My doppelganger drama

Chapter 214 Silent Forgetting

Wan Yi's partner this morning is Chen Sixue.

Speaking of which, Wan Yi and Modern Brother initially gossiped about the relationship between captain Fang Donghao, Chen Sixue and Shangguan He Qin when they were bored.

The three of them are actually quite young. They have been working hard in the city for a long time. The young look on their faces is mainly due to the fact that they have become stronger.

They have known each other and formed a partnership for a short period of time, and at least for now, the three of them are normal people with no strange pursuits or abnormal hobbies. This situation is hard not to make people daydream.

In the end, everything was normal. At least in front of Wan Yi and Modern Brother, the relationship between the threesome was just like ordinary friends.

Wan Yi was disappointed and finally lost interest.

As for asking directly.

Haha, Wan Yi thinks that his emotional intelligence is quite high, but sometimes he deliberately doesn't show it to be that high, really.

Wan Yi picked up the phone and called on time.

Chen Sixue answered the call quickly: Hey, you're so stuck on time.

I think it's rude to ask senior to take the initiative to contact me. Wan Yi joked.

You are so talkative. Chen Sixue laughed twice, and then asked: We've only been apart for a while, so there shouldn't be anything going on over there, right?

Ah, I'm experiencing stress. Wan Yi said casually.

Pfft! The other person seemed to be drinking water. Hearing this, he immediately stopped holding back. How long have we been apart?!

I don't know, a gorilla who told me to shut up without saying a word, but it has been dealt with.

What? Did you handle it yourself?

The magic girl did it very neatly. It was taken care of in a few or two times. Wan Yidao, adding by the way, My attack can't kill the pressure monster.

Please sort out the information and send it to the group. Chen Sixue said seriously.

Well, I'm typing words. Wan Yi responded casually, but in fact he was not doing it at all.

Are you okay? Are you injured?

If something happens, I won't be able to call you properly. Anyway, I'll just hang up now.

take care.

After the call was hung up, Wan Yi picked up the phone and wrote down the summary of what had just happened.

There is nothing to hide, just be the captain and take the reward for his hard work these days.

The information that the pressure monster cannot be killed is still very important, and it will increase the danger of this boundary time and space exponentially.

It is better to have a foundation early.

But just when he was about to send it, Fang Donghao suddenly sent a photo to a temporary chat group established by several people.

The photo showed a still strange-looking pressure monster standing on the street.

I found the pressure was weird. I didn't get close. The opponent was very fast and was gone, he said.

Seeing this sentence, Wan Yi didn't react at all. He just blinked and there was nothing in the group chat.

What just happened?

The memory came back quickly, and he suddenly remembered what had just happened.

Fang Donghao just sent a picture of the pressure monster, and then said that it was not close and let the other party run away.

Just like that, the message he was supposed to have sent in the group just now was gone, and there was no sign of withdrawal. The group was still quiet.

Until Chen Sixue came out, everyone in Aite said: Wan Yi encountered a pressure monster and a magical girl!

Only then did everyone say something.

So fast?

“I don’t know if it’s good luck or bad luck.”

Anyway, as long as everyone is fine... he should be fine.

It's okay, he should be preparing a report.

Seeing this, Wan Yi directly sent the words he had just coded.

Ignoring the discussion in the group, Wan Yi immediately said to himself: Did the memory just be deleted again?

Yes, your mind suddenly went blank just now.

Then it was filled in by the memories of other brothers.

Brother Modern, did you just see what was posted in the group?

I saw it, just like you, but it disappeared all of a sudden. Judging from their reaction, it was as if what just happened never happened.

Having said this, Wan Yi quickly remembered what Xiaoduo's pink rabbit said.

Memories related to stress monsters are easy to deal with, but memories related to magical girls are troublesome. Is this how it behaves? Wan Yi said.

Memories related to stress monsters can be easily deleted without finding anyone who knows them.

