Chapter 290 Who can’t keep up with whose rhythm

Ye Tian’s voice fell.

The live broadcast room suddenly boiled.

“It’s weird. Every time there is a new action, the boss’s operation can be advanced. I thought it was well-informed before. Now it seems that this is not a well-informed thing at all. It is how the boss wants to go. You can go as you like.”

“No, the stock market is going up and down. The boss has never been afraid. It turns out that the confidence is here.~”

“If what the boss said just now is true, then this time the mobile phone industry is about to usher in a real big reshuffle. With just one chip, the performance is directly increased by one-third, and the price is still cheap. I really can’t think of it. For any reason, everyone does not choose a promising mobile phone.”

“So, the story is back to the beginning, rotten pear mobile phone,-whoever buys it is stupid.

“It doesn’t matter, people can internalize it, isn’t it that their people are forbidden to buy other mobile phones? This reminds me of a sentence, the most miserable person can only be family members.”

“Heh, now some people have really lifted a rock and hit themselves in the foot. Three hundred million units. It means that we can’t produce them. Now? Don’t say anything else, just the one in front of you, and the previous one. For that station, work overtime to complete the order is not difficult. I see how they finish this time.

“The boss and Youwei have the foresight and received their full deposit. Just make a lot of money first.”

“Damn, it’s okay if you don’t say this. When you said this, I remembered that the boss did not know where to get 1.2 trillion yuan from it, saying that it was the money from a mysterious organization. Now it seems that the 1.2 trillion yuan, no Is it the money for 300 million mobile phones? If you guessed correctly, the boss used enemy bullets to hit the enemy!”

“It seems to be the case, otherwise, whoever can move it will take out trillions, and the time just coincides.”

“Boss, you are too bad. It’s a rhythm that smashes the dead.”

“Excuse me, how long can this type of lithography machine be produced?”

During the weekly broadcast, fans were excited afterwards.

In the barrage, a foreign id started to ask questions.

Ye Tian waited for a while, and it was these people who couldn’t calm down to ask questions by themselves.

As long as they ask, their next layout is basically stable.

“How long it takes to produce one is not up to me, but up to you. When will your signal receiving station be completed in accordance with the requirements, when will I be ready.”

“Heh, it’s finally revealed, what are you building as a lithography machine?

Even if Helan gathers the world’s scientific and technological forces to build a high-tech one, it will take a year, how fast can you build it?

At that time, the signal receiving station is built, and you have to say that the lithography machine is not built, isn’t it at your mercy?

What an empty glove white wolf!

I think you have made this idea from the beginning. You want to control other people’s communication market, and then it will slowly corrode.

Everyone in the world, you can think clearly!

We will calculate according to the production speed of Helan.

If so many of you want to buy, it will take decades to add up.

Science and technology are changing with each passing day. Who knows how far the lithography machine has been developed by the time they deliver it?”

Ye Tian’s voice just fell.

At the beginning of the barrage, there was a bright sunspot’s words drifting quickly, and it immediately caught everyone’s attention.

“Oh, that’s not bad, it’s still a high-level black, and you can highlight and expand the font to speak. This barrage will cost you a lot of money.”

“Well, this is a real high-level black, nothing wrong.

“Heizi’s combat effectiveness this time is good and lasting. This is the credit of everyone. If he didn’t get rid of Heizi in the first time, it is worthy of praise.”

Ye Tian looked at the barrage, and noticed that there was no foreign id in the other barrage before speaking, and the corner of his mouth was also picked up.

“Okay, that’s good. Just now this person has got the point.

Science and technology are changing with each passing day. If you hesitate now and are blacklisted by me, it is really hard to say whether you can keep up with the rhythm of this society in the future. ”

“Cut, alarmist, who do you think you are!”

Heizi’s words immediately drifted by, stunned.

“It doesn’t matter who I am, but you have to be clear. As for the lithography machine in front of me, from performance to volume to appearance, is there any impact on the world’s lithography machine industry?

Just my machine is more than ten top lithography machines produced by the so-called top companies in your mouth.

..0 Seeking flowers…

Isn’t this enough to explain the problem?

Facts have proved that in terms of lithography machines, we are now deservedly No. 1 in the world. The person who spoke just now, may I ask, what do you use to make our world No. 1 unable to keep up with the rhythm of society?”

“What’s the use of good performance? The complexity of the lithography machine is destined that he will not be able to manufacture it for a while. Why do you sell it on a large scale?”

“Why? Just now, my fans praised you as a high-level black, now you have become a brainless black?

Why can’t you see it?

Did I show you the most complicated cutting-edge technology materials that you mentioned just now?

So for every technical part and material, there are dozens of parts without a hundred points, right?

With these materials, is it difficult for me to produce dozens or hundreds of units?

Or, do you think that we have produced even the most complicated technical parts, and it is difficult for us to produce ordinary parts that are ordinary and bad?

There are materials and parts. You just looked at the assembly. How long did we use it, and haven’t there been an hour?

So now, representatives of all countries in the live broadcast room, please tell me, which country can build a signal receiving station so fast that I can’t keep up with you?”

Ye Tian finished speaking coldly.

Look at the camera.

The live broadcast room fell into tranquility again.

Heizi, who was still tit-for-tat just now, was completely silent.

The rest of those who were interested recalled the words just now.

They were all surprised.

Because at this moment everyone finally knows why Ye Tian Gang オ will show various exposures again and again.

Isn’t it about letting people like yourself see how strong the other party is?

I should have thought of these things a long time ago. Actually, he was brought to the rhythm by the sunspot.

“Boss, on behalf of Batan, I ordered a 10nm lithography machine.”

“Boss, on behalf of the fighting clan, I ordered ten 10 nanometer lithography machines and the required signal receiving stations, and construction can begin immediately.”

Thank you brothers who voted for monthly tickets and reminders, and brothers who voted for flowers and appraisal, you are very helpful. Mountain.

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