My doppelganger drama

Chapter 208 Let’s go on an adventure together

Wan Yi got up and rubbed his eyes.

In order to watch Red's story, he lay in bed non-stop for two days. Even though the theater omitted many unimportant events, the time it was condensed was not short.


Hearing the sound, Wan Yi turned around and saw Mr. Mask lying on the bedside.

Today's Mr. Mask is a white Persian cat.

Good morning Mr. Mask.


Lie down for too long and you think I'm dead? It's okay. It doesn't matter if I'm dead or not. As long as I'm still moving around the other people in the room, you don't have to worry about your future rations.


Wan Yi rubbed Mr. Mask, went to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and took a look.

There are a lot of things in the refrigerator, and he himself has not restocked it, but his avatar who is always at home and leisurely seems to have nothing to do and likes to cook all kinds of things.

Just like some food bloggers, all the equipment and ingredients are arranged for them. When they have nothing to do, they like to make their own dishes that take several times longer to prepare than to eat.

Body, body, do you want to eat? A clone in the living room saw this and ran over quickly.

Eat whatever you want to fill your belly.

Then let me do it!

Wan Yi glanced at him: Something's wrong.

How could there be a clone willing to take the initiative to serve him?

Don’t you know your own temperament?

Hey, I want to try the food.

Wan Yi rolled his eyes. He couldn't kill himself anyway: You can do it.

Wan Yi sat on the table, and Mr. Mask came to sit on his lap, as if he was looking forward to getting a piece of the pie later.

Another Wan Yi handed him a glass of water. Wan Yi thought he was in a restaurant. The service was very attentive.

While drinking water, he recalled a little bit about Red.

He had actually noticed that Rhett wanted to die. Rather, considering Rhett's situation, it would not be surprising if he could no longer hold on and committed suicide.

But it still makes me sad when I actually see it.

After all, this is no longer as simple as being helpless.

This is a decision made by the capable Red himself.

Just like when the Demon Lord went to save the world, he only found out when he went to the theater after the incident was over.

My feelings were very complicated at first.

Unexpectedly, Rhett would come again now.

The troupe director was finally able to interfere a little with the script, but it was difficult for him to interfere with the actors' own performances.

Rubbing his temples, Wan Yi felt that he was a little stressed.

Liang Rendao and Fukong don't have to worry too much about this, but Luo Xi... it's hard to say.

Thinking about it, Wan Yi over there seemed to have finally finished cooking.

Strawberry Mapo Tofu? Wan Yi didn't hold back.

He deliberately didn't pay attention to the synchronization here so as to leave a little surprise for himself, and it turned out to be a big surprise in the end.

Have a try! Wan Yi, the clone of the initiator, said with a smile.

The clone thought about it, but Wan Yi still moved the spoon.

Only eat the mapo tofu part...

Grass. Wan Yi's lips were red and aroused.

There are even a series of dishes on one dish, are they finished yet?

He will first use a shocking appearance to give you a blow, but when you think you can avoid the risk, he will reveal the true meaning of its flavor.

Wan Yi frowned and finished eating the mapo tofu portion.

There was some tofu and all the strawberries left for Mr. Mask.

Mr. Mask stood on the table and looked at the leftovers Wan Yi left for him, lost in thought.

After Wan Yi washed his mouth, he took out the terminal and sent a message to Chen Changcai.

What to do if you are stressed? Of course, it is to go out for a walk and relax.

Exploring unknown boundaries seems like a good idea.

Hey, we've been talking so much lately.

Suddenly, a long-lost voice appeared in my mind.

Brother Modern?!

Brother Hyundai is out of seclusion!?


Everyone is celebrating, should we have a party?

Have a party! Have a party!

You just want to have a party, what does that have to do with me? Brother Modern complained.

Welcome back, I haven't seen you bubble for a long time. Wan Yi said.

It was really hard for me to figure out that field, but now I finally feel something. I still can't stand the feeling of hard training, so I ran out quickly. Brother Modern said with a smile.

Wan Yi heard this and directly reviewed Brother Modern's feelings during this period.

But even if he achieved complete personal experience through synchronization, Wan Yi was still a little confused. Because in his memories, Hyundai didn't actually do much. He just thought about it every day, shot guns, and looked at the guns and bullets to think. As for what he was thinking about in the end, he couldn't quite figure it out.

Then, before you know it, the feeling comes.

In the end, it has no reference value at all. Wan Yida said.

Hehe, yes, but now I can indeed do the field that Huang Pu mentioned. It's quite simple to use it after I figure it out.

Anyway, it'll be good if you can. Wan Yi said.

At least it's starting from scratch, and experience is better than nothing.

Congratulations, Brother Modern, you are finally back. The little princess suddenly said.

Well, wow, you guys have really done a lot of things recently. Brother Modern seemed to have gone through a lot of recent memories and couldn't help but sigh.

You can do more things if you come. Brother Grudge is too ritualistic and the efficiency is much lower.

If you think someone is slow in doing things, you can just say so. There is no need to be so secretive between each other. Brother Green Devil said with a smile.

What? Have you ever seen a ghost who just shows his face without saying a word or preparing anything? This way, the experience of the deceased will be very bad! Brother Gu Grudge immediately put his head in.

Look, that's it. The little princess said ruthlessly.

I'll go wherever it's more fun. Hyundai Brother finally said.

Have fun? Then consider joining me? Wan Yi asked.

Brother Modern immediately said: Exploring unknown boundaries? It feels good. Hehe, I can be regarded as the first pioneer among us to do this. As expected, my old profession is still suitable for me.

Body, don't kidnap people! A lot of people have gone to the Sinking Sky Island Group to have fun, and there will be no one here to do anything! the little princess said, rubbing her thick black hair.

You can also take a rest and go to the sink for a vacation.

Really? I'll get ready right away!

Such a simple matter, an internal dispute within Wanyi was resolved.

If you don't want to do something, you won't do it. Wan Yi people do things largely because of their interests.

At noon a few days later, Wan Yi arrived at the long-lost East City Gate according to Chen Changcai's arrangement.

In front of the city gate, many people were already in place.

Wan Yi's arrival did not attract much attention. After all, everyone gathered here can be regarded as the elite characters of 014 Sky Island. According to Chen Changcai, they all started with at least three qualitative transformations, and they also had a large number of skill fragments and perfect props.

They are all pillars of the city.

Wan Yi found his team.

There are a total of seven teams dispatched this time. They use the Heavenly Stem Plan. Don't ask why they don't simply use numbers, because that's how the superiors want to arrange them.

Wan was also placed in team C.

In addition to Wan Yi, the team already has four people.

Hello. Wan Yi greeted politely.

Well, you are Wan Yi, right? Hello, it will be a pleasure to work with you in the next period of time. My name is Fang Donghao. The man at the head, who looked very refreshed, said to Wan Yi.

The two shook hands.

These two are teammates who I have worked with many times before, Chen Sixue and Shangguan He Qin. Let me get to know each other.

Fang Donghao introduced his old teammates again. Both women have outstanding looks and seem to be easy to talk to. Chen Sixue is more lively and has short hair. Shangguan He Qin looks quieter and has a ponytail.

This friend is also relatively unfamiliar. Then Fang Donghao introduced the man behind him.

Wan Yi looked over.

It was strange to Fang Donghao, but Wan Yi was very familiar with it.

The familiar Scarface and the beloved black suit.

Who else could it be if he wasn't Hyundai?

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