My doppelganger drama

Chapter 271 Witchcraft Blockade

Wan Yi also took this opportunity to tell the Demon Lord and Liang Rendao in detail about the new situation of the genealogy family.

The world of troupe leaders is full of talented people. The Demon Lord sighed after hearing this.

But don't be discouraged, troupe leader. After all, you are capable of producing powerful derivative characters with heroic appearance and unrivaled elegance like us. You are not much inferior to her. Liang Rendao put down the tea cup, raised his eyebrows, and said majestically.

Are you praising yourself? Wan Yi looked at her husband's dishonest manner with a blank expression.

Isn't this a compliment to the troupe leader?

You obviously add more adjectives to yourself than I do.

We are all prosperous.

Let me believe you first.

After making some jokes, the atmosphere became softer, and the Demon Lord said: Even the two of us can only float in the ocean in the troupe leader's mind. I didn't expect to meet such a special existence. Although I also have the so-called immortality It’s a title, but I don’t think it’s of much use to the troupe leader.”

Indeed, I can easily obtain rebirth from a drop of blood, but in the face of the troupe leader's overwhelming spirit, I can only protect myself. When the little girl took action, I reversed her soul-flesh transformation channel, and followed my instructions. You see, her existence is deeply rooted in the world of the troupe leader. Liangren said, and gave Wan Yi an incomprehensible look.

Talk about people. Wan Yi rolled his eyes.

In the Broken World, her spiritual immortality may have the highest weight. Just like the Broken World, it is an established rule. The Demon Lord explained for the good man.

Liang Rendao smiled and nodded.

Wan Yi looked up at the dim lights on the ceiling of the theater: Why? She doesn't look worthy of this treatment at all.

In addition to this powerful ability, Mian Pu's body is horribly weak in comparison.

After the hide-and-seek game in the ruins began, Mask was easily wiped out without any resistance.

The premise of her cognitive implantation is to use psychoanalysis to open the way, and psychoanalysis requires the most basic interaction with the target.

Talking is the quickest, along with eye contact, body language, etc.

This premise is not difficult to say, but obviously based on the conditions of face mask, she can only stand a chance by pretending to be mysterious and harmless like she did when she first met Wan Yi.

With basic qualities that are at the level of a healthy ordinary person, it would not be surprising to die from an unknown AOE one day.

Although after the psychoanalysis was successful, she was equal to victory, but compared to this dominant mental ability, the physical body was the completely opposite extreme.

Although it cannot be said that he is weak, his strength depends on comparison.

This is probably related to the girl gang you met. More clues are needed to break through. The Demon Lord said.

Wan Yi nodded.

This topic came to an end, and Wan Yi brought up Red's recent situation.

Wan Yi originally expected the Demon Lord to react to Red's experience, but in the end the Demon Lord just smiled, even a little silly.

During this time, Rhett rarely came to the theater.

He is the really busy man.

Not only did he have to clean up the mess he had left, but after Azula's death, the role of the sister who was not close was also given to him.

Of course, the main thing is the final disposal of various objects, and at the same time, the funeral arrangements for the various victims of the vampire incident are all done by Red.

Accompanying him during this period of time were Kira and Kangnai, who was guaranteed by Red and continued to be with him.

He and Kangnai are basically the last two vampires in the world.

After that night, Kangnai expressed his unconditional acceptance of Red's incident.

Even though Red said that Kangnai could consider not following him anymore, Kangnai still insisted.

Needless to say, Kira was determined to follow him to death, saying that he was monitoring this extremely dangerous creature that might not even be called a vampire.

Azula's final push allowed Red to enter a wonderful life form.

He does not need to eat, whether it is normal food or human blood, he no longer needs it. There is no trace of energy intake, nor is it photosynthesis.

Likewise, he will no longer have discharge.

The metabolism of normal organisms has disappeared, and all specious outer manifestations are appearances created based on his thoughts about the past.

Rhett no longer knew what he had become.

Exists in this world, but seems to be separated from the rules of the world.

After being treated by Rhett, Kangnai also managed to overcome the sun, but he still felt uncomfortable in the sun and was greatly weakened, and he did not become the same state as Rhett.

Rhett knew it was because the virulent blood in Kangnai's body, as a semi-finished product, was far from the top quality transformed by Azula.

But why?

Why had Azula pushed him to become this way?

With such doubts in his mind, Rhett once again turned his attention to the witchcraft that had given him a lot of help.

Among the mysterious arts in this world, if there is anything that is most out of touch with this world, then except for Rhett now, it is these witchcrafts.

What is their true origin? Why is it fragmented and has no inheritance?

Rhett thought of all the things he had seen when he was collecting witchcraft in the past.

There seems to be something in this world that naturally inhibits the spread and spread of witchcraft information.

When witchcraft spreads to a certain level, fate will take action and stop it.

It is as if the witchcraft acquired by the Fieldstone family came from an expanding witch sect whose ancestors responded to the country's call to eradicate it.

This matter itself is nothing serious. After all, the country has been popular in witch hunting for a period of time. Rhett does not intend to study too much about the series of secular issues involved.

The problem is that after those things, Rhett also discovered many clues, all of which are similar to when someone uses witchcraft on a large scale without restraint, causing the impact to expand too much, something will always happen to terminate the incident and allow witchcraft to Stop the spread, or even eliminate the source directly.

For example, Rhett once discovered in a remote mountain village in a country that an evil wizard had been planning for a long time and passed it down for hundreds of years. He used his witchcraft to constantly take over people and reborn them, not only for eternal life, but also for reincarnations again and again. , let yourself be promoted to god.

At the same time, the powerful body he cultivated and then abandoned can become the corpse puppet of his evil sect, forming a powerful army.

This wizard has huge ambitions. Even deep in remote mountainous areas, he understands that his power can easily destroy the world. Therefore, after accumulating to a certain extent, he wants to directly seize the political power of that country and declare the rule of the Witch God.

Then, just a few days before Rhett arrived in the mountainous area to inquire about the news, the opponent's century-old ambition was revealed by a few students who got lost while climbing the mountain. Subsequent incidents frequently led to unexpected events, including a centuries-old wizard and various witchcraft. Failures and errors, and even the weaknesses of witchcraft can be solved by a few completely novice students.

Finally, on a thunderstorm night, he became angry and chased the students to death by a thunderbolt on the mountain. The army of corpse puppets and believers also died in the forest fire caused by the lightning strike.

Rhett looked back at the incident, and the more he looked at it, the more bizarre it became.

Even if he makes a wrong move, this great Witch God can easily resolve these troubles and end this chaos.

But he was unlucky enough to die.

In the end, Ruide dug up the other party's body and scattered witchcraft remnants with emotion, packed up and left.

At the same time, many similar incidents were confirmed by Rhett on-site inspections, and he could truly confirm that there was indeed a blockade on the spread of witchcraft information in this world!

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