My doppelganger drama

Chapter 242 Minors drink milk

It looks like it's working out well.

In the carnival, a figure also wearing a red sheet looked around at the scene.

This red sheet wears a white mask on its face. There is a layer of black under the two eyes of the mask, which looks like the dark circles of the mask. There is a top hat on its head.

There is no doubt that this is Wan Yi's true body.

Although the clones are more or less always able to synchronize things here when they are busy.

However, after an immersive overview, the feeling is more comprehensive.

This place belongs to Wanyi's world and has many wonderful uses.

The main reason for making it look like this infinite space is that everyone was discussing how it would be too troublesome to slowly collect other people's fears, nightmares and even negative pressures.

Even though there are many Wan Yi people, they just don’t want to do things they don’t want to do.

Not many Wan Yi are keen on this, and most of them don’t want to do it anymore after doing it too much.

Therefore, the plan for a fully automatic leek harvester needs to be put on the agenda early.

And this infinite space is obviously a good idea.

Bring people in to work unlimited jobs, and they will be grateful if you give them some scraps they don't want. They are simply excellent tool workers who can be as good as their clones.

The internal currency itself is also a good way to get rid of nothing, and it has the same purpose as the city contribution mechanism.

Recruiting and binding people is done using curses.

It is essentially a nightmare curse. Normally, people who are cursed will have recurring nightmares and be mentally tortured by nightmares for many years. But Wan Yi uses his dreams as a guide for the nightmare curse.

Therefore, the person under the curse will be invited to the troupe's carnival in his dream.

Most of that 'interpretation hall' is still a copy of the dream created by Wan Yi, and the actors in it are all Wan Yi. This kind of copy can only harvest some emotional essence.

However, after some advice from Liang Rendao, Wan Yi also developed a way to play.

Using a method similar to inviting a god to take over the body, guide the foreign dream will to transfer to another body.

In this way, participants can entrust their dreams to those Wanyi who always reside in various boundaries.

In this way, you are not limited to playing house in your dreams, but you can also play real person role-playing.

The dream consciousness that was recruited to work was very cheap, and the Wan Yi clone used to possess him was also very cheap. When the two kinds of cheapness were combined, it was naturally a cheap thing that was not painful to use at all.

Even if the dream will dies, it will only consume some mental energy at most.

Wan Yi's clone died, isn't that normal?

In short, Wan Yi already feels that the troupe carnival is booming.

Although it is still in the testing stage, apart from the pictures and texts and Xu Shen being brought in, the red sheets hanging around are naturally all Wan Yi.

Wan Yi plans to gradually expand his dream in the sinking sky island group.

His dream will definitely be extremely popular in this island group that is haunted by nightmares all day long.

Wan Yi feels that the current structure of their troupe is still too small, and it is still just for self-entertainment.

This obviously conflicts with their future plans, and it cannot bring happiness to everyone.

The theater troupe must follow the mass line even more. This mass line does not mean turning the masses into Wanyi, but making Wanyi join the masses.

Although it sounds strange, just understand it.

Next to Xu Shen, there were many monsters that were completely black and had white lines on their bodies. They looked like humans, but they were actually very different from humans. They had white lines on their bodies, their forelimbs were slender, their hind legs were like sheep's hooves, and there was a giant monster on their head. The golden zero seal highlights their identity.

A monster called Zero.

Xu Shen stood covered in blood, watching the zeros around him gradually decompose and die.

There are zeros here... No, it's fake. It should be a dream. This dream of some theater troupe... Their zero power is a bit weird, maybe it's fictitious. Xu Shen covered the wounds on his body and panted.

Huh... It's just a novice drill as promised. The first step is to be a heavy zero siege.

While he was complaining, there were footsteps in front of him.

He looked up.

It was a figure wearing gray and black robes, with long black hair, a scorpion-like headdress on the back of his head, brows as sinister as an eagle, and a faintly evil smile at the corner of his mouth.

Fake leaves! Xu Shen was stunned.

It can be said that he is the most famous character among the Xia Lan villains. He is the leader of the seven souls, has a strong character, and is the king of all kinds.

His subordinates were killed one by one, and he became the weakest of the villains. However, his superiors who were more powerful than him also died one by one, and in the end he was the only one left.

Xu Shen used to watch his works from a God's perspective, and he had a good impression of this villain who was gradually becoming more of a comedian.

But now after time travel, if he really wanted to face the false leaves, he would rather go back and fight hundreds of heavy zeros again!

Why is False Leaf here! I had never heard of False Leaf in the boundary before! Xu Shen stepped back and prepared to escape without even thinking.


False Leaf let out a disdainful laugh, suddenly started to rush towards Xu Shen.

Before Xu Shen could react, he felt a sharp pain in his chest and his vision went dark.

It's not fair! Why does the novice copy have fake leaves? Xu Shen said to the super cute little girl with straight black hair in front of the counter in the interpretation hall.

Isn't it normal for a novice copy to have a super-sized hidden boss? The girl was wearing a bartender's clothes and was wiping the empty glass out of boredom.

Is that a hidden boss? He doesn't even have a hidden boss. He just walks up to my face and wants to kill me! Xu Shen danced with his hands and expressed his emotions.

Perhaps you are unlucky? Not all performances are foolproof. You have to learn to accept it. Maybe it is a good thing to encounter this kind of thing in the first lesson, isn't it? the girl said casually.

This... Xu Shen hesitated, but seemed to have nothing to say.

That's it, is there anything else I can help you with? the girl said with a charming smile.

Xu Shen was stunned for a moment. He was so excited just now that he didn't realize that this girl was so beautiful!

Ahem, uh, let's have a glass of wine... let me see. Xu Shen was about to see what to drink.

Sorry, minors can only order plain water and milk.

This is a dream, right?!

Yes, but Meng Li is also a minor. It's a pity~

Seeing the girl's laughter in front of him, Xu Shen suddenly understood what a female brat meant.

Then... Xu Shen was furious, Please give me a glass of hot milk.

Wait a moment~.

By the way, what's your name?

Just call me little princess.

Little suits you very well.

Yeah, even though I'm a boy.

Is this so... ah?!

Xu Shen's eyes widened.

The little princess showed a satisfied smile in Xu Shen's shocked eyes and went to prepare hot milk.

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