My doppelganger drama

Chapter 213 Shut up and let me be Pretty Cure!

Wan Yi watched the girl greet the teacher with greetings.

Dong Kaikai looked at the girl in confusion and said, Who are you?

Pfft. Wan Yi laughed unabashedly as if to retaliate.

Good guy, it turns out that the Q baby comes with it. After the transformation, you can change your hairstyle and outfit, and other people will not recognize it at all. The setting is still there.

Sure enough, I still have face blindness resistance, otherwise I wouldn't be able to recognize the Gothic chainsaw girl in the morning.

By the way, is that kid okay? You won't take advantage of the opportunity to fish while being hammered.

I'm Zhou Lulu! the magical girl said eagerly.

Dong opened the door and realized it later, but soon, his face showed even greater panic: Zhou Lulu?! Don't come over!

He directly pushed Zhou Lulu away and fled.

Zhou Lulu said hurriedly: Wait a minute! Teacher, it's very dangerous for you to run around!

But as soon as he stepped out, a huge iron fist came down and came into direct contact with the magical girl's upper body.


The girl was crushed into a pool of flowing translucent black water.

It's so refreshing to watch a beautiful girl being fucked twice in one day. A clone said in his mind.

The monster gasped and covered its ears again: Shut up! Shut up! Shut up, you guys!

Wan Yi took a photo: Although I don't know what happened, I don't want to run away now.

I originally wanted to play the victim once.


The sound of the chainsaw sounded again.

The Gothic Chainsaw Girl is back on stage.

It hurts so much. The last time my spine was fractured was... Rabbit, when was the last time my spine was fractured? The chainsaw magical girl said while holding her head after firing the chainsaw.

The pink bunny elf flew out and said: How could I remember such a terrible thing! And I have said it many times, when you love to fight, you must protect yourself, and don't rely on your recovery ability to make chaos. Come!

What's the use of being reckless if you have strong recovery ability! Yiai said, raising the chainsaw and slashing at the monster in front of him.

The chainsaw dug through the thick hair on the opponent's body and stuck it into the muscles.

The amount of bleeding was huge, and normally it shouldn't be this big. It was just a hole, and blood spurted out, splattering all over the walls and ceiling of the corridor. People thought the monster was a blood bag.

The monster yelled and struck with another fist.

The girl raised her hand to block the punch, her body trembled, her steps stood firm, her posture was actually quite impressive, and then she jumped up, her body was level with the opponent's head, and she swiveled the chainsaw in the air.

The upper half of the monster's face was mangled by the chainsaw Gio and then turned into pulp and fell on the wall next to it.


Make this jokey sound.

Sister Yiai! The black liquid flowing on the ground condensed into the shape of a girl. At first, the outline was very distorted. There were waving and wriggling tentacles in many places on her body, and there were many eyes looking everywhere.

But after a while, the tentacles gradually retracted into the condensed clothes, and the outlines of the strange organs disappeared.

Lulu, you got up very early today. Yiai glanced at her and said.

Because something happened in the administration building, I came here without even brushing my teeth. Zhou Lulu rubbed her sleepy eyes.

Well, the new person you like is not a teacher, right? Iai said after being stunned for a moment.

Yes, my head teacher, Mr. Dong!

Tsk, it's better if you don't mess around.

Everyone has the right to pursue true love and happiness! Zhou Lulu said seriously.

... Yiai looked at her speechlessly, I hope you can find it.

By the way, I would like to express my condolences to Teacher Dong.

After saying that, she looked at the mess in front of her and said, Rabbit, I'll leave the aftermath to you. I still have a morning shift.

Hey, I got it. The pink bunny elf said melancholy.

Suddenly, Yi Ai later remembered: By the way, was Teacher Wan also present just now?

Teacher Wan? Who?

The new psychology teacher this semester, didn't you say he was handsome at the beginning?

Oh! Him! But he looks sinister, like a stress monster refresh machine...

He seemed to have ran into the room just now, did you see it?

Uh... um... Zhou Lulu thought for a moment, Oh! Someone seemed to say hello to me, but my attention was focused on Teacher Dong.

The two of them looked into the room together.

Nothing at all.

Tsk, he slipped away. Rabbit, did you not delete his memory last night? Yiai clicked his tongue and asked the rabbit elf next to him.

Ah? I must take care of the aftermath!

But he called me a magical girl this morning. Forget it, it shouldn't be a problem if I'm alone. After thinking about it for a while, Yiai chose to show off.

Teacher Dong ran away too! Zhou Lulu said.

What? Yi'ai's eyes twitched: Aren't you here to protect him? How could he get away?

