My doppelganger drama

Chapter 272 Trivia in the play

The blockade of witchcraft may not always be maintained.

Rhett summarized based on the clues of various events, and finally concluded roughly like this.

As long as the knowledge of witchcraft is kept within a very small scope, it will not be easy to attract blockade. Everything is as out of touch with modern society as possible, but in the relatively primitive mountain village society, it can be relatively free.

Unknown to wider society, this seems to be a basic assumption.

What is more detailed is the strength of witchcraft.

A small amount of witchcraft will not directly cause trouble, but if witchcraft is used on a large scale and the influence is not restrained, then even if there is no witchcraft blockade, trouble will always come.

It's just that the existence of witchcraft blockade will greatly increase the probability of this trouble coming.

When the hidden dangers accumulate to a certain extent, the witchcraft blockade will even abandon logic and use various coincidences to piece together an event suitable for burying witchcraft.

This is a handwriting that can affect destiny.

If the witchcraft blockade itself is a product of witchcraft, its level will definitely not be low.

However, it is not that unsolvable.

Combining his own experience and cases, Rhett identified one of the weaker points of the witchcraft blockade.

Witchcraft creation.

For existences affected by witchcraft, the ethereal witchcraft blockade seems to give a considerable degree of gentleness.

Azula, a vampire accidentally born from witchcraft, is known as the ancestor. She created a group of blood-sucking monsters that spanned many countries and ruled the night for hundreds of years.

But along the way, it was basically smooth sailing and there was never any unexpected incident.

At this point, compared to the Witch God of the mountain village who had been planning for a long time, the blockade obviously took a lot of water.

However, this release of water is not unlimited.

Azula died in the end.

under various inducements.

Among them, Red played an extremely key role in ending the vampire's rule over the night and interrupting the continued expansion of this evil witchcraft creation.

His success may not be an accident.

According to the answer given by Liang Rendao after he asked him about it.

To describe it accurately, it should be that all his not necessarily connections have become inevitable.

Stabilizing the unstable probability is what the invisible blockade has been doing.

However, Azula, as a magical creature, has obviously reached a transcendent level.

As the creature who stopped him, Red also came to an unknown situation.

Azula and Red were united, transcendence and the unknown were entangled, and finally became Red's current situation.

Liang Rendao checked Red's current possible fate and got an answer that there would be no more fluctuations.

In other words, the blockade went silent again, and no longer paid attention to the strange existence of Red.

Regarding the above series of things, although the exploration is summarized, it is not of much help, but on the other hand, it affirms Red's next exploration goal.

There is definitely a secret to the origin of witchcraft, at least what kind of existence is so targeted at witchcraft. Perhaps from this path of exploration, he can answer his own doubts.

Given the current state of witchcraft, he wanted to restore these long-standing events that had been artificially buried, which would inevitably be a long project.

But fortunately, this long time was not just a torment for Red.

Rhett finally found a new goal and started again.

People in the play gave their blessings.

The mystery of witchcraft has not yet been discovered, and the world is not as simple as the vampire script on the surface.

As the ultimate creature, Red will grow further in the future.

In addition, Luo Xi of Sea Hunter is still going on a big voyage with a ship full of Wan Yi.

Now they have passed some islands, but they still haven't seen the mainland, which makes people wonder how remote the island of Luo Xi's birth point is on the map of this world.

Or maybe they chose the wrong direction when setting sail, choosing the farthest road.

No matter what, Luo Xi, who has not yet obtained a complete chart, will probably drift far out on the sea aimlessly.

The only thing that can be called a breakthrough is that Luo Xi and Wan Yi on the ship gave their ship a name.

It's called Undersea Volcano.

After chatting with the Demon Lord and Liang Rendao for a while, Wan Yi prepared to read today's script.

Since Luo Xi's awakening with the success of unexpected materials, the script has once again returned to the very common bad movie mode.

Originally, he thought that the hit rate of the abyss boundary zone might be very high, after all, that was the case with Luo Xi.

But it turned out that he still thought too much.

It was just an accident that the sea monster corpse happened to enter the sea monster boundary zone... It cannot be directly judged as an accident. Thinking of the disaster page that Wan Yi now uses as a bookmark of the script, Wan Yi feels that there may still be something There's a subtle connection there.

But what is certain is that using something produced from a certain boundary to create a script does not mean that the people in the play will enter that source boundary.

Besides, being born into the abyss boundary zone is not a good thing in itself.

Wan Yi has complained more than once because the characters in the play seemed to be well developed, only to die from the aftermath of unknown moves.

Now that the character in the previous script happened to be involved in a big shot's fight and was affected and died, Wan Yi also took this opportunity to start a new script.

I rummaged through the theater's material library and found that it was full of script materials that Wan Yi randomly threw in on a whim.

This is what high emotional intelligence says.

If you have low emotional intelligence, this place will just be a pile of groceries.

Huh? This is it?

While rummaging around, Wan Yi touched something furry.

He grabbed the thing out, and then said with some surprise: You are still here, I almost forgot.

This is when I went on a mission for 014 Sky Island to explore the boundary, and I found a big rat from a high-depth boundary with a beast-control background.

At that time, it was just because it looked funny and died peacefully, so I threw it in casually.

I have basically forgotten about it until now, but this time I found this old rat for him.

Okay, you've been touched by me so consciously, then it's up to you. Wan Yi said.

He held his tail, feeling the heavy weight of the rat.

I was too lazy to carry it, so I dragged it directly to the desk.

Huh? Since when did the rat attack occur in our theater? The Demon Lord asked after taking a look.

As expected of a theater mouse, he is different from other mice. Liang Rendao also praised with a smile.

You must have been there when I sent it up. Wan Yi rolled his eyes at Liang Rendao.

Want to use it as script material? Liang Rendao asked.

You've already used the toilet plug, do you still care about the mouse? Wan Yi asked, then picked up the pen and poked the mouse, turning it into a blank script with a gray cover.

By the way, what script did the toilet plug turn into in the end? In his mind, You Wanyi couldn't seem to remember clearly.

Toilet Stopper Man?

Fung Sea Crazy Maggot?

It's just a boring and sad script about a manure digger who worked mediocrely for most of his life and drowned in a manure pit due to an accident. It's just a script that makes people laugh a little bit.

...Is this funny?

Isn't it funny?

It's worse than the crazy maggots in the dung sea...

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