Chapter 291 Fully disintegrated

With the first representative speaking out.

Those who had been waiting for a long time scrambled to issue a barrage.

Because now everyone wants to understand that this is not a question of whether to lag behind, but a question of how far ahead.

With Xia Guo’s level of technology and production speed, as long as he cooperates well, he can directly squeeze into the world’s first-class level.

Moreover, this time it really broke the monopoly of those semiconductor companies on this level.

What if we can’t produce high-precision lithography machines, and now we can buy them directly, how different is it from making them ourselves?

Moreover, it does not cost money.

As for what signal receiving station.

Just like the boss said, Jian is built in our own country, and let him not interfere. It is not that we have the final say on “Nine-Thirty-Nine”.

Strictly speaking, it has no effect on us at all.

What’s more, listening to what people said just now, after the establishment of the signal receiving station, in terms of signal transmission, etc., it will definitely have a terrifying improvement than before.

This is a good thing to benefit the country and the people.

What is said to be controlled by others? It is a peaceful age and we have no idea of ​​fighting for hegemony, so this is not something we should consider at all.

With this kind of thinking, more and more representatives of small and medium-sized countries have joined in one after another.

Without Ye Tian speaking, the technical staff on the side quickly began to count.

And the Wushuang company’s contact information was posted on the public screen.

There will be a dedicated person to discuss the next construction plan with those representatives.

The registration for the live broadcast room is like a fire.

The representatives of the countries that successfully signed up also laughed.

Those semiconductor monopolies before, at this moment are all blushing.

“Damn it, what Xia Guo wants to do!

“He’s doing it like this, it’s simply killing him!”

“No, you can’t just watch him mess up like this, you must stop it, otherwise we won’t have a foothold in the future!”

“Stop? How to stop? This is Ciguoguo’s revenge, don’t forget, just before, we were still imposing global sanctions and blockades on others, and now they are just acting on the other’s way!”

“Then we just watched him take our market away and trample us under our feet?”

“Otherwise, let’s get one of his lithography machines back for research? I believe that with our strength, as long as we work together, it won’t be difficult to crack his lithography machine!”

“Indeed, it is not difficult to crack his lithography machine. The difficult thing is, how do we unite, just talk about the previous lithography machine, your one is not tightly covering the key technology, even now, you have A few are willing to share the technology, but can’t do it, why should they crack the lithography machine?

Also, what if it is cracked, do you have a super assembly line like that? Someone’s production efficiency?

Nothing, talk about resistance!”

In a video conference that had already started, the heads of major semiconductor technology companies were discussing with a gloomy expression.

But after talking for a long time, the answers I got were all horror and despair.

They never thought that the behemoth composed of themselves and others would fall into such a situation between Dan and Ta.

Moreover, it is still completely unsolvable.

After a long silence.

Finally someone couldn’t help but made a gesture to his hand.

According to the contact information given on the public screen of Ye Tian’s live broadcast room, the purchase consultation was started.

“Boss, in terms of sharp points, if you make a purchase request, do you accept it?”

Suddenly, a shout came into the ears of everyone in the live broadcast room.

A person in charge of Wushuang company’s lithography machine business consulting said with a loud voice.

This roar made the others feel nothing.

Those representatives in the video conference changed their expressions.

He looked at the blond man in one of the seats.

The blond man’s face flushed suddenly.

After a while, he hesitated: “Don’t be nervous, everyone, I just ask people to ask if there are other ways to solve the current crisis. After all, knowing yourself and the enemy can win all battles.”

However, his words obviously did not make the anger in other people’s eyes disappear.

Until another yelling sound…0

“Boss, Yamato put forward a purchase request, do you accept it?”

Ye Tian looked at the yelling person with satisfaction, and nodded to him with a smile.

I have to say that the worker he had identified before has a really loud voice.

It roared like thunder.

But the effect is also obvious.

Can make people hear clearly in the first time.

But at this point, Ye Tian’s true intentions were revealed.

Isn’t it awesome, will it be monopolized?

Let’s see, if you really want to monopolize, who is more powerful.

Then let’s see if you, the monopolistic members who were so high in the past, are so calm and watchful that those small and inconspicuous countries have surpassed themselves in terms of semiconductor technology.

As long as they can’t hold back their breath, Ye Tian’s divorce plan is basically completed.

Once such an inseparable monopoly group is disintegrated, the following war will be much easier to fight.

With Ye Tian’s thoughts.

The loud worker began to yell again.

One by one unexpected representative names were exposed.

It was also announced that the video conference of the monopoly group was almost in name only.

This time, except for the representatives of the United States and Helan who were still clamoring and cursing frantically, everyone else withdrew from the meeting while 4.7 people were not paying attention.

“Damn, damn, damn! You guys, wait for us, I will definitely make you look good!”

Seeing that there were only two people left in the conference room, the U.S. representative finally couldn’t help but slammed a punch on the table, biting and screaming.

at the same time.

Inside the Wall Street Financial Building.

The situation is obviously more serious than the atmosphere in the video conference.

Even Soros is completely gloomy now.

“How is it possible, this dead dog, how dare he! Doesn’t he know, once his identity is known to the world, what will he face? Does he not want to live?”.

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