My doppelganger drama

Chapter 241 Dream World Plan

Regarding the carnival in the dream, the relevant ideas came from a discussion with the good man and the devil a long time ago.

About a long time ago.

There are more and more clones, I'm a little... At that time, Wan Yi was still trapped in the research institute, and the only two people in the play who had awakened were the Demon Lord and the good man.

Wan Yi was accumulating clones for his escape, but at that time, he had just adapted to the synchronic resonance brought by the clones. At the same time, he was also troubled by Wan Yi's messy thinking cluster and worried about his future.

Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do. I was able to synchronize with you a little bit at the beginning, but now... The handsome young man who was not a Demon Lord at that time shook his head with a wry smile. The military uniform on his body was still brand new.

I was thinking, since you, the troupe leader, have such a huge mind, seemingly independent yet so closely connected, why not try to create a small spiritual world? Liang Rendao remained unchanged, with a chuckle.

Don't call me troupe leader. Wan Yi replied first, then looked at his beloved a little tiredly and said, Small spiritual world, what do you say?

One flower and one world, one leaf and one bodhi. The human spirit has a high degree of possibility. Flowers and leaves all have such images, not to mention human beings? In a world where materialism is blurred, the huge self symbolizes infinity in the troupe leader. s future.

But I feel that my future is still uncertain and dark. Wan Yi was a little decadent and had no intention of being persuaded by his beloved.

It's true. I escaped from a god's dream some time ago. That world has independent rules. It was all born out of a dream of a great being. It's really unbelievable. said the young man in military uniform.

Brother Bell, it turns out that you have such an experience, please tell me about it later.

It's just a bit embarrassing. The young man known as Bell waved his hand helplessly.

Wan Yidao: Even if what Liang Rendao said makes sense, it will be a long time ago. I don't have access to that method at all now, and I am still just a defenseless prisoner.

There will always be, you have the capital. What Brother Bell just mentioned is a very good idea. Dreams are the most convenient way. After you go out, you may consider starting from this aspect.

If the future troupe leader can integrate the dreams of all the clones, then I am afraid that he will be able to create an unparalleled dream world in the end. By then, maybe we can also contribute, Bell said.

A dream...

Wan Yizheng was thinking about it, when suddenly his body trembled, his muscles spasmed slightly, a feeling of nausea came to his heart, and he suffered severe retching.

Upon seeing this, Liang Rendao raised his hand and cast a spell to alleviate Wan Yi's condition.

Sorry to spoil the fun, the clone was drugged again... Wan Yi said.

Not to mention this, we still need to prepare for the escape earlier. Bell said seriously.


It was indeed planned very early on.

It wasn't until he actually escaped that Wan Yi discovered that dream fragments were not that easy to obtain. He searched through the fragment records around the 014 Sky Island, but he could not find a boundary that could produce dream fragments stably, let alone high-quality ones. .

When he finally came to the Sunken Sky Island Group and discovered the truth about the boundaries among the Zerg, he was pleasantly surprised.

There is no doubt that the opportunity mentioned before has come.

The qualitative change of dreams peels away a trace of the cluster of thoughts that only exist in the mind in the form of dreams.

Create a dream that belongs to Wanyi.

It belongs to Wan Yi's own world.

After the transformation of the nightmare, Wan Yi separated a digital clone and began to implement this project.

The connection and modification of countless synchronous dreams, based on the nightmare heart mastered from the Zerg boundary, build a world that exists in the illusion.

It's so lively. Tu Wenwen and another newcomer looked at the people coming and going around.

Everyone seemed to be wearing funny red sheets.

But Tu Wenwen also realized that this seemed to be just a matter of hiding their identities, and she probably looked this funny in the eyes of others.

But some people are different.

Some people have added a lot of decorations to their sheets, including various hangings, stickers, and even handsome-looking masks.

Although the look and feel has indeed improved, why I am so obsessed with the red sheet is still an unsolved mystery.

What we focus on is a secret. When you put on the mask, you also take off the mask. However, the insurance performance of the general 'mask' is not satisfactory, so the sheets... no, it is the scarlet cloak that came into being. Five King Yi raised his hand and introduced.

You just said it was a sheet! Another participant couldn't help complaining.

