My doppelganger drama

Chapter 278 Play: Half-Beast, Half-Man Lord

Do you want to live? a voice asked in his ear.

Shang Yang did not answer, or in other words, he could not answer.

You want to die, the voice affirmed.

Shang Yang still didn't respond, as if his heart was dead, which was indeed the case.

You are obviously the one who should die first. Why did you still not die after everyone left? You even waited for the help of two kind people.

From the beginning, you were grateful for the 'good luck' that happened to you, but after Chen Si left, you began to question and hate it.

The people who wanted to live more did not survive, and you who should have died long ago are lingering on.

Just because of damn luck.

So, what are you still holding on to? Why don't you just die?

The voice asked again and again.

Only then did Shang Yang's eyes show weak fluctuations, and his remaining eyeballs turned to look at the source of the sound in the darkness.

In that darkness...

No, not in the dark, but the darkness, the huge shadow itself, is a huge mouse.

Those eyes that were like the dim light of a candle stared at Shang Yang, who was small compared to it.


Shang Yang's lips moved slightly, as if he was thinking about something, and then he slowly said: Why are you a mouse?


Huge...and rats are contradictory.


Big means powerful, small means weak. Rats are weak and shouldn't be so big.

Stupid shortsightedness, the strength of life has nothing to do with size.

...Well, rats are also very strong, stronger than people like us. Shang Yang responded after silence, But the strength of rats must have nothing to do with their size.


Are you born so big, but you still use the appearance of a mouse as a joke, or are you just making yourself huge because you look like a mouse?


The shadow in front of him was approaching Shang Yang.

Young human who wants to die, since you no longer have the desire to live, then give everything you have to me. The big mouse's eyes flickered.

Shang Yang said: I hate mice.


But it's not that I can't give it, but you have to answer me a question.


Have you been saving me?

The big mouse in front of him didn't answer. After a pause, the voice came again: Are you kidding me? Boy.

You already have your own answer. After seeing me and hearing my voice, you understood something.

It seems that my eagerness gave you the opportunity.

But I won't lie.

I have been watching you. To be precise, it is something accumulated on your body. Except for a short while, I have been indifferent to your life and death, and of course it is the same now.

So I won't save you, and I can't possibly save you.

That's right. Shang Yang smiled when he heard the answer.

The smile gradually became obvious, and then he laughed out loud, laughing heartily and wantonly.

The tears continued to flow, but the laughter did not stop.

It wasn't until a long time that he calmed down.


Behind him, there was a familiar rattle.

Shang Yang turned around and saw a little mouse crawling there looking at him.

A black, very ordinary mouse with pure bean-sized eyes looked here.

more than.

Behind this mouse, the darkness is also more than just a shadow.

That's the rat pack.

Countless rats gathered in a group, but they didn't make any noise. They all looked at Shang Yang quietly.

If you wake up like this, not only will you have to carry them to survive from now on, but I will also have to hand over my share to you. My form has not yet taken shape, just because of that crazy human being, and you group of failures, or maybe In a sense, the impact of the finished product. The big mouse said.

You were just born, but you are about to die, but you don't sound sad at all. Shang Yang did not look back, but still asked.

If you have never lived, how can you talk about death? As far as I am concerned, the definition of life and death cannot be understood by you as a young human being. What is life and what is death? If you replace me, use your own perspective to replace me. After seeing this cruel world, how can I not live it?

It's so difficult to understand, I can't understand it. Shang Yang reacted as a child should.

It's okay, you will understand soon, after our cognition is combined. Existing as a higher creature and a lower human at the same time, born as a half-animal, half-human lord. Inferiority, self-violation, self-abandonment, self-pity , self-harm, self-injury, self-destruction, self-destruction...pure despair.

what are you saying?

Nothing, I'm just saying that I am very satisfied with you as the successor, hehe...

The big mouse smiled sinisterly.

Shang Yang was quiet for a while, then he lay on his knees and relaxed his body and mind.

As if receiving some kind of signal, the little mouse at the front suddenly jumped out and rushed towards Shang Yang.

A huge swarm of rats followed closely behind.