Because he seemed to have a big reaction, which scared me. Zhou Lulu whispered.

Okay, anyway, I'm going back to class first. Yiai smoothed his hair and sighed.

Then I'll go back to bed. I played games very late last night and there's no class in the morning anyway. Zhou Lulu yawned.

Where's your partner? Yi'ai said after looking around.

Papa is sleeping too. He plays games with me, and he just said that if I love you, he will definitely come. Xiaoduo doesn't need it now. Zhou Lulu said and looked at the pink rabbit next to her, whose face was darkened.

That guy has forgotten all his responsibilities! Bastard! Xiaoduo, the pink rabbit with a very good temper, finally couldn't help but cursed.

But to no avail.

Finally, Yi Ai and Zhou Lulu left, and Little Rabbit began to deal with the aftermath.

It rubbed its hands, and many white light balls appeared around it.

With a clap of his little hand, the ball of light dissipated like a bubble. Immediately afterwards, all the dirty blood stains, the messy corridors and even the office were restored to their original appearance.

The memory related to the stress monster is easy to eliminate, but it is still very troublesome to find the memory of the magical girl directly. Little Rabbit complained.

It turns out that there are different ways to delete the two kinds of memories.

Yeah, so those who work in logistics are also very tired... huh?!

The little rabbit was startled, turned his head suddenly, and saw a camera clicking at it.

Wan Yi looked at the elf in front of him with a kind smile.

Teacher Wan! Why are you here!

I've always been here. Wan Yi smiled.

It's just a simple nightmare-like hiding.

Anyway, let me delete that bad memory for you! Xiaoduo said quickly.

Then there's no need for it. If you have too many debts, it's useless if you delete this for me. Wan Yi grabbed the flying rabbit.

Teacher, let me go! Rabbit struggled hard, but it was of no use in Wan Yi's hands.

Don't be so anxious. I've seen a lot of interesting things these days, and I want to ask you some questions. Wan Yi said.

What do you want to ask? The more you know, the less good it will be. It will only increase the pressure! Little Rabbit argued.

It should be nothing more than questions like what a magical girl is and what a stress monster is. After something like this that challenges people's perspective appears in people's field of vision, humans are always so unable to restrain their curiosity.

Then it heard Wan Yi say:

Shut up and let me be PreCure.


Bah, let me be a magical girl.

No! It doesn't sound like a magical girl can be a boy! Xiaoduo didn't understand.

Anyway, just tell me if you can do it?

No, I can't do it. My decompression core has already been given to Yi Ai. We can't conjure one out of thin air for you! Xiaoduo said quickly.

Decompression core?

It's like Kamen Rider's transformation belt and props... Xiaoduo said aggrievedly.

I'm very suspicious of your use of this metaphor in Magical Girls. Where can I find other decompression cores? Wan Yi continued to ask.

I don't know either! I only know what I want to do, but I don't know how I was born. The little rabbit had tears in his eyes.

Wan Yi frowned, feeling the urge to eat spicy rabbit heads.

I will do it! A clone immediately raised his hand.

I can do it too! I've specially practiced it before!

I want to eat!

I will eat it too! I have eaten it before!

What does it mean to have eaten specially?

I was tricked into trying the food by the brothers who cook at home...

You are so great.

Wan Yi loosened his grip on the rabbit.

The little rabbit flew in the air and gasped: You don't want to crush me to death, do you?

No, it's hard to make rabbit head meat if you crush it to death. Wan Yi said casually.

Huh? Bunny is so cute!

Anyway, I'm probably confident. I don't have to delete the memory. You didn't delete it all last night. I'm very disappointed in you. Wan Yi looked at the rabbit condescendingly and said.

Xiaoduo trembled, wondering why he was disappointed instead of deleting his memory.

Shouldn't ordinary people be angry because their memories have been deleted?

Suddenly, Wan Yi raised his hand and looked at his watch. He was about to contact his random partner, so he said goodbye directly: I still have something to do, so that's it for now. See you next time.

Xiaoduo looked at Wan Yi's leaving figure and breathed a sigh of relief again.

What's going on with this person? The stress level on him is so high. He's obviously a human, but he acts like a stress monster. If he really turns into a stress monster, love alone may not be able to deal with it. Xiaoduo thought. road.

Anyway, I have to tell Yi Ai quickly! It quickly flew away from here.

Wan Yi walked on the road and said to himself: Unfortunately, for the brothers who have signed up before to become magical girls, we can't even make room for the time being.

Shut up! Let me be a magical girl!

You have to solve the problem! Ontology! You can't create the problem! You have to solve it!

Ahem, am I the only one who wants to be a stress monster?

Well, I think we're pretty stressed out.

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