Jiejie, these are not important. You can also DIY your own cloaks in the future. Don't worry, we are a conscientious manufacturer and there is no krypton gold skin. As long as you work hard, you will have everything.

With that said, King Wu Yi took the two of them and continued walking.

Okay, now we can see this big tent, which is our signature project, the 'Interpretation Hall'. Here you can interpret different charming lives. The essence of dreams obtained during the interpretation is the common currency in the carnival. .”

Deduction? Can you explain clearly what it is? Tu Wenwen asked calmly.

The interrupted Wu Yiwang narrowed his empty eyes and said: Damn it, you players who don't like to see any settings, can you respect some setting guidance! Do you want me to tell you bluntly that this is an infinite imitation? Liu Nong’s black-hearted main god’s space?!”

Tu Wenwen and another participant were shocked by Wu Yiwang's sudden resentment.

After hearing the last sentence, he nodded obediently: I understand.

In short, it’s just a black-hearted master space that imitates Infinite Flow, right?

Ahem. After coughing twice, King Wuyi suddenly seemed less energetic, Come here.

The tone is also much more casual.

Continue to visit.

Arriving at a tent next to the performance hall, King Wu Yi extended his hand and introduced: This is the preparation place behind the scenes. You can spend the essence of the dream to redeem most of the things you want from us.

Can we see the menu? Another participant raised his hand, seeming eager to try.

Yes, normally I should show you how wealthy we are at the carnival, draw a big cake, and see some things that I don't know if they are available, but anyway, the prices are so outrageous that you won't be able to afford them in your lifetime. King Wuyi He said angrily.

So? Tu Wenwen continued.

No! Wait until the novice guide is finished and then you can see for yourself!

As expected of you.

Pictures and texts speak from the heart.

Come here. King Wu Yi said casually and turned around to leave. The two of them reacted and quickly followed.

They came to what was clearly a store, with a funny clown on the store icon and surrounded by scare boxes.

This is the 'Surprise Gift Shop'. It's also a place to consume the essence of dreams. Well... in short, it's the most evil card drawing process, but if you don't want to spend money, just accept it gratefully.

The introduction is getting worse and worse. Tu Wenwen and another participant complained in unison.


King Wu Yi made a disdainful sound.

That's the trading street over there. Spend some Dream Essence to rent a stall and trade goods with other participants. This is the 'Dream World'. Spend Dream Essence to customize the dream you want to experience. There are also all kinds of other weird things. .Okay, those are probably the more important things, you can explore the rest by yourself.

After Wu Yiwang finished speaking, he clapped his hands and waved his hands, indicating that the plan was over.

It's like a host in a board game who loses interest in subsequent games because the players messed up during the introductory stage.

Uh, I'm sorry. Tu Wenwen apologized softly.

Jie Jie Jie, it doesn't matter. Once you come in, you are a family. I hope you can realize the dreams you want to have in the carnival, have a happy interpretation of life, and by the way, be our hard-working little bees. Wu Yi Wang Yin said with a smile.

After saying that, he raised his hand and snapped his fingers, turning into a ball of scarlet fire and disappearing.

The two of them looked around and then looked at each other.

Hello, you can call me 'Miss Tu'.

Then just call me 'Mr. Xu'.

The two of them briefly introduced themselves one after another.

They began to communicate with each other about how to enter this strange place.

I was introduced here by an acquaintance. The picture and text said.

I am, um...probably because when I was buying something, a strange badge was stuffed into me by a boss who didn't look right.

This other participant is obviously Xu Shen.

After they chatted for a while, they had a preliminary understanding of each other.

Then what should we do next? Xu Shen asked the more mature-looking elder sister in front of him.

Tu Wenwen also probably realized that this Mr. Xu was not very old, but with the temperament of the people in the troupe, he would probably be valued to a certain extent if he could come in.

Then he said: Isn't it said to be a black-hearted space similar to Infinite Flow? I have read several similar novels. Although the black-hearted are black-hearted in those places, the exchange is not too deceptive, at least at the low end. You’re here, why don’t you try it first?”

That's right! Xu Shen nodded.

He rubbed his hands in excitement.

When it comes to cannibalism, he has already felt the cruelty of the fragmented world outside, and this carnival is no less cruel.

If possible, he would like to use all available channels to arm himself as much as possible.

At least you can't be treated like a child by Wan Yi and Chen Changcai!

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