My doppelganger drama

Chapter 207 Red Criticism Conference

Rhett opened a small door in front of him with anxiety.

There is a familiar theater in front of him. Whenever he feels that the pressure is huge and it is difficult to persevere, he will come here to relax and talk with his extraordinary friends.

But unlike before, when Rhett came this time, the pressure was far greater than outside.

He saw several figures.

The familiar troupe leader, Wan Yi. Of course this one is here.

And the extra ones made him even more nervous.

Fu Kong looked cold.

Sipping the tea with a smile on his face, he gave Rhett a wish for it look, a good-natured way of preparing to watch a good show.

And Luo Xi who secretly nibbled on the dried fish.

Except for Coffin and the demon lord who is said to be sleeping, the most common and talkative people are all there.

There is no doubt that what follows, in the words of the troupe leader, is a public execution.

If there is anyone in the world who values ​​Rhett's life more than Rhett himself, it is undoubtedly everyone in the theater.

Because although they have different appearances and different experiences, tracing back to their roots, they are all the same person.

His life, in a sense, is not entirely his own.

Of course, this is just Red's idea, he also said it. Fu Kong and Liang Rendao do not have this idea at all. This is also the difference in the concepts of the people in the play, but they will not deny each other.

Turn back to the front.

Red looked at Wan Yi.

Since meeting Wan Yi, Red has never seen Wan Yi's face look so bad.

Even if Wan Yi was disgusted by his clone, or encountered other unpleasant things and came up to complain to them, it would always be relaxed, as if there was never too much pressure.

But today, his face was gloomy, his head lowered and he didn't know what he was thinking.

And Fu Kong...

Fu Kong is not good at expressing most of his emotions, but there are a few exceptions. According to Wan Yi's teasing, he can be divided into three phases: unhappy phase, angry phase, and murderous intention phase.

Now...according to Red's understanding of him, it should be the murderous intention period.

Luo Xi, on the other hand, was not very unhappy. On the contrary, he was more impressed. It might have been more serious if he didn't chew the dried fish, but his actions now can actually help Red relieve some of the pressure.

Luo Xi is the latest actor in the drama, and he has always kept his profile very low. Except for Coffin, he seeks advice from everyone else in the drama. His performance at this time is not surprising.

Dear man... Rhett couldn't see it, so he skipped it.

He stood firm, considered it, and said, I'm back.

You know how to come back. Wan Yi said the classic statement made by parents when their children forget to come home from playing outside.

I'm sorry, I made my own decision. Rhett said.

Wan Yi faced each other with the five fingers of his hands and raised his index finger: Fu Kong, go up and punch him.

Fu Kong did not speak, but stood up directly, his attitude was quite obvious.

Red stood at attention ready for a spanking.


Rhett felt his head shake, and then after a brief period of darkness, he opened his eyes and still stood where he was.

Fu Kong stood aside, not squinting.

Rhett thought about it for a moment.

He should have been punched in the head just now.

As expected of Fu Kong, such a fast speed.

Even after merging Azula and further improving his life form, Red still had difficulty catching Fu Kong's movements at close range without concentrating.

He collected his thoughts and continued to look at Wan Yi.

Luo Xi huddled in the corner and gnawed on dried fish, not daring to breathe.

He had only fought with Coffin and Red in the theater so far, and the ending was always on point. Red was very polite and would not go too far, while Coffin called Wan Yi urgently and stopped.

I have never competed with Fu Kong, nor have I experienced being killed by a hammer blast in a theater.

Very good, he decided never to compete with Fu Kong in the theater in the future.

But... the troupe leader and Fukong seemed really angry, and Luo Xi felt that there was a story in this.

He looked around quietly.

When he saw Liang Rendao, Liang Rendao smiled and raised his glass to him.

This big guy is really laid back.

I will always respect the choices of all of you. Finally, after a period of silence that suffocated Luo Xi, Wan Yi said, You are me, but you are not me. You are separated from me, but what you have experienced is far more colorful than myself.”

I regard you as independent people, and watch the stories of each character in the play with an attitude of appreciation and acceptance.

But you, Mr. Fieldstone. Wan Yi stretched out his hand to signal Red.

Do you consider us friends?

Of course. Rhett nodded seriously.

Then give him another punch. Wan Yi suddenly spoke, obviously speaking to Fukong.

This time, Rhett saw the fist.


The head is broken again.

