Chapter 257 Prepare a set of courtyards for Xiaomeng to go to college

10 billion!

In the auction hall.

With the emergence of a low-pitched male voice.

The audience quieted down instantly.

Situ Xue was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at Ye Tian in surprise.

Ahead, the smile on Shao Liu’s face stopped abruptly.

Then, he showed ecstasy: “Auctionist, did you hear that, she just said 10 billion! This is definitely a malicious bid! I request to cancel her bidding qualification! Re-auction!”

The auctioneer also swallowed.

To be an auctioneer for this kind of auction, his level of experience is definitely high enough.

He hasn’t seen anything less that he has been an auctioneer for decades and yelled out sky-high prices.

However, that is limited to a few million and tens of millions of things. This kind of billions is directly called 10 billion, let alone hear, I have never heard of it.

Because of the “four six three” before the opening, he had an estimate of the price of these items given by an expert. The true value of this plantation is only around 50.

After hesitating for a long time, he said: “Prison No. 88, did you just say 10 billion? Or did we hear it wrong?”

“That’s what she said, we all heard it!”

Liu Shao quickly answered the conversation.

Situ Xue’s gaze also turned back from Ye Tian with everyone’s gaze.

“Uh, I said it!”

Since Ye Tian did not respond, Situ Xue would naturally not correct it. Nodded helplessly.

“Look, did you hear that, she was the one who maliciously bid for the price!”

Liu Shao’s face showed a dark smile.

The auctioneer’s face also sank slightly.

“VIP No. 88, are you sure you are not joking? Our type of auction will absolutely eliminate malicious bidding.”

“Isn’t it 10 billion? I yelled as soon as I yelled. Why are all fussing all the time? Isn’t this the highest-level auction? Or am I going to the wrong place?”

Situxue frowned and looked blankly at the people with a smirk in front of her, not feeling angry.

“Isn’t it 10 billion? I have seen Xia Guo’s wealthy women with a net worth of over 10 billion, but I have never seen you!

And the area where you sit is a private area, which means that you are not representing a certain group or enterprise. Tell me, why do you spend 10 billion!”

Liu Shao sneered and spoke calmly.

The auctioneer couldn’t help but nodded. Although this number 60 is also suspected of threatening others, he is also responsible for the problem.


On the seat.

Situ Xue was a little disappointed on her face and let out a spouting sound.

“I thought that the people present today were all wealthy merchants. Unexpectedly, the mere 10 billion was astonished like this. Forget it, I didn’t bother to explain, that number 60, 10 billion, you still don’t shout, no It’s troublesome to raise the price for someone, take the card to check out, ok!”

Although it was very exciting to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, Situ Xue was also somewhat distracted by the eyes of those people.

He patted Ye Tian’s card on the table and said.

Such action naturally attracted everyone’s attention.


“I am not wrong, right?”

“It should be correct. The King of Kyoto has a card like this. I have seen it with my own eyes.

“What is the origin of this woman, there is a black card!”

For a while, everyone’s complexion gradually changed.

Liu Shao also saw the color of the card.

His eyes were full of horror.

Stubbornly, he did not dare to stand in line with Situ Xue anymore.

Sit back to the position with the squat, silent as a chilling cicada.

The auctioneer’s eyes were even more vicious, and his face was completely changed from the moment he saw the black.

Facing Situ Xue’s words, he smirked.

“VIP No. 88 is joking. The auction hasn’t ended yet. How could it be possible that you will be asked to give you money, 10 billion once, and is there a higher price?”

Finished with a smile.

The auctioneer raised the hammer in his hand.

Moreover, he looked specifically at Liu Shao’s position.

How can the latter dare to answer at this time?

Even if he has the strength to continue to bid, it is impossible to bid.

Those who can mix in this circle would not know the truth that a mountain is higher than a mountain.

What the black card represents is not money, but a real identity. Even in the world, it can be called a top-level identity.

Just the tens of billions of credit limit does not mean that you can get it with 10 billion. If you can own this card, you can’t get away with a net worth at least ten times the card’s credit limit!

Before, he dared to target Situ Xue, completely because she was a raw face, and she was still a woman…0

Seeing Liu Shao burying his head low like a quail, the auctioneer also picked the corner of his mouth, no longer wasting time.

After shouting three times, the hammer dropped.

“Congratulations to VIP No.88 for taking the Sanya Plantation. The auction continues. This time the auction is for a courtyard house in Qianhai, Kyoto, with a starting price of 500 million.

“Siheyuan in Qianhai, Kyoto? Why is this price so high? Besides, this yard doesn’t look very good. Who would buy it if it is dilapidated and old?”

Situ Xue was about to ask why Ye Tian just went up to 4 billion to buy a plantation just like a fool. She didn’t say anything yet and was attracted by the pictures in front.

Smacking and sighing.

Ye Tian looked at the picture broadcast before.

But it shines again.

Directly handed the sign to Situ Xue: “Bid!”

Situ Xue was taken aback: “Boss, why did you buy this broken house?”

Ye Tian gave her a white glance.

But it’s not easy to explain.Can you tell him that after more than ten years, the price of this kind of courtyard can reach at least several billion, even if you have money, you can’t buy it?

At the next moment, Ye Tian had already turned his gaze to Dai Xiaomeng: “Xiaomeng is going to Kyoto to go to university at the beginning of school, so he buys a place to live in advance, and the scenery near Qianhai is good.

“Oh I see!”

Ye Tian moved Dai Xiaomeng out, and Situ Xue suddenly lost his doubts.

Buying a 1.9 dormitory for my sisters to study well, there is nothing to worry about. Quiet is the most important thing.

No longer hesitate.

Situ Xue raised the sign.

In an instant, the court became quiet again.

The 10 million and 10 million people who were bidding fiercely just now were shocked and stopped talking.

Situ Xue was taken aback for a moment.

I looked at everyone with some doubts, and then I saw the auctioneer with a wry smile.

“No. 88 VIP bid 600 million, is there any higher?”

The voice fell for a long time, and no one raised his hand again.

The few people bidding just now also cast a kind smile at Situ Xue.

Then, the hammer of the auctioneer on the stage fell again.

“Congratulations to VIP 88 for photographing the courtyard.

Situ Xue raised her eyebrows, unconsciously, looked at Ye Tian again. .

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