Chapter 266 The game is dazzling because of him

The sound of Chinese mythology fell.

The scene suddenly became quiet.

Even the most ferocious audience who questioned just now closed their mouths in disbelief.

The show crew is not shady, they don’t know.

But who is Huashen, debuted for decades, has zero scandals, and is a role model in the industry.

Representative of loyalty and benevolence.

The audience may not believe in the program group, but they will never fail to believe in Huashen.

Because a superstar of the level of Huashen, it is absolutely impossible to trouble himself with these things.

What’s more, everyone just saw that it was Huashen who took the initiative to speak.

So if it weren’t for the not-to-play champion called the boss who really had such strength, how could Huashen not risk being abused by others to come out-this package ticket.

After a moment of silence.

There were waves of tsunami-like cheers.

That is Ye Tian’s fans broke out.

In the face of everyone’s doubts before, although the fans were upset, they were really powerless to refute it.

After all, my boss really didn’t come, no matter what, it’s a bit unreasonable.

But now Huashen’s support has given everyone more confidence.

“Hua Shen, I love you, I know, I haven’t liked you in vain for so many years.”

“Hua Shen v5, based on what you said today, I will still like you again.”

“The boss is the boss, and Huashen is also the boss, the same domineering.

“I am proud of being a fan of Huashen. Both of our bosses are the strongest.

The promotion of Huashen came out and raised a sea of ​​praise on the scene.

The celebrities in the audience also responded to Huashen’s call and applauded.

On stage.

The other judges looked at Huashen with admiration, and felt ashamed.

In the realm of Huashen, it is commendable to be able to take such a big risk for a Erha.

The host was also Chang Shukou at the moment, and nodded gratefully to Huashen.

The big brothers have spoken out of righteousness.

You can’t even lose the chain on your own side.

Hold the microphone steady.

He said again.

“Thank you Huashen for your support. There were some things that we wanted to wait until later. But since Huashen is all out, we can’t hide them. Although the boss is not here yet, we, as the program group, , I should give everyone a satisfactory answer. Now, please watch the big screen.

With that, the host turned around and raised his arm.

After the towering red cloth bonus next to the runner-up. An amazing cylinder suddenly rose up.

And then directly to the top of the big screen.

With the appearance of this cylinder, the height of the top ten players just now seemed to be considerable, directly becoming extremely small.

The number of 25 million votes floating on the championship cylinder brightened everyone’s eyes.

“As you can see, this is the result of the boss. As I said before, a total of 35 million people were eligible to vote in this competition. You can count them down now. The votes of the next nine contestants add up. Only 10 million, and 25 million left, are all unique to the boss.

Everyone told me that in the face of this gap, we have any reason to ignore the existence of the boss because he did not show up.

Even if we ignore it, can these 25 million people be ignored?”

“No! If the boss is not the first, this game is meaningless!”

“Yes, strictly speaking, the boss is already beyond the game!”

“The boss is the strongest!”

There were loud shouts like waves from the audience.

Those who did not know the truth looked reluctant.

What is this boss, this power is too awesome, right?

Before they could react, the host had already spoken again.

“In addition to this difference in the number of votes, there is one more thing that I have to say, that is, everyone may be curious why the final prize of the game will change from 10 billion to 500 billion.

I can tell you now that it is because of the existence of the boss. Just like the lucky audience who guessed 500 billion just now, a bonus of 10 billion is not worthy of the boss’s appearance. Therefore, the investment talents with the strongest favorites are thrown away. After the price of 500 billion yuan, the boss of the begging to participate!”


“real or fake?”

“For the sake of a player, raise the game bonus, which is already sky-high, to the level of shocking the world? How amazing is this dog?”

The host paused before continuing.

…0 Seeking flowers…

“In order to show sincerity, the World Finals will be broadcast live all over the world at that time.

The location for the competition will be set up on an island in the world’s public waters.

At that time, unmanned aerial photography will be used for live broadcast.

No one will come or go within 10 kilometers of the competition venue.

If someone violates the rules, once discovered, the game is invalidated, and the bonus will be automatically credited to the account of the contestant

The bonus will also be sent to the intermediary department of Reith Bank in advance, and will be automatically credited after the game.

It can be said that this final final is so dazzling precisely because of the presence of the boss.

So, tell me, should we keep this champion for the boss?”

The more you speak, the stronger the pride on the host’s face.

Because of the existence of the boss, it is really above the game.

This is also the first time that there is a contestant who completely dominates the trend of the game, and it also makes those wealthy group investors have to compromise.

Although in the position of host, he will not know why the boss can do this level.

But this does not prevent him from feeling extremely proud.

The audience, whether they are fans or other masses, was completely silly.

Even the Huashen who gave to Ye Tian platform just now.

I also opened my mouth now,

Because of this news, the host just learned about it and then took the opportunity to announce it according to Lin Yaotian’s orders.

Therefore, it is completely natural for everyone to have such an expression.

Then, the host raised his finger to the big screen again.

“Maybe, I just said so much, everyone still doesn’t know why the boss can have such popularity, then, please take a look at this moment of the champion that was missed at the time of the selection.”

With that said, pictures began to appear on the big screen.

Different from the short clips of the previous players, Ye Tian’s wonderful collection is 10 minutes long.

It was specially edited by the program team for his uncrowned king.

The first act.

Ye Tian appeared in the first game hall of the audition.

The historic moment of passing the audition and then shaking hands with Huashen. NS,

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