Rhett adapted quickly this time.

After all, for him now, the explosion in his head is no longer a fatal injury, so he quickly eased off the second time.

But Fukong was still standing, as if he hadn't moved just now.

Think of us as friends, then why didn't you say a word when you were about to commit suicide? If I hadn't happened to come up today, would you have really been prepared to write this script to me without saying a word? Write a full stop?! Wan Yi forcefully patted the red-covered script on his lap.

Rhett was silent, lowered his head, like a child who had made a mistake.

I see everything you do. It's hard for me not to admire every choice you make. If I were you, I might have chosen to compromise and sink in for a long time. Wan Also Tao.

However, you are completely immersed in your own plan! Now that you are not dead, you realize belatedly: Ah! I seem to have some things that I haven't finished thinking about! I came back so shamelessly!

Wan Yi said as if he wanted to throw the script in his hand at Red's head.

After another long silence, Rhett said: I am willing to accept any punishment.

That's what you said. Wan Yi's tone calmed down a little.

Rhett nodded.

Write a 10,000-word self-reflection. When the next time the devil wakes up, all of us will sit here and watch you stand on the stage and recite the self-reflection loudly. The gloom on Wan Yi's face suddenly disappeared, revealing a familiar evil smile.

Rhett was stunned.

What, are you dissatisfied?


Okay. Wan Yi nodded with satisfaction. The emotions that had been brewing for so long were finally in vain. You have a lot of things to deal with yourself. Just do whatever you want. I'm leaving.

After saying that, he left the theater directly.

Fu Kong's expression remained cold and unimproved. He glanced at Red and said, When doing things, consider the consequences carefully. Don't insist on doing things like 'death'.

He walked past Rhett and paused for a moment: Just come back.

Then leave through the side door.

The two most grumpy ones left, the atmosphere relaxed, and Red relaxed a little.

Azula was right.

The achievement of not dying is the greatest torture for Red.

That's what happened just now.

Just now, was the troupe leader acting or was he serious? Luo Xi asked slowly.

Rhett thought for a moment and did not give an answer rashly, but it was obvious that he felt that some of Wan Yi's words came from the bottom of his heart.

As for the review...

This should be the most serious part of the passage just now.

If you ask me, of course it's all true. It's just that he is used to turning bad things into good things. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to survive the hard days back then. Liang Rendao said with a smile.

I don't think review is a good thing... Of course, I don't mean to be dissatisfied. Reid said.

It's the first time I've seen the two of them get so angry. Although Fukong's expression always seems to be the same, his momentum doesn't lie. It's even more complicated for the troupe leader. Luo Xi was still frightened.

Understand, the last time the two of them were so angry was the Demon Lord who chose to have his own way. Liang Rendao said casually.

Huh? What happened to the Demon Lord? Luo Xi was confused.

The same goes for Rhett. He had read the script of The Demon Lord, but he was distracted by various things before watching the end. Now that he thinks about it, he has to pick it up later.

However, he suddenly recalled something.

If both Fukong and the troupe director had been angry because of an incident involving the Demon Lord, was that incident related to the conflict between Fukong and the Demon Lord?

Liang Rendao shook his teacup: When he chose to go back and devour the Great World Demonic Dragon, it was tantamount to death. I'm not even sure he could survive. And the troupe director was too preoccupied with himself at the time and was not in the theater. Fukong persuaded him for a long time. , people didn’t listen, and it ended up like what it is now. Of course, as you can see, he must have come back alive in the end, but it obviously left a shadow on the troupe leader and Xiao Fukong.”

Red and Luo Xi were silent.

On the one hand, he thinks that we are independent, and any outcome should be brought about by our own actions. Whether it is good or bad, whether it is comedy or tragedy, it is acceptable. But he still doesn't like tragedy. Even so, I still force myself to watch every drama.

Liang Rendao's tone was melodious, sounding a little pleased.

People are careless, but with people like this waiting for us, don't we always feel confident in our hearts?

Yes. Luo Xi nodded decisively.

So does Rhett.

So, Luo Xi, you should pay more attention in the future.

Ah? Of course I won't. It's a pity that I'm going to die. Luo Xi said decisively.

Haha. Liang Rendao laughed heartily, came to the side door, and pointed to Rhett again before leaving, Looking forward to your 10,000-word review.

Rhett was a little embarrassed, but there was nothing he could do except nod.

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