My doppelganger drama

Chapter 279 Repertoire: I We

The combination of beast masters and human cognition, now our perspective has reached a level that neither beast masters nor humans can achieve alone. It's wonderful.

Shang Yang said to himself, looking at Wu Sha, who was in panic due to the change, with one black and one white eyes.

It is very easy to analyze the form of creatures in the physical world, and then make them become a part of us through some appropriate interference.

Shang Yang couldn't describe what the world in front of him was like.

There is a tangible reality, but above this reality, there is a layer of something that is not completely stable. It is a bit like the soul, but there is a certain gap.

Shang Yang is experimenting to what extent he can interfere in such a strange world.

Looking at it now, there is still a lot more he can do with his hands.


I understand. I cannot recover from my severe injuries. The arm I just broke has been lost forever. Even if I forget the low-level pain due to the advancement of my life form, I still have to cherish my body.

After a rat bark, Shang Yang answered immediately.

But there was nothing around him but hopping rats.

Wu Sha constantly used his trump card, and various strange beasts were driven, exerting powerful power that the outside world had never confirmed.

But he's not fighting the rats, he's saving himself.

He felt like his body was disintegrating.

It was as if the body was being eaten by rats starting from the inside.

No matter what kind of treatment it was, or the decisive act of cutting off his wrists, they could not stop the changes in his body.

Boy! What did you do to me!? His eyes were wide open, his relaxed expression no longer existed, and his face was ferocious.

Shang Yang ignored him, whispered to himself, and walked out of the room.

Wait! Boy! You can't leave me here like this! I apologize for the offense before! Please help me! Save me! Spare me! I can share half of my money... No! It's all yours ! I can also help you catch Loba! Let you vent your anger at will! No matter what, let me go!

Wu Sha wanted to get closer to Shang Yang's short back, but her legs gave way and she fell to the ground.

Looking back, I was horrified to find that his legs had turned into mice and spread out!

His beasts and his people are all turning into these seemingly ordinary rats, but when gathered together they form a dark torrent!

Shang Yang ignored him and walked away.

Wu Sha wanted to say something else, but when he opened his mouth, a rat's head came out. The head was alive, trembling and squirming, its eyes opened and closed, and it made a sharp cry.

This scene completely destroyed Wu Sha's mind. Amidst the screams, he and his beast were swallowed up by the rats.

Yes, the accomplices of the bad guys cannot be trusted. The only one I can rely on is myself... No, it's us. Shang Yang muttered.

Rats walked along the way, eating away at the building itself.

By gnawing, the rats can transform the physical world more quickly, and can transform a piece of scrap metal into several rats in a short time.

Buildings are crumbling and rats are multiplying.

Finding people is very troublesome. The walls of the building block the view. If everything is unobstructed, it will be much easier to find people.

Suddenly, perhaps because of a problem with the building's support, the ceiling behind Shang Yang shattered and collapsed.

An impressive and tall long-haired woman fell from above. The moment she fell, an octopus tentacle caught her and helped her land smoothly.

She looked around quickly and saw Shang Yang.

Are you...Shang Yang?

Unexpectedly, the stranger's eldest sister called out his name.

Does sister know me? Shang Yang asked.

We are here to rescue you, what are you... The woman was a little happy at first, but after seeing Shang Yang's appearance, her brows frowned.

It's okay, I just put some makeup on myself. Shang Yang also looked at himself and said.

His hair has also become a little dry and gray, and he is obviously only eleven years old. In addition, there are scars on his body, limbs made of unknown black substances, and an ominous left eye that is as pale as candlelight.

Shang Yang is far different from the lively and cheerful child on the list of missing children in the woman's mind.

I'll take you out. We're here and everything is fine.

Sister, are you here to see the beast master? Shang Yang asked bluntly.

How do you know the beast owner? The woman became alert.

If you are looking for the beast master, then he is in front of you now. Shang Yang raised his hand and stroked his thin chest to indicate.

What did you say? The woman raised her voice.

Please don't worry. If you have anything that requires my cooperation in the future, I will agree to it. If you lock me up and let me cooperate in research or something, I will not resist. Shang Yang said, However, at least Let me find Mr. Loba and have a few words with him first.

No! The woman refused without thinking, Child, this is not something you should think about. I will take you to a safe place now. Your injuries will be treated, and your broken limbs will have a chance to be restored and warm. A bed and warm milk, and when I see your parents again, everything will be fine, okay?