It's not just memory. Just like Xiaoduo dealt with the messy office just now, Wan Yi thought it was similar to the ability to restore the original state at first, but now looking at it, it's actually much more than that.

The message that had been sent disappeared into thin air, and everyone forgot what they had experienced.


Although it is indeed very reasonable for those elves to deal with the aftermath to reduce the expansion of the impact, it still feels a bit creepy when you think about it.

Forget about borderline natives, amnestics can also be easily effective on outsiders.

There is no doubt that although the danger of this boundary being invincible in terms of strength has not yet been felt, the things shown so far can already be regarded as a very high-risk boundary.

And these are just the appetizers of this boundary.

Wan Yike doesn't think that the two pressure monsters he has seen so far are all there is to this boundary.

The mission of a hundred pressure monsters is very troublesome. Modern Brother said that even if you use the field to kill the moneyless pressure monster, it is a bit reluctant. Reasonable consideration, if the pressure monster is too strong, then Modern Brother's field may not be effective. .

If you want to complete the mission of the pressure monster, you will most likely need to rely on a magical girl.

But the magical girl herself is on another branch of the mission, and compared to a hundred pressure monsters, the amount is only one.

Can such a good thing happen?

Wan Yi recalled the Gothic Chainsaw Girl and Dark Tentacle Girl he had seen so far.

Shake his head slightly.

It's unexpectedly a bit challenging. Wan Yi said.

He hadn't forgotten the strange figure he saw before the shut-up monster came out.

According to the formula of Pretty Cure, maybe that thing is the cadre of the villain organization that produces stress monsters?

But there are also doubts. It seems that the pressure monster in this boundary can be generated naturally and does not require manual intervention.

Or is the manual one better?

When he first arrived, he had a lot of questions. Wan Yi didn't plan to be too hasty. He believed that the answer would be found in the end.

As long as people don't die.

When I looked back at the group, the conversation immediately became explosive.

He takes the matter of being the first to meet a stress monster and a magical girl very seriously, and all sorts of problems arise quickly.

Wan Yi also picked a few more important ones and replied to them one by one.

The main one is just one. Don’t ask in detail. I am just a witness and a passerby. I don’t know the details. I don’t know anything.

Others also knew that it was impossible to get so much information at once, so they calmed down after getting a little excited.

However, this incident happened in Fusheng University, and many of our identities are related to there, so it seems that we should pay more attention to it. The captain of Team B said.

Yes, the magical girl is most likely a girl in college.

College students are now adults, right? a team member said.

Are you no longer a girl when you become an adult? Chen Sixue posted, followed by a smirking emoticon.

I didn't mean that...

In short, those who stay in Fusheng University for a long time should pay more attention. Of course, safety is still the top priority. Fang Donghao said.

Everyone responded.

Wan Yi also put away his mobile phone and came to a garden of the school.

The original intention was to get some fresh air away from other people, but suddenly I heard a strange noise.

Wan Yi glanced over and said, Dong Kaimen, why are you hiding here?

The other party was startled, stood up quickly and said, Wan Yi?

It's me, don't worry, I'm not a gorilla.

... The other party looked at Wan Yi in silence.

Uh, maybe what you're more afraid of is not the gorilla covering its ears but Zhou Lulu? Wan Yi said.

Hearing Zhou Lulu's name, Dong Kaimen suddenly trembled: Don't mention her.

What's going on? Is the teacher so afraid of the students?

Don't ask too many questions! Dong Kaimen turned his head suddenly, his eyes bloodshot.

Wan Yi said without changing his expression: I'm sorry, I don't know what the relationship is between you two. You know, I just came here this semester.

Dong opened the door and covered his head, sighing, then sat down on the seat next to him: Let me be quiet.

Just be quiet.

Do you have to say something back to me?

You don't have to reply.

Shut up, okay!? I want to be quiet! Dong Kaimen yelled at Wan Yi.

Wan Yi stayed where he was.

When Wan Yi stopped talking, he put his elbows on his knees and lowered his head.

Okay, I shut up.


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