought down, smashing a cultist to death.

Slowly dragging the sword back behind her, Luo Xi looked at her sword thoughtfully.

Simaya looked at the fire in front of her with a gloomy expression: These believers are not fuel-efficient lamps. Are your crew members really okay?

It's okay. Luo Xi replied casually.

But just as he finished speaking, a ball rolled across the ground.

The two of them looked at it intently, and saw a mangled head, with half of the neck still on it, and the appearance of death was quite miserable.

There is no smell of fire, but there is a strange smell, similar to the smell of the ocean but slightly different.

Simaya made a quick judgment and then looked at Luo Xi, who was also a little dazed: This is your crew.

Um...yes. Luo Xi was a little embarrassed.

This slap in the face came a bit quickly.

It seems... Simaya was about to speak when she heard footsteps approaching in a hurry.

Where's that head just now?

It's probably over here. It was too bright and I couldn't see clearly.

We agreed that you guys would watch? But you didn't even watch any of them!

No, who made him pretend to test the new transformation, saying, 'Please take a good look at it, my! Transformation!', and then suddenly it exploded, and I didn't even look away.

So what kind of self-destruction and hostage transformation is this?

Didn't we encounter a group of jellyfish that could self-destruct last time? It came from that one.

Playing with self-destruction.

Several crew members, Wan Yi, came over talking and laughing, and saw Luo Xi and Simaya who were in a daze.

Hey! Captain! We've almost done it. Who is the lady next to you? A crew member stretched out his hand to say hello.

Simaya looked at Luo Xi.

His crew seemed so frivolous and showed no respect for the captain that Luo Xi called himself. As far as Simaya knew, this was not the atmosphere that a suitable maritime adventure team should have.

Luo Xi adapted very skillfully and responded quickly: I met her halfway, I don't know, so I'm going with her for now. What are you guys playing at?

Playing with self-destruction. Wan Yi repeated this sentence pattern again.

Ahem, the ability to self-destruct jellyfish caused us some trouble, so we wanted to try it too.

Poisonous thunder jellyfish? That kind of jellyfish-type sea monster gathers in large numbers. It contains highly toxic venom and is corrosive. It can penetrate into the tissues through ordinary people's skin. When it explodes, all the venom will be thrown away. In the past, at sea We have confirmed that such jellyfish groups need to be detoured, and those close to the coastline need to be cleared regularly. Simaya suddenly said after hearing this, revealing a lot of knowledge.

Yes, yes, it's still poisonous!

It's a pity that this brother didn't turn into a jellyfish, he only turned into a poisonous mine.

No, actually it's not even poisonous.

That's just a pitiful mine! It's only as powerful as that!

A moment of silence.

Does this dead crew member have something to do with that kind of jellyfish? Simaya asked curiously.

Ah? Yes, but not particularly. Wan Yiren casually laughed and ignored it.

What is it specifically like? Did the false gods use this kind of jellyfish to make bombs? But as far as I know, only I...'The Watcher' has this technology. Simaya's curiosity was obvious in her cold tone. .

Uh... this... In the past, I just fooled others casually and didn't bother to argue with Wan Yi. This girl is not very good.

You don't need to be so clear about the Undersea Volcano. Then Wan Yi stood up and said righteously.

Oh, okay. Simaya quickly restrained her curiosity and returned to her original appearance.

Wan Yi and others picked up the fallen head of the brother who tried the metamorphosis of jellyfish.

That head still smells like the sea. Simaya reminded her when she saw this.

Wan Yi looked at each other.

Does she mean that this head can be thrown out and used as a bomb?

I don't know, let's try?

Try it!

They held their stubborn heads and talked to Luo Xi for a few words. After Luo Xi told them not to kill all the believers and leave a few believers to collect information, they left eagerly.

Soon after, there was a sound in the direction they left.

It seemed like something exploded.

Several exclamations and applause followed.

Simaya's eyes kept looking that way.

Don't be curious, you will become unfortunate. Luo Xi warned.

That makes me more curious.

Stop talking nonsense. Luo Xi ended the topic dully.

Even though he knew that he was also part of the troupe leader, whenever something happened beyond his knowledge, he would be shocked at all.

Luo Xi considers himself a very normal person.

Apart from being a little stronger, my hobbies are swimming in the sea and lighting fires.

A few months were not enough for him to adapt to the troupe director's clones in a more normal manner.

He also asked Red and Fukong, two seniors who were relatively close, for advice.

The reply was...

Rhett: The troupe leader himself is quite good in the theater. Although I have heard Mr. Liang Rendao tell some stories about the troupe leader, I don't usually see them. It's like hearing a legend.

Fukong: I can't stand it either. I can't help but get angry when I think about there being such a person, or even more than one, hanging around me every day, doing things that challenge my nerves. But fortunately, I don't have to see him every day, and what he symbolizes. Those alter egos of him letting go of his own side.”

After listening to the senior's comments, Luo Xi understood.

To put it bluntly, it's just because he has to deal with these clones on the Undersea Volcano every day!

And this matter is currently unsolvable.

Luo Xi had better adapt to it as much as possible.

Relevant thoughts passed through his mind quickly, and Luo Xi returned his attention to Simaya: Do you know much about those strange fish?

The main mission of the 'Watcher' is to monitor the movements of the ocean, find out the various population trends and evolution of sea monsters, and organize a team to deal with possible accidents when appropriate, said Simaya.

“Are all ‘lookouts’ hunters?”

There are also ordinary researchers, but there are also those whose two identities overlap.

What kind are you?

It's both, but I'm just a small researcher, and there's still a long way to go before I'm a real researcher. Simaya's tone fluctuated slightly, as if she was feeling emotional.

Luo Xi nodded.

Watchers seems to be a knowledgeable organization, and Simaya, as a member of it, has just given quite good information about jellyfish.

The Undersea Volcano has been at sea in the dark for several months. Even the crew members, Wan Yi, want to record, analyze and organize the ecology of sea monsters from scratch. It is not possible in such a short time.

Not to mention that their thoughts are not in this direction at all.

If it is confirmed that there are no other abnormalities in Simaya, Luo Xi will probably be able to gain a good database.

After just contacting the crew, Luo Xi also learned that Jeffrey had rescued some surviving villagers and temporarily escorted them to the ship for refuge.

The Undersea Volcano was also attacked, but was easily dealt with by the first mate's clothes hanger. After that, the clothes hanger rushed to the village and cooperated with the clothes drying pole to quickly sweep away the village's believers and fire-chasing dogs.

Luo Xi didn't have to do much before he could rest, so he and Simaya walked around the village to see if any lucky believers who had slipped through the net would bump into them.

Why were you brought to this place by them? He continued to make insinuations to understand the true nature of the matter.

For Luo Xi, this world is still too unfamiliar. Most of his understanding is limited to Mahad's teachings, but the old man didn't talk much at that time, and he was even more vague about some modern situations.

If someone hadn't told him, Luo Xi wouldn't even know that the old man was a hunter from the Sun Church.

Simaya would be a good breakthrough.

We were originally just an ordinary survey team... Simaya said slowly.

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