The woman didn't seem to be good at saying soft and comforting words, her tone was still very stiff, but it was obvious that she was a little eager and working very hard.

Shang Yang didn't respond.

The woman was about to say something else when the communication on the collar of her uniform rang: Reporting, Loba and the child kidnapping criminal gang have been arrested. Follow-up searches have been launched. No surviving children have been found yet. Please ask Captain Lou Hua for instructions.

Lou Hua was about to speak when he saw Shang Yang disappear in front of him immediately after the communication report came out.

She was surprised and reacted even more quickly. A large aqua blue octopus was summoned by her, and she directly used its tentacles to sweep in the surrounding obstacles. Only then could she barely see a black shadow moving quickly along the gap in the building, and finally Disappeared into the ventilation duct.

Lou Hua tightened his grip on his collar: Attention, all team members, there is a child who has suffered a serious physical mutation. He is highly suspected of having a tendency to retaliate. Once discovered, stop him immediately and remember not to harm him!

The communication channel is such a magical thing. Using that thing, two people can talk to each other even though they are far apart.

“It’s similar to a phone call, but maybe even more powerful than a phone call.”

But we seem to be able to see the correlation during the phone call.

We found Loba, I...we are passing there.

Outside the half-collapsed building, Loba howled and was held down by several people. His big cat, which was as ugly as himself, was also controlled by other beasts. The surrounding criminal gangs were collectively controlled, including the former The man who captured Shang Yang and gave it to Luo Ba.

Now the man was trembling, not as high-spirited as when he tortured Shang Yang.

One of the main operations has been completed. Next, the seventh agency will begin to search for the beast master that has been born, and at the same time search for and rescue children who may still be alive.

Just when they were about to escort the criminals, a black rat ran out of the building in a panic.

A member of the Seventh Organization suddenly noticed something. With a wave of his hand, the giant eagle hovering in the sky fired downwards with a high-precision air blade shot like a sniper rifle.

The mouse was instantly crushed.

But when the rat was blown to pieces, its corpse turned into a dark mire and spread out, from which Shang Yang's figure appeared.

When everyone present saw a child suddenly appearing there, their first reaction was confusion, but their subsequent reactions were different.

The seventh agency immediately stood ready, standing between Shang Yang, Loba and the criminal gang.

And Loba, after being stunned, his originally ugly and ferocious face suddenly showed a look of ecstasy: I succeeded? I succeeded? Hahaha! Yes! I succeeded! I must have succeeded! Dragon! I proved it! I Success! Hahahaha!

Surrounded by Loba's wild laughter, Shang Yang walked towards him.

But the members who had previously driven the Giant Eagle came out and said: Child, we sympathize with your experience. You may have gained powerful power due to an accident and want to take revenge, but they deserve proper legal sanctions.

I understand you, uncles and aunts. You all have your own responsibilities to maintain the stability of society. Even if you occasionally fall short of your ability - let's describe it this way - in short, it is not your fault. You don't have to look at it so guiltily. Me. Shang Yang's tone was a mixture of maturity and childlike tenderness, which was a bit strange.

Maintaining legal order is of great significance to human society. I should know. If it were me, I would choose to hand him over to you. But, I am not just me, I am still us.

Everyone who had been slightly relaxed after listening to Shang Yang's words suddenly raised their minds again.

The next moment, another Shang Yang appeared in front of Luoba. This time was different from Wu Sha's time. There was no warning, he was skillful and he even delayed in advance to attract their attention.

He raised his hand, but no one could react.

But Lou Hua arrived in time, and a centipede wrapped around her, helping her float and move at a very fast speed. In everyone's eyes, it seemed as if she teleported and appeared next to Shang Yang, holding his shoulders.

You're just a child, you can't touch people's lives with your hands! she shouted.

You are right, Sister Lou Hua, but it is already too late. Shang Yang did not resist.

Loba's laughter stopped suddenly, he started coughing violently, and was speechless for a while.

The criminal gang not far away let out a few scattered screams before all of them died.

Loba coughed, but still looked up at Shang Yang with joy.

I'm not a 'perfect person', but you still want to succeed based on your poor luck-like skills?

Shang Yang's voice was overlaid with the voices of countless children, as well as a sharp sarcasm.

It's not you who succeeds, but me...


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