The most direct description of this picture is: rat plague.

The black mice pounced on Shang Yang one by one, and the shadow wrapped around his body, gradually covering every inch of his skin.

Until the last eye he has left closes...


A group of black liquid condensed under Shang Yang's body. The black liquid was like a small ocean, and there were obviously many things beating in it.

Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak—

Sharp squeaks sounded one after another, and this time everyone could hear it clearly.

Rat! cried Anthony.

I don't know when a fat rat jumped past his feet.

Kent's muscles tensed and he was sweating profusely as he watched this scene.

The mouse rushed towards Wu Sha with a clear goal, but Wu Sha reacted very quickly, and the ant lion's mouthparts quickly crushed the charging mouse.

Kent and Anthony looked behind them at the source of the rats.

The black liquid filled the missing leg, and Shang Yang stood up again after a long absence.

Could he be... Kent quickly connected the changes in Shang Yang with the anomalies in the boundary zone mission.

Two good uncles. Shang Yang looked indifferent, and the left eye that was supposed to be missing slowly opened, revealing strange white eyes that flickered like candlelight, and glanced at the two of them: I don't want to hurt you, let's leave here first.

You... Kent wanted to say something, but was held back by Anthony.

Kent understood what Anthony meant.

This is the boundary zone of the abyss, and nothing is surprising. However, if there is something obviously wrong with this situation, Kent will most likely be seeking his own death if he sticks to it.

Detach. Anthony said directly.

Kent glanced at Shang Yang again.

Shang Yang gave him a stiff smile.

Kent couldn't help but sigh: Detachment.

The two disappeared one after another.

Wu Sha was shocked by the unimaginable things that happened one after another in front of him. It was only when the pale left eye of the child in front of him looked over that he realized: Did Loba succeed?

Unintentional planting will cause a shadow, this sentence should be used like this. Shang Yang spoke, his tone no longer sounded like a child.

I know you, the little cub who bit Loba before, I actually admire you. You seem to have obtained extraordinary power from some source. It's really enviable. I have a proposal, we can work together...


The sharp rattle seemed to pierce Wu Sha's eardrums.

By the time he reacted, a large mass of black liquid had surged up, and the shadows of countless rats could be seen in it.

Wu Sha quickly used yellow sand to fight the enemy.

In the small space, the yellow sand could not be quickly formed on a large scale. Shang Yang's left eye emitted light like a flickering candle, and the black liquid deformed, directly turning into a black spear made of mice. Its surface could still Saw the crawling figure of a mouse.

The spear penetrated the yellow sand barrier.

Wu Sha quickly reinforced his protection layer by layer, while subconsciously turning his head to one side.

There was a stinging pain in his cheek, and there was a cut on his face, and blood flowed out.

Wu Sha entered the fighting state and directly stretched out his hand. The ant lion quickly penetrated the yellow sand and pounced out, smashing the black liquid and a cluster of small mice before grabbing Shang Yang who was trying to get closer.

But after the ant lion crushed Shang Yang in front of him, he discovered that it was just a false clone.

There was a sense of danger and excitement behind him. Instead of panicking, Wu Sha curled up his lips.


A sharp tail hook protruded from its back and easily cut off Shang Yang's right hand!

Of course, as an internationally renowned wanted criminal for many years, Wu Sha has endless trump cards. No one knows how many beasts he has!

Shang Yang's eyes widened.

Boy, do you really think that you are invincible when you get an opportunity that looks like this? Your strategy is full of loopholes and your experience is unfamiliar. You still want to fight me?

Unexpectedly, Shang Yang's biggest fluctuation was limited to his wide-open eyes just now, his severed arm was fed to the rats, and his pale candlelight left eye stared at Wu Sha: Thank you, I learned a lesson.

The severed arm was instantly filled with black fluid composed of rats, and then the hand was stretched out again.

Wu Sha showed no weakness in confronting him.

After several rounds of back and forth, while he was waiting for the opportunity, he suddenly felt dizzy and unable to lift his energy, and felt a heartbreaking pain all over his body.

His beasts responded promptly.

As the battle progresses, rats are being born in their bodies!

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