Chapter 265 Huashen Testimony

Then, under the arrangement of the staff, one person and one dog stood on the numbered podium with 10 written on it.

The next moment, a cylinder appeared on the big screen behind him.

On the cylinder, there is a number, 500,000.

“Congratulations to our No. 3 player, who became the tenth best favorite this time with 500,000 votes! Now you can open your red cloth and receive the bonus.

The host stood still and said loudly.

With a little disappointment on his face, the latter grabbed the red cloth behind him and pulled it back.

A stack of square bright red banknotes appeared in front of everyone.

Although everyone knows that the tenth place is 1 million, the three people also got 1 million just now, but the impact of cash is far more exciting than the transfer.

Contestant No. 10 also knew that he had stopped there, and his face changed with joy, and he directly hugged the neatly packed one-hundred-yuan bill in his arms, and then lifted it over his head.

“I’m jealous!

“It’s a loss to have such a good pet, these players are really lucky.”

“I have decided. After I go back today, I will also get a dog to raise. Maybe this competition will be held for the second time in the future.”

“It makes sense, I’ll make a rule when I go back!”

Among the sighs of the audience, the ninth place also came to his place.

There is a number of six hundred thousand, 467 floating on the cylinder on the screen behind him.

The red cloth was uncovered.

The height of the hundred-yuan bill is twice as high as before.

The winner can hold it above his head to express his excitement.

Then came eighth, seventh

As the players took the stage one by one, the column behind them also kept rising.

The height of the red cloth also slowly exceeded the top of the player’s head.

Starting from seventh place, I can’t show off at all, but the way the contestants take pictures with their arms around the pile of money is undoubtedly even more shocking.

As for the players behind, facing the pile of money behind them, they gradually seem insignificant.

The atmosphere at the scene was also excited by the gradual increase in bonuses.

Because in real life, you rarely see millions, or even tens of millions, really piled together, how spectacular it will be.

In order to respond to the call of investors to show great wealth, the program team also made great efforts in showing off their wealth and gaining eyeballs.

It can be said that even without the 500 billion gimmick, just the cash pile at this moment, the strongest favorite can completely become the most dazzling existence in many domestic programs.

“Next, please invite the thirty-fourth (cabj), our runner-up will come out, everyone applauds and encourages!”

Seeing the atmosphere gradually reached a climax.

The host’s voice became louder.

In the cheers of the audience.

Doggie No. 34 and his owner came to the high platform.

The red cloth behind him is already much taller than others.

The cylinder on the screen representing the number of votes he won was also a lot taller than the third-placed person.

But at this moment, the audience didn’t have the kind of cheers just now.

Many people frowned and swept their gazes around the stage.

“What’s the matter, it’s the last dog, why did you come to the runner-up? The champion? Who is it?”

“Yeah, this match is a bit too much, in my heart, the thirty-fourth is the stable champion, why is it only the runner-up now?”

“Obviously, the champion is none other than the boss. What’s so surprising about this.”

“What kind of boss, I have never heard of it. Even if there is such a dog called the boss, it is now in the finals. He hasn’t come yet. Why should he win the championship?”

“It’s as if today is compared to the actual project. Isn’t it all about watching the video selection? The boss’s strength lies there. There is no need to appear, and the champion is stable.”

“Cut, I didn’t see anything. Whatever you say, but the game is unfair and unfair. As a player, why can you win the championship without participating in the game? This is completely shady.”

“Yes, maybe this boss dog has something to do with the show crew, ten million, the show crew is too ugly, do you treat us audiences as blind?

For a while, many people on the scene started booing and making noise.

When the host saw that the situation was not right, he quickly picked up the microphone and came to the runner-up podium.

“Congratulations to our runner-up. I heard that many audience members think you should get the first place. What do you think?”

After speaking, the host handed the microphone to the runner-up.

The latter hesitated for a few seconds.

A wry smile appeared on the enlarged face on the big screen.

“I don’t have the ability to take this first place. I’m very satisfied to have a runner-up.

“Then do you know who the champion is today?”

“Do you need to guess? The name of the boss is destined. He is the real king. To be honest, even I am one of the fans of the boss! He wins the championship and deserves his name. I have absolutely no dissatisfaction.”

“Damn! What rhythm is this?”

“Is this runner-up also a request from the program group?”

“It feels like it should be. With so much money, it’s weird that the show crew can really give up.”

“You can’t say the same thing. You have watched the video of the runner-up dog before. People do have this strength, and I have studied the voting mechanism of the program group. There are really no loopholes, and there is no possibility of swiping votes.”

“It’s not a question of whether to swipe or not. The key is that the dog in the championship position has not come. Why is the championship?”

“Yeah, in such a grand game, is it too trivial to give the champion to a dog who doesn’t come to the game?”

Everyone is still dissatisfied with the words of the runner-up.

A hint of anxiety flashed in the host’s eyes.

He was hesitating how to ease the scene, and suddenly found that someone raised his hand in the position of the judges on the stage.

“Hua Shen? Excuse me, Hua Shen, do you have any questions?”

Huashen smiled and got up.

Picked up the microphone in front of him.

Then turned around.

The camera of the program group also gave the close-up to Huashen for the first time.

“Dear friends, and friends in front of the TV, hello!,

“Hello Huashen!

“Hua Shen, I love you for ten thousand years!”

“Hua Shen is so handsome. After waiting for the whole show, I finally waited for you to speak. So happy.”

With a word from Huashen, the scene was directly ignited.

Everyone cheered. It seemed that the dissatisfaction just disappeared in an instant.

“I know that everyone has doubts about the final result of this time. And I, as the judge of this competition, also have the responsibility to face everyone’s doubts.

However, what I want to say is that from my personal point of view, I have basically followed this game from the beginning to the end. I am here today, and I can assure you that there is absolutely no fraud in the selection of the program group. .

The number one who didn’t show up today is definitely well deserved!